I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 251 We Are Pirates, We Want To Rob!


The crisp sound shook the sky, Xiaohong not only felt the numbness of her claws, but also caught a glimpse of a string of brilliant sparks out of the corner of her eye!

"Damn it, what kind of egg are you?"

"He has a copper head and an iron bone, are you an iron egg?"

Xiaohong rolled her eyes speechlessly, and accepted it directly.

"Eat this fairy's kick!"

The goat was angry, he felt that Xiaohong didn't talk about martial arts too much, can he fight in that place?

The hoof danced wildly, and stomped down on Xiaohong's back fiercely!

This step has the momentum of "Nine Steps of Heavenly Immortals"!

The void rippled, layer upon layer.

"I wipe..."

"If Lord Jiao doesn't show his power, you, a sheep, still want to turn the world upside down?"

"The magical power of rebooting, blast me!"

Xiao Hong also lost her temper, and seized the opportunity, regardless of whether it was the goat's belly or butt, and smashed it wildly.

The brick with the prestige of a semi-holy weapon broke through the goat's defense abruptly, and its belly turned purple when it was slapped, howling loudly.


With a shake of the void, Xiaohong disappeared, and the goat's fierce attack fell into the air. The dark red ground trembled like a boa constrictor turned over, the dirt flew up, and the sky was darkened by dust.


"Su Chen, let the rogue come out!"

"I have to cure this rascal for him!"

The goat was so angry that it fought back and forth, but Xiaohong had no moves, and always the monkey stole peaches, which completely embarrassed the spirit beast clan.

"Okay, almost done."

"Let's go, let's cross the Chaos Sea!"

"Do you remember the location of that island?"

Su Chen became very interested in the island in the depths of chaos.

"I don't remember, ten thousand years have passed, even if I remember, the stars will change, and the sea will change forever."

The goat sighed, recalling the glorious past, everything was silent.


Xiaohong flew out.

"Su Chen, you..."

"Don't talk! Let's cross the Chaos Sea next, Xiaohong, Goat, both of you should be quiet."

"Each has its strengths and each has its weaknesses. If you compare your strengths with others' weaknesses, it's not a big deal."

Su Chen interrupted Xiaohong's words, and sighed softly.

"Hmph, Lord Jiao..."

"Okay, if you don't think about making progress, you will always be locked in the fantasy space and think about it." Su Chen was convinced, he wanted to change Xiaohong and build Xiaohong well.

After a long time, a khaki ribbon spanned the sky!

The sky is full of mist, and the river is full of chaos.

"The Chaos Sea divides our three clans, and the Celestials are in the deepest part of the Chaos Sea!"

The goat looked up at the ribbon hanging across the void, with desolation in his eyes.


With a big wave of his hand, Su Chen led the two beasts into the thick mist.

"Su Chen, no matter what you encounter, accept it all!"

"Things left in the chaos, there is no ordinary product!"

the goat reminded.

"it is good!"

Su Chen silently kept the words in his heart.

The world is vast, with no direction and no goal.

"Hey, dare to ask where the road is..."

"The road is under your feet!"

Su Chen sighed, with longing and anticipation surging in his heart.

"Cang Yue, wait for me!"

"Su Chen, it's been a long time, everything is no longer what it used to be, and I am at a loss, I can't find my way back!"

The goat also sighed, filled with sorrow.

"Looks like it's time to find a guide."

Su Chen smiled wryly, now only the Lord of the Scarlet Fire City is still alive, although he is physically disabled, it should be okay to lead a way.

Think and do it!

The Red Fire City Lord was photographed.

"Su Chen, please give me a good time!"

The Scarlet Fire City Lord wailed in pain.

Both legs were cut off mercilessly by Jiuhunyi, and now the pain was so painful that he couldn't bear it anymore. "wanna die?"

"You don't want to see the appearance of your hometown again before you die? Breathe the air of your hometown?"

"Are you willing to change the owner of Scarlet Fire City?"

Su Chen waved his hand lightly, and handed 10 elixir pills to the Red Fire City Lord.

"Su Chen is useless, Jiuhunyi's special method, his soul has been crippled, and immortal pills are useless, only the seven rare treasures of heaven and earth are useful to it."

"Give him a drop of Chaos Spiritual Yang Liquid, it can relieve his pain, and even have a certain chance to make his pain disappear."

The goat sighed, it was very dissatisfied with Jiuhunyi, not only because of his spells.

Back then, if Jiuhunyi had interceded, maybe he and his master would not have died forever.


Su Chen was a little bit reluctant, the Chaos Spirit Yang Liquid had the effect of resisting the aura of desolation, in the future when he stepped into the Celestial Clan, he and Xiaohong would have soul soil to use, what about the others?

Su Chen does not want any tragedy to happen, so he must prepare in advance.

"Seven rare treasures of heaven and earth, the most mysterious one is the yin and yang, goat, don't be an official, give him a breath of yin to seal his pain..."

Su Chen smiled wryly.

"You really are an iron cock!"

"This immortal will not be stingy!"

The goat was contemptuous for a while, and finally spit out two streams of air, one black and one white, and condensed a pattern of Tai Chi diagram, which hid into the abdomen of the Lord of Scarlet Fire!

"Thank you!"

The Scarlet Fire City Lord finally showed a hint of relief.

"Lead the way!"

"Target Celestial Clan!"

Su Chen's eyes were full of longing.

"The Celestial Clan?"

"That's a forbidden area, don't go there!"

The Chihuo City Lord smiled honestly, his eyes full of panic and panic.

"What happened to the Celestial Clan?"

The goat trembled in his heart, showing a trace of worry.

Thousands of years have passed, and everything has become unknown.

"A barren atmosphere enveloped the wilderness, becoming a forbidden zone for life!"

"Before, people from my Blood Demon Clan went to inquire and found that the Celestial Clan was sealed, and the desolate atmosphere enveloped the wilderness. It was suspected to be caused by a holy object."

The Red Fire City Lord smiled wryly.

"Lead the way!"

Su Chen revealed a serious expression.

Leng Cangyue has gone to the Celestial Immortal Clan at this moment, there are many dangers, everything is unknown, even with the Nine Soul One following, who knows if the identity of the Nine Soul One is still useful after ten thousand years have passed?

"Uh, why don't we go to the Blood Demon Clan first? I have a treasure land in Scarlet Fire City in the Southern Region, and I guess it can produce 10 drops of Chaos Spiritual Yang Liquid at this moment!"

The city lord smiled wryly in his heart, but his face was full of longing.

"Look, it's another big ship!"

Suddenly, Xiaohong pointed to the distance and shouted.

"We can be pirates again!"

Xiaohong was excited.

"It's an orc's ship!"

"Obviously, they are going to cross the Chaos Sea, go to the Fairy Secret Realm, step on the bridge of time and space, and enter the ruins."


"Su Chen, why are we back? According to legend, there are streamers or piercing flames in that ruins!"

The Lord of Scarlet Fire showed a trace of regret.

"Orc ship?"

"Haha, Lord Jiao, I am the leader of the beast clan!"

Xiaohong was very excited, her eyes were full of longing.

"Xiaohong, maybe you will meet a little mother dragon!"

Su Chen laughed out loud.

The two people and the two beasts floated across the void and came to the front of the big ship!

"A member of the Blood Demon Race?"

At the bow, a dark and strong man showed doubts.

"Listen, people on board, we're pirates!"

"Now, you are surrounded, and this ship has been requisitioned by us."

Xiaohong was careless, shaking the brick in her hand.


The big man was angry, and he roared, and the roar of the lion shook the sky!

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