The cool wind is blowing, the mist is heavy...

The emperor felt a burst of cold air on the back of his neck!

With a sudden wave of his hand, he slapped Xiao Hong and fanned her flying, spilling her soul blood!

"Little Red..."

Su Chen moved across the void abruptly, and hugged Xiao Hong in his arms, his face was full of anger!

"Just now you said you were enlightened, why did you immediately give up?"

"Can't you keep crying?"

"Cry until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, cry until the end of time, cry until the big brother punches the emperor's chest?"

Su Chen was speechless, and his face was full of hatred!

Xiaohong's face was full of tears, and she opened her mouth to spit out soul blood, but she didn't make the slightest sound.

The emperor's face twitched slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart, "Is the tears of this flood dragon a rare medicine?"

With a wave of his hand, he caught Soul Tears in his hands. The tears were very ordinary, except for the strong soul power, there was nothing special about them.

Looking at Su Chen again, the barrier that sealed his cultivation did not loosen at all, the blood-colored ruler on the Tianling Gai clanked and a layer of mist fell down.

At this moment, the chaotic mist in the sky became thinner, and a hazy void appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes. The familiar smell was tangy, and everything in the past seemed like it just happened yesterday!

"Blood Spirit Secret Realm!"

Su Chen revealed an excited look, and gently comforted Xiao Hong, his eyes were burning with fire.

"My lord, in fact, I have already died once. When I come to my homeland again, please allow me to worship the tomb of my previous life."

Su Chen chuckled, always feeling that the body that was buried that day seemed to be calling faintly.

"Don't try to play tricks!"

"Step on the bridge of time and space, step into the ruins..."

The emperor showed a smile, he was bound to win that streamer.

"Haha, Emperor, you're here very quickly!"

A loud laugh sounded, the void shattered without warning, and the sword qi was like frost, slashing straight at the emperor's face!

"Hmph, a member of the Celestial Clan?"

"My family has spent thousands of years building a space-time bridge, and your family wants to share a piece of the pie before sending out a single soldier?"

The emperor lightly brushed across the void with the eagle claws in his hand, and the sword energy that rushed to his face entered the unknown void and disappeared invisible!

"They all peep at Liu Guangyan, how can our clan lag behind others?"

There was another sneer, and a big man with an unshaven beard came in the dark mist, the big knife on his shoulder clanked, and a thick monster aura fell down!

"People from the demon clan?"

"If you want to share a piece of the pie, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

The emperor carried Su Chen and disappeared into the sky.

"Do you want to clean up the portal for Tianxingdao?"

An old man with immortal demeanor floated out stepping on a fairy sword, looking at the big man, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Wu Dao, I haven't seen you for a thousand years, and you have stepped into the realm of a half-emperor!"

"Black donkey, be careful, your donkey's kidneys are very nourishing, don't be dug up by the emperor!"

"Hmph, no one who can dig out my waist has yet to be born!" The donkey demon snorted coldly.

"The emperor seems to have caught a dragon in his hand, why don't you go and save him?"

Immortal Wudao chuckled, shook his head, turned into a streamer and chased after the emperor's footsteps!

"The King Flowing Flame King must get it!"

The donkey demon let out a deep roar, carried a big knife, and walked away with great arrogance!

At this time, the Blood Demon City was lifeless and uninhabited, and the ground was full of corpses piled up messily.

Looking around, it was devastated and horrible.

This is Xue Qiye's masterpiece back then, massacring a city of people and building a space-time bridge.

The tall Blood Demon Tower stood tall, and the blood-colored mist was transpiring, revealing ancient mighty power, lingering in the mist, like the tentacles of an octopus.

"This is the treasure of our clan, and people from the fairy and demon clan also want to step in?"

"If they don't shed a layer of skin, they will never want to cross the bridge of time and space and enter the ruins!"

The emperor laughed.

The handprints are shaking, the blood mist is floating, the golden light is shining, and the mist is a thousand.

A portal of time and space suddenly appeared on the tall Gorefiend Tower, and a disgusting stench floated, making Su Chen retch for a moment.

"go in!"

"You claim to be an aborigine of that ruin, and the emperor will borrow your blood to open that cemetery of gods and demons, so that Liu Guangyan can see the light of day again!"

The emperor was not angry and arrogant, and carried Su Chen into the Gorefiend Tower in a flash!

"Grandma, it's up to you from now on."

The inexplicable sentence made the emperor's face twitch wildly.

"The person behind you is finally coming out?"

The emperor sneered, and clenched his fists tightly, "As long as you are not a cultivator in the imperial realm, this emperor can retreat completely!"

The moment the void gate closed, two figures came frantically!

"The Emperor entered inside!"

"Nonsense, are you blind?"

The black donkey old demon was upset for a while, his sword was clanging, and he raised his hand to face the tall Blood Demon Tower with a sword.

The light of the knife was faint and the mist was heavy, like a sharp knife light hitting the Gorefiend Tower heavily!

There was a crisp clang, and the light of the sword shattered. The black donkey old demon only felt his arms go numb, and his whole body was surging with energy and blood.

"let me!"

Immortal Wudao formed a treasure seal with his hands, and the treasure is solemn!


A loud shout shakes the sky, and the sword blares and shoots into the sky!

Following the Wudao Immortal waving his hand, a gloomy sword light shot out, and hit the Blood Demon Tower with a clang!

Huang Zhong's voice sounded like a big Lu, as if a big bell was ringing in the air, and the sound waves curled up continuously...

"What kind of treasure is this?"

"I can't even break it with the power of the Half Emperor Realm?"

"Where will the space-time bridge be built?"

The Wudao Immortal was speechless for a while, he could break the sky and the ground with a swing of his sword, but at this time he couldn't do anything to a blood-red magic tower!

"Damn blood demons!"

The black donkey old demon roared for a while, stretched out his ears suddenly, and heard the whistling sound of a sinister wind.

The body is vigorous, and it turns into a streamer and goes away.

At this time, a golden path in the Gorefiend Tower spans the sky, looking from a distance, it looks like a golden chain, with a glow of light, connecting to the far shore.

"This is the complete space-time bridge?"

Su Chen sighed a little.

At the beginning, the path was very narrow and the golden light was hazy, but now, the golden light is overwhelming.

"Dark Moon!"


"Are you still there?"

Su Chen shouted, his heart full of longing and anticipation.

"Dark Moon?"

"I seem to have heard his name before."

"Su Chen, people say that you lost face to grandma's house, why do you go home and seek revenge from grandma?"

"You are really different!"

The emperor chuckled, and carried Su Chen onto the golden path.

In an instant, Su Chen felt the void distorted, and the surrounding space was layered upon layer, with no sense of direction!

In a daze, Su Chen saw the land of the Desolate Demon Clan on the edge of Tianyu Continent!

On the tall altar, the demonic energy curled up, and the black mist was billowing!

A group of demon soldiers are training intensively!


Su Chen exclaimed for a while, as if everything was just a dream, but now that he woke up from the dream, everything is still so real!

"Haha, the emperor is here!"

A loud shout shook the sky!

"My lord is here!"

The demon soldiers who are training shout!

"Raise soldiers for a day, use them for a while, come on, donate your blood, and let the emperor regain his peak state!"

The emperor yelled loudly, the blood demon was full of magic power, and the bodies of the demon soldiers suddenly exploded!

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