I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 24 Soul Imprint King Of The Void

At this time, Qing Yunfei had ten thousand alpacas galloping past in his heart!

The depression in his heart!

I thought it was a surefire solution, and I was the biggest winner!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he himself became a grasshopper after autumn!

"damn it!"

Qing Yunfei was furious in his heart!

He is the young master of Qingyun Sect. He is usually arrogant. When has he been so humiliated?

"You seem to be dissatisfied!"

"Come on, come and bite me!"

Boss Mo laughed loudly, strode past, and stepped heavily on Qing Yunfei's chest!

At this moment, Qing Yunfei felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed!

"Dare to set fire in the black pine forest?"

"Do you know how much damage this fire has caused us?"

"Say, where is the fairy sword?"

The demon boss is hysterical, full of demonic energy, and has a hideous face, which is very terrifying!


Qing Yunfei vomited blood, and the blood spattered Boss Mo's face!

"go to hell!"

With a loud shout, the magic knife in Mo Boss's hand slashed hard, and he was about to chop off Qing Yunfei's head with one blow!


The loud noise shook the sky, the boss's arm was sore from the shock, and the magic knife was thrown away. Coincidentally, he cut off the head of the second devil with one knife!

Before Mo Boss recovered his senses, a bronze palm tightly grabbed his neck!

"The remnants of the demon race!"

"Who gave you the guts? Dare to touch Fei'er? Die, die!"

Roaring continuously, the arm exerted force, and with a click, the boss Mo's neck was pinched, and the condensed soul did not escape, and was slapped into mud by the slap of the visitor!


Qing Yunfei was overjoyed, he shouted a word, and he fainted!


The animal trainer shouted, the hanging heart in his heart finally let go!

The person here is the suzerain of Qing Yunzong's Immortal Venerable Realm!

But it's not his body, but a spirit imprint he left in Qing Yunfei's body. When in danger, he can make a move to save Qing Yunfei's life!

"Incompetent bungler!"

"Turn up your things, go back to Qing Yunzong and face the wall and think about it!"

The suzerain's seal drink lightly, seems to be very dissatisfied and disappointed with Qing Yunfei!

"Yes Yes……"

The animal trainer smiled bitterly, and then hurried away with Qing Yunfei and the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle in a hurry!

The suzerain's body trembled, as if he had exhausted his spiritual power and his cultivation, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared lightly!

Mo Lao San, who was running away at high speed, was almost scared to pee!

Even if you give him 100 guts, he won't dare to face the Immortal Venerable!

Above the Void King Realm is the Saint King Realm, and above that is the Immortal King Realm!

Cultivators of the Immortal King Realm will only be recognized by the order of heaven and earth and step into the realm of Immortal Kings after they have survived the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation!

Immortal Venerable can destroy a world with just a gesture of his hand!

As for the realm above the Immortal Venerable, the Immortal Emperor, that is a legendary existence, and no one has set foot there for ten thousand years!

In a sense, the Immortal Venerable is the heaven on the Tianyu Continent!

The breeze whistled in my ears, Mo Laosan was galloping lifelessly, I just beg the immortals not to chase after me!


Mo Lao San felt empty under his feet, and then his whole body seemed to leap into the air!

In the ears, the wind howled, and he was almost scared out of his wits!

"Do not……"

"Do not kill me……"

Mo Lao San is hysterical!


With a crisp sound, Mo Laosan fell to the ground heavily, and a dog gnawed shit!


When Mo Lao San opened his eyes and saw a group of strange faces in front of him, his heart skipped a beat!

"Where is this?"

He scratched his head in doubt, with a naive smile on his face.

Su Chen and the others were also at a loss. They took the ground milk and were practicing. The man in black in front of them fell from the sky. He looked funny and embarrassed, and seemed to be frightened!

"who are you?"

Leng Cangyue chuckled, ready for a big battle!

"here is……"

Mo Lao San obviously hasn't come out of the shock yet, he looks around, a little shocked!

"People from the Demon Race?"

"You interrupted our Qingxiu for no reason, tell me, how do you make up for it?"

Su Chen chuckled, as long as Mo Lao San moves recklessly, Su Chen doesn't mind going into battle with swords and piercing Mo Lao San into meat skewers!

"It wasn't intentional, it wasn't intentional!"

Even though he found that the person in front of him was not a threat, Mo Lao San did not dare to act rashly. Who knows if the immortal has left?

"Then how to compensate?"

Su Chen smiled even wider!

"I don't have anything of value on me. Five elixir from the demon clan is not a tribute, not a tribute!"

Saying that, Mo Lao San actually took out five sixth-grade elixir!

"That, that's okay, I'm leaving!"

"Go, go, don't send me off!"

After the words fell, Mo Lao San jumped up, grabbed the edge of the pit with both hands, looked and looked, and finally left in despair after confirming that it was safe!

"Brother Su Chen, what's the matter with him?"

"He is a Void King Realm master, is he still afraid of us?"

Su Yan'er was a little puzzled.

"He should have been stimulated. Could it be that something happened outside?"

Su Xuan pointed to the sky above his head and said.

"It can make Void King Realm cultivators so panicked, is there a herd of spirit beasts outside?"

Murong Xue frowned.

"Go out and have a look!"

Su Chen became interested, the earth spirit was so energetic, he could even clearly feel the direction of the earth's energy!

Within a radius of thirty miles, there was no sense of vibration caused by the running spirit beast.

The next moment, Su Chen also imitated Mo Lao San's movements, looked and looked at the edge of the big pit, and then jumped to the ground!

"Come out, it's okay!"

"Are we sharing weal and woe for the rest of our lives?"

Leng Cangyue laughed loudly, and her anger instantly became active!

"There are people over there!"

Murong Xue pointed at Yuan Kong with sharp eyes, feeling a burst of surprise!

Sure enough, following Murong Xue's pointing, Su Chen also saw two figures, limping, quite embarrassed!

The four fields are vast, shrouded in black smoke, hazy, and the fragrance of the fire after the fire is left in the air!

"Siye looks the same, where do we go from here?"

At this time, Leng Cangyue realized that they were lost!

A fire burned everything into fly ash, and the sky was gray, without sunlight and stars, and there was no way to tell the direction!

"Brother Su Chen, let's catch up with those two people and ask."

Su Xuandao.

"Okay, catch up and ask!"

The next moment, everyone cheered up and chased after him!

"Guardian, where are we going?"

"My cultivation base has been abolished, and now a person is abolished!"

"Take you to a safe place, and I will die!"

Ye Wushuang played the emotional card!

"When you leave this place, you can go to the auction house. I will ask the alchemist of Wuling Academy to give you a sixth-grade elixir, which will restore your dantian and greatly increase your cultivation!"

Xie Hufa smiled wryly, this time escorting the rookie to participate in the list of immortals, it was a bad start, the rookie would never say death, and he was seriously injured!

Xie Hufa felt aggrieved!

"Ye Wushuang, it's you..."

Suddenly, a scream pierced the dull void, and a beautiful figure fluttered down in front of the two of Ye Wushuang. The silver light shot out, and the long sword touched Ye Wushuang's neck in an instant!

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