I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 55 Today, I Will Make It Perfect For You, A Couple Of Dogs

However, with the clear light transpiring, Su Chen walked through the broken hole with an auspicious swish, and stood in the void, looking down at the Lin family hall from a high position, with a weird smile on his lips!

It turned out that at the critical moment, Su Chen's spiritual power surged, and Fuyunshuo exuded a bright aura, carrying Su Chen into the void, avoiding the clever attack of the second elder!

After a long time, the dust dissipated, Lin Xiaotian was ashamed, with black smoke all over his body, he was very embarrassed!

Relying on his cultivation at the Saint King Realm, Lin Xiaotian escaped the power of the sixth-grade elixir.

Fortunately, it was only one elixir that exploded. If all 18 elixir burst together, Lin Xiaotian would have to receive a boxed lunch on the spot and meet Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

"Yiyue, is this your boyfriend?"

"If you haven't got married, you're going to bully me. If you get married, will you have to turn the Lin family upside down?"

Lin Xiaotian was so angry.

"Father, you forced him to do all of this. Why don't you find the reason yourself, and always feel that everyone else is wrong?"

The worries in Lin Yiyue's heart fell, and she accused with a displeased face.

"Where's Su Chen?"

Lin Yiyue was a little surprised, all around the world were the dead servants of the Lin family, but there was no sign of Su Chen!

"Patriarch, he has a flying magic weapon, he is in the sky!"

The second elder was very angry, and with a blow with all his strength, Su Chen escaped. He became more and more jealous of the flying magic weapon!

"Su Chen, take me away!"

"From then on, we wandered around Tianya and never asked about the Lin family again!"

Lin Yiyue shouted, she understood that if Su Chen turned around and left at this moment, she would still be a tool for the marriage between the Lin family and Tian Yizong, and would even be severely humiliated by the Lin family!

"Yiyue, have you made up your mind?"

"For me, you really don't want this home anymore?"

Su Chen stood in the void, his hair flying, and said loudly.

"They don't have me as a daughter anymore. In their eyes, I am just a tool for marriage and a bargaining chip for profit!"

"Su Chen, for you, I don't care about my family!"

Lin Yiyue is not an idiot, at this moment, just one word difference, Su Chen will leave, only by holding on to Su Chen firmly, will she have a chance to fight!

"Okay, Yiyue, I will not betray your great love!"

Su Chen sneered, he had a purpose to get close to Lin Yiyue, now that Lin Yiyue is having an affair with the young master of Tianyi Sect, then Su Chen will not let go of this opportunity!

Borrowing Lin Yiyue's hand, he slapped the young master of Tianyi Sect in the face fiercely. From then on, he stepped into Tianyi Sect righteously, rescued Leng Cangyue, and rescued the frozen Viper.

People live for profit!

this is the truth!

Lin Yiyue and Su Chen seem to be in love, but they just get what they want!

A stream of light flew, and Su Chen landed steadily in the center of the hall!

"Patriarch Lin, if you don't want what happened just now to happen again, let Yiyue go and let us go!"

"Otherwise, if the 17 elixir explode, you will have to shed a layer of skin if you don't die!"

Su Chen threatened, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth!

"Who dares to be presumptuous in the Lin family?"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, the trembling hall buzzed, and a cloud of dust fell!

A spirit beast that looks like a donkey is not a donkey, and a deer is not a deer is galloping. On its back, there is a young man who thinks he is heroic, holding a shining spear, and looks at the chaotic crowd with sharp eyes. !

"Little Lord……"

Patriarch Lin's complexion twisted for a while!

"Young Master of Tianyi Sect, you are here!"

The second elder was all smiles, and leaned towards the young master like a pug, even took out a piece of broken step, and wiped the dust off the young master's feet!

"what happened?"

"What's the proper way to fight and fight?"

The young master just smiled lightly, as if he was very satisfied with his prestige!

"Young master, it's him who came to snatch the marriage when he learned that Yiyue was back." The second elder looked at Su Chen with a sneer on his face!

"Boy, have you eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?"

"You dare to snatch my fiancée?"

Shocking with anger, full of murderous intent!

However, Su Chen didn't care about him at all, and all his attention was on the spirit beast that was born under his crotch!

"Familiar breath!"

"Is it also the Qilin beast transformed from the fragments?"

Su Chen was overjoyed.

At the beginning, in the magma lake under the cold pool, the token fragments turned into a fire Qilin.

But in front of him, the spirit beast born under his crotch looked like Qilin full of water, and the original aura moved Su Chen!

"Four tokens are gathered together, and this one is collected. I don't know how the token will react?"

Su Chen was overjoyed, that token is the key to unlock the fairyland, where is the treasure left by the fairy emperor!

"Boy, are you scared stupid?"

"Can't you hear the young master's words?"

The second elder scolded, flicked his fingers lightly, and the sword energy fluttered, which shocked Lin Yiyue!

"Su Chen, be careful!"

Lin Yiyue swooped and knocked Su Chen away, but the sword energy flew past her neck, a strand of hair fluttered, carrying a desolate smell.

"I wipe..."

Su Chen came back to his senses, his face was full of worry, just now, if Lin Yiyue was injured, Su Chen would feel guilty!

This scene made me angry!

"How can this be kidnapping?"

"It's clear that two people are in love with each other!"

"Boy, I want you to die, no, let your life be worse than death!"

The young master was naturally angry.

Especially when he thought that Lin Yiyue might have made himself green, the killing intent in his heart became stronger!


The spears trembled, and the silver light pierced the air!

"One shot pierces the clouds, and the body turns red!"

The young master looked gloomy, he wanted to take Su Chen down with extremely fast marksmanship!

This shot seems ordinary, but in fact the spear can't stop shaking. In this case, Su Chen, Su Chen's body will definitely be pierced with hundreds of holes in an instant!

"Do you alone have a spear?"

Su Chen drank softly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stepped forward with a single step, dancing with hands and feet, as if he was about to take out his spear to fight against Tian Wencai!

However, Su Chen didn't mean to be drunk, he used enough skills to "rescue the step and crack the ground" with one step!

The ferocious earth spirit power churned underground, and with the help of the earth's energy, it exploded at the feet of the spirit beast like a bomb!

At the same time, Su Chen flew over and pulled a Lin family disciple in front of him!


The silver light flickered, and the disciple's chest was riddled with holes in an instant. It was like a sieve, and he died unexpectedly!

On the other side, the spirit beast let out a long howl, its four hooves jumped wildly, and with a bang, Tian Shengcai was thrown off its back!


Born to be unstable, he fell a dog gnawing shit!

Everything was too sudden, so full of self-confidence that I was born so naturally, I never thought that Su Chen would do something like this!

"Young master, are you alright?"

"You are a master of the Void King Realm, why do you kill one hundred enemies and lose eight thousand yourself?"

"Look, you didn't even touch a corner of my husband's sleeve, yet you fell to the ground and gnawed on the dirt!"

"Did you do it on purpose? Deliberately being overwhelmed by my husband's majesty, and then left in despair with your tail between your legs?"

Lin Yiyue laughed out loud, full of sarcasm!


Lin Xiaotian's face darkened in an instant, and as soon as Lin Yiyue opened her mouth, he knew that the Lin family was over, ruined by his daughter!


"You bitch, today, this young master will make you a couple of dogs!"

Naturally angry...

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