I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 254 The Demon King Of The Half-Emperor Realm Is Coming!

"Those yellow lion spirits gained weight so quickly?"

The goat narrowed his eyes and looked at the five demons, recalling the scene of that year in his heart, still terrified.

"Damn it, don't you understand this?"

"Lonely and ignorant!"

"Why don't I castrate you, Master Jiao, because castration is good for gaining weight!"

Xiaohong shook the big golden ring knife in her hand, eager to try it, especially the dripping lump on the goat's hind legs, which really moved Xiaohong's heart.


"Believe it or not, this fairy killed you?"

The goat has taken it, what kind of dragon is this, what can I think about all day long.

"Do it, they are leaving the Chaos Sea!"

Su Chen squinted his eyes with a strong killing intent.

In an instant, the void twisted, and black and white qi swirled around. Huang Shijing felt dizzy before his eyes, and was immediately sucked into Su Chen's face abruptly.

"You...you are not dead?"

"Su Chen...I..."

Huang Shijing's face was full of shock, and his back felt cold.

The face of the Scarlet Fire City Lord turned black, almost frightened to death.

"We usually eat pigs and cows. I don't know how the lion tastes?" Su Chen smiled coldly and looked at the goat.

"On the prairie, you will always eat grass, and you will always be the prey of the lions!"

"Goat, would you be interested in a counter-hunt? Get a taste of a predator?"

Su Chen smiled, with a hint of longing in his heart.

"Dogs eat grass, donkeys grow horns, mice catch tabby cats!"

"Su Chen, are you trying to laugh at the rhythm of Master Jiao? Sheep eat lions?"

"Hey, are you looking forward to it? Is it a fantasy? Why don't you let Lord Jiao be a ration for the lion after he bursts the bird."

Xiaohong laughed so hard that she shed tears.

"Su Chen, my goats have been eating grass from beginning to end, you let me eat meat?" The goat was displeased, with black and white eyes, and a fierce attack was brewing.

"All species evolve and grow!"

"Without challenges and attempts, what is the point of living? Everything is difficult at the beginning, goat, take that step, and you will find that the world is so wonderful!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and the five yellow lion spirits were ruthlessly taken into the fantasy world.

"Citadel Chihuo, I keep you because you are useful. And if you touch my bottom line again and again, then let it be wiped out, turn into the purest source of power, and make a little contribution to this sky."

Su Chen sighed and pronounced the death sentence on the Lord of Scarlet Fire.

"If you want to kill me, the old man will have to let you take off a layer of skin!"

The Red Fire City Lord went crazy, and his blood suddenly burned crazily. He wanted to set himself on fire to improve his cultivation and give Su Chen a fatal blow.

However, Chi Huo only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the next moment, the boiling blood all over his body was completely cooled down like ice water.

A vine took root in the void, pierced his chest, and sucked his blood mercilessly.

A green lotus swayed, moving its body. Entangling, frantically devouring his own soul power.

"Do not……"

"Su Chen... Even if I'm a ghost, I won't forget you..."

Hysterical, the voice of resentment echoed in the dream time and space, and the bluffing yellow lion was terrified and dripping with cold sweat.

After a long time, a drop of crystal clear liquid dropped from the lotus leaf, and the strong anger moved everyone.

"This is water without roots, the original strength and essence of life!"

"Huang Da, do you want to follow in his footsteps and turn into rootless water, or do you want the goat to eat?"

Su Chen's words made the goat very upset. It wanted to get mad, but held back.


Huang Da was speechless, no matter which one he chose, he would die, but he didn't want to die.

"If you don't choose, then I will give you a way out and take us to the Celestial Clan!"

Su Chen smiled wryly, the vast chaotic sea was boundless, Su Chen had no direction and had to find someone to lead the way.

"Okay, I'll lead the way!"

Huang Da couldn't help nodding his head, as if he had received an amnesty.

"We lead the way too!"

The remaining four yellow lions showed longing and eagerness, for fear that they would fall.

"I am enough alone, you don't want to claim credit!"

Huang Da roared angrily, fearing that others would rob him of his job, that was his chance to live.


"If you refuse to accept it, don't blame me for not remembering the past!"

Huang roared angrily.

"If a dog bites a dog, what if a lion bites a lion?"

Xiaohong looked gloating.

"Okay, Huang Da, lead the way, you four also have missions!"

"Go there to open up wasteland, as long as you perform well, you will have a chance to see the sun again!"

Su Chen's words made Huang Shi's heart drop.

The mist was heavy, and a huge lion wagging its tail, leading Su Chen, Xiao Hong and the goat passed by without stopping.

"The river flows eastward..."

Xiaohong opened her voice again, singing with a tone-deaf sound!

Along the way, Su Chen collected no less than ten Chaos Stones, as well as a dry and lifeless branch.


"Can you give me a break? It's always hurting here!"

The yellow lion wagged its tail and lifted its hind hoof slightly, the blood on the heels of its legs was shocking.

"This knife is easier to use than bricks. Once you cut it down, you will never forget to castrate people! Hehe..."

Xiaohong smirked, and fell in love with the golden thread big ring knife again.

"Take a short rest, refresh yourself like a fairy!"

Su Chen sat cross-legged, the wild grass and trees were spinning, trying to absorb the essence of the dry branches.

There is no ordinary thing in the chaotic sea, Su Chen always feels that this branch has something extraordinary.

However, the reckless grass and trees never did any meritorious service, the branches were dry and lifeless, no matter how Su Chen tried, madly, he couldn't absorb a single sliver of it.

The yellow lion grinned wryly and grinned in pain.

After squinting at Su Chen and the others, the yellow lion suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a dark green bead.

The beads burst in the blink of an eye, the strong power of space spread, and the figure of the yellow lion disappeared into nothingness in an instant!

"It's the Void Orb!"

"The treasure that travels through the void, at this moment, it should have appeared a hundred miles away."

The goat smiled wryly, it was a step slower, and when it was imprisoning the void, the yellow lion had already left its range.

"I've heard of space scrolls, but this is the first time I've seen a void bead!"

Su Chen showed a hint of envy.

"Stepping out of the sea of ​​chaos, there should be orcs ahead, and I smell the breath of the prairie."

"It's been ten thousand years, and I don't know if the dragonfly grass in the depths of the prairie is still there?"

The goat sighed slightly, everything in the past seemed to have just happened yesterday, recalling the past and regretting the present.

"Since you're here, let's go to the beast clan to visit!"

Su Chen became interested.

"Let's go, little mother Jiao of the orc clan, Lord Jiao, I'm coming!"

Xiaohong is always so happy.

Three streamers of light flashed, like comets, forming a beautiful landscape in the chaotic mist.


Suddenly, a dull roar sounded in the sea of ​​chaos, and endless coercion rolled in.


Xiao Hong also shouted, and responded, the golden silk big ring knife clanked, and she did not give in.

"Hey, hello everyone here, the Demon King of the Half-Emperor Realm!"

The goat showed a dignified look. At this time, although it saw the light of day again, its original strength was damaged. It only had a 30% chance of winning against the demon king at its peak state.

"What, demon king?"

"What are you afraid of, let him remember Lord Jiao with a sharp knife!"

With a high fighting spirit, Xiao Hong rushed forward in a swish.

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