I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 62 From Now On, There Will Be No Immortals In Tianyu Continent

For a while, the atmosphere became tense!

Above the desert, the surrounding fields are vast, only an oasis in the distance meets the sky, reflecting a piece of greenery!

"Damn it, that five-element enchantment is endlessly alive, and it's the forbidden place of my heavenly sect, where the ten thousand-year-old ice rock is located. The extremely cold air is gushing out. If you don't have a deep cultivation, it will become an ice sculpture in minutes!"

"The Viper has been sealed for thousands of years, why was it born at this juncture?"

The Sovereign of Heaven was very puzzled!

"you ask me?"

The head of the Zijin Gate shouted angrily, the big knife in his hand clanked, and the knife glowed three feet long!

"Go, the Viper must be sealed, otherwise our five sects will be wiped out!"

The Heavenly Sovereign sneered endlessly, he still had a hole card, and he was not afraid of the Viper making trouble in Tianyizong.

What we have to do now is to lead everyone to Tianyi sect. It's best to take down the Viper, if you can't take it down, then everyone can shed a layer of skin!

"Look, teleportation array!"

Suddenly, Sect Master Yun pointed to the center of the desert and shouted loudly.

The teleportation array appeared too abruptly, as if it appeared out of thin air in an instant!

"Yes, that's it!"

Sect Master Tian's face jumped wildly, it was the damn teleportation array that ruined its cultivation and made him so embarrassed!

Almost instantly, the four of them stretched out their bodies and flew away. Only the Heavenly Sovereign rode the Tianlin beast, walking leisurely and unhurriedly!

"Tianlin Beast, you are a spirit beast born from heaven and earth, do you feel that there is something wrong with the teleportation array?"

The Sovereign Lord asked.

The Tianlin Beast is transformed from a mass of heaven and earth aura, and has the keenest perception of the rare treasures and secret realms between heaven and earth!

"It is a gate of time and space, and there is a big secret in it, but it seems difficult to enter at this stage!"

The Tianlin Beast stared at the teleportation array, looked and looked, and said.

"That space seems to be sleeping, and it takes a lot of energy to wake it up!"

The words of the Tianlin beast are shocking!

"Sleeping space?" Sect Master Tian was stunned, "Space still has life?"

"Heavenly Sovereign, Momojiji, are you afraid?"

"If you're afraid, tell me how to activate the teleportation array, and I'll try his power!"

The master of Zijinmen was drinking coldly, his temper seemed to be very explosive!

"It's very simple, put enough spirit stones into the formation, open the teleportation formation, and the fairy pavilion will naturally manifest!"

Sect Master Tian sighed, his heart was twitching, he even longed to pass through the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion and regain his cultivation!

At this time, no one noticed that in the oasis, on a foot-high weed, Viper Xiaohui was lying quietly, staring at everyone with vicious eyes!

As long as the opportunity is right, it will rise up and let its venom spread all over their bodies!


Except for the Heavenly Sovereign, the remaining four immortals made their move together, and each invested 100 high-grade spirit stones!

In an instant, the teleportation array bloomed with brilliant light!

A gate of time and space emerged.

"Angels dance, celestial grasses compete for fragrance, ectoplasmic liquid, ground milk, oh my god, that's liquefied sky crystal essence!"

Sect Master Yun lost his composure, and through the gate of time and space, he saw a treasure that excited him!

Auspicious transpiration under the feet, stepping on the clouds, heading towards the gate of time and space!

The master of the Qingyun Sect has a gold-threaded ring sword in his left hand and a silver dragon-slaying sword in his right hand. He is full of breath and will not give in!

The head of the Hunyuan Sect, the head of the Zijin Gate, is also crazy!

"Go, once you return to before liberation, you will no longer have a temper and arrogance!"

"I am the biggest winner!"

Sect Master Tian sneered in his heart, and even rode the Tianlin beast back quickly. He knew that next, it was time for a good show!

Sure enough, the moment the four of them rushed into the gate of time and space, radiant auras transpired, and unparalleled mighty power bloomed!

The four immortals were imprisoned abruptly!

"Heavenly Sect Master, you dare to trick me!"

The master of Zijinmen shouted loudly, but couldn't get away, watching helplessly as his cultivation and strength were swallowed up!

"damn it……"

Sect Master Qing yelled angrily, the gold-threaded ring knife and the silver dragon-slaying sword clanged, but they didn't slash out a ray of light or sword energy. On a boulder in the Tianxian Pavilion!

Ten breaths of time, just ten breaths of time, the four immortals were sucked dry, and they became old men with vicissitudes of life!


Shrouded in divine light, the four old men seemed to have put on golden battle armor, turned into stone statues, and landed in the fairy pavilion!

"Thousands of years are long, the world is changing, the stars are changing, the sea is changing, everything is left to the destined person!"

"Before the time comes, those who trespass into the Immortal Palace will turn into stone statues, and they will exist forever, kneeling to guard the tomb of the Immortal Emperor..."

The sound of immortality, auspicious and fluttering, resounds above the desert!

"Kneeling to guard the tomb of the Immortal Emperor..."

Sect Master Tian sighed for a while, and took a closer look. Sure enough, the four petrified immortals really knelt on their knees, as if they were guarding something!

The auspiciousness fluttered, the golden light was introverted, and the spirit stones on the teleportation array exhausted the last bit of spiritual power, and the time-space gate that emerged in the void disappeared like a flash in the pan!


"From now on, there will be no immortals in the world!"

"Immortal Venerable disappears, Immortal Kings fight for supremacy, this era has completely changed!"

Sect Master Tian smiled wryly. He knew that it would be difficult to ascend to the position of Immortal Venerable.

Shaking his head helplessly, just as he was about to leave, a streak of gray streamer shot out and stuck to the right arm of Sect Master Tian!


Sect Master Tian frowned, without even thinking about it, he swung his sword down!

The right arm fell on the yellow sand, black mist rose, and it turned into charcoal in the blink of an eye!

"It's the Viper!"

The Sect Master's heart skipped a beat!

"Is it going to die today?"

"let's go!"

The Tianlin Beast screamed loudly, carrying the Heavenly Sovereign into the clouds!


Without any warning, a huge black net descended from the sky, mercilessly covering the Tianlin Beast and the Heavenly Sovereign!


"Heavenly Sect Master, don't come here unharmed!"

With a sinister smile, a man in black floated over on the dark wind and black mist!

"Demon Lord?"

"You are so despicable!"

Sect Master Tian smiled wryly. He never thought that it would fall into the hands of the demons!


"Under the banner of justice, you are doing things that cannot be seen. You are not as open and aboveboard as my demons!"

"Let's go, visit the Desolate Demon Clan, let's talk about our ideals in life!"

The Mozun chuckled, swept up the sky, and walked away with the Heavenly Sovereign!

"It's messed up, it's messed up, there will be no immortals in Tianyu Continent, and the demons will follow the trend again!"

"Su Chen, how are you doing?"

"Tian Yizong and his party, are they going well?"

Xiao Hui hides in the oasis, muttering to himself!


A black devil's claw appeared out of thin air, grabbing Xiao Hui's Qicun!

"Almost made you run away!"

"Let's go to the Desolate Demon Clan. I want to make a good altar of snake gall wine!"

I don't know when, the Demon Venerable of Immortal Venerable Realm left and returned, grabbed Xiao Hui in his hand, and walked away!

The entire desert fell into desolation again!

At this moment, the long yellow sand rolled, and a white palm slowly stretched out!

Immediately afterwards, the yellow sand squirmed, and a figure flew out in a swish, shaking all over, and scattered a cloud of dust!

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