I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 71 News Of The Sanxian

Seeing Su Chen swallow the elixir, Su Xuan finally showed a tricky smile on his face!

"Su Xuan, what kind of elixir is this?"

"Let's not even compete with Suitian Dan in the back mountain of Chuanyun City?"

Su Chen asked with a dark face.

Just as Su Xuan was about to have a fit, seeing the disdainful eyes of the Sword King and Sword God, he faltered again, swallowing the words that came to his mouth.

"This is……"

For a moment, Su Xuan was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

"Okay, let's eat meat quickly. After several days of starvation in the desert, there is no oil and water in the stomach. With so much meat, can't you stop your mouth?"

Su Yan'er glared at Su Chen and smoothed things over.

The servant hid in a corner of the inn, and kept skimming towards Su Chen and the others.

"Hurry up and eat!"

"The task assigned by the city lord must be completed, otherwise my life will be over!"

"Sword God, Sword King, I'm sorry, in order to survive, I have to die, and I live."

The servant muttered inwardly, with a trace of nervousness on his face.

Who are the Sword God and the Sword King?

The powerful soul force squirmed and locked on the servant long ago, but Su Chen said, follow the plan and don't act rashly, so the two of them didn't erupt and waited quietly for Su Chen's instructions.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, eat and drink enough, let's go."

Su Chen smiled mysteriously, and actually put all the roasted dragon row into the space treasure.

In fact, Su Chen didn't have any confidence in his heart. Even if he could be invulnerable to all poisons, he would not dare to be contaminated with the "Hua Gu Ecstasy Powder", which is titled the king of poisons.

"where to?"

The sword king was careless, very unhappy in his heart.

However, Su Chen's words are already very obvious, the sword god is the boss, and the sword king is the second child. Therefore, the sword king is dissatisfied and can only endure it.

"City Lord's Mansion!"

"Give us a trap and take our lives, how can we let it go?"

"Suddenly, I felt that it would be quite interesting if the city lord was clicked, and then the three of us would control the city that never sleeps."

Su Chen stretched out his hand, wiped his neck, and his eyes became firm.

"People are not crazy to waste youth!"

"Second brother, let's go, today we will accompany the third brother to make a fuss and make the city that never sleeps restless!"

The sword god laughed, he really enjoyed the feeling of crushing the king of swords!

The sword king moved his lips, but finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

Su Chen squinted at the servant in the corner, and then gave the sword god a look that could act.


A sword qi flew over, almost splitting the void, the air was pierced abruptly, and there was a roar.

Before the servant understood what was going on, there was a blood hole between his eyebrows, like a third eye was opened, blood flowed profusely, and he died unexpectedly.

Su Xuan's complexion was a little pale, he was frightened.


"Mozun, aren't you cheating on me?"

"Su Chen...he...he took the elixir, and he's fine at all."

Su Xuan became nervous, and really wanted to find a crack to get in.

On the side, Ye Wushuang had nothing to love in his life, and he didn't move his chopsticks from the beginning to the end.

He was so frustrated.

100 pieces of fourth-grade elixir fell into the second hand of the shop, which made him dance with excitement.

For this meal, under normal circumstances, 10 pieces of fourth-grade panacea would be enough, but Su Chen directly gave 10 times the price.

"Boss, you are really a big boss!"

The waiter screamed in his heart.

Everyone was leisurely, walking on the streets of the city that never sleeps.

Si Ye was full of unkind eyes.

However, due to the prestige of the sword god and the sword king, no one dared to act wildly, let alone set their minds on women like Lin Yiyue and the like.

The exercises are divided into heaven, earth, black and yellow, and four grades. It seems that the sky grade exercises have appeared twice, and there has been no news since then.

Undoubtedly, just like in the era when there was no Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Venerable was the sky, and the Xuan-level exercises became the object of envy.

However, everyone also understands that it is better to have no exercises but no exercises.

At this moment, a group of cavalry rushed over.

"Sword King, Sword God, what crime should you two openly disobey the imperial decree of the city lord?"

One person drank heavily.

However, the sword king didn't bother him, a bright sword glow passed by, and the man and the horse were neatly cut in half, the internal organs flowed all over the ground, blood rolled, and became a spring!

"Second brother, your temper is still hot, we have to keep a low profile, low profile!"

The sword god chuckled, flicked his fingers, and the sword energy flew. In an instant, the hooves of the other 8 horses flew, the cavalry fell off the horse's back, and a dog gnawed shit.

"You wait for me!"

"The city lord..."

However, before he finished speaking, the cavalryman's head exploded, thick black smoke rose from his neck, and he became a humanoid punching bag!

The people around were dumbfounded for a moment, they only saw Su Chen raise his hand, the streamer flew, and then the cavalryman's head exploded for no reason.

"Third brother, you are not authentic, you are not advocating low-key, why are you so barbaric?"

The sword god chuckled, as if he hadn't played enough, the sword in his palm clanged loudly.

"Brother, don't blame me!"

"I saw that he was weak and sick, so I rewarded him with a third-grade Guyuan pill, but he actually bit the pill!"

"This is a genuine panacea, not a bomb!"

"What is he? Or does he hate us so much that his teeth itch?"

"We don't seem to have offended them either?"

Su Chen half covered his face, looking like an innocent victim.

The people around were in a mess for a moment. They had never seen a murderer speak so righteously and shirk responsibility.

The rest of the cavalry ran away, afraid of getting their lunch.

"Brother, who is the city owner?"

Su Chen became very interested in the city lord, especially the seventh-grade "Blood Rejuvenation Pill", which made Su Chen yearn for a while.

What kind of strength is needed to refine the seventh-grade elixir?

"It is said that he is a Sanxian!"

"When I stepped into the Immortal King Realm, under the rolling sky thunder, my body was shattered, and my soul escaped, and I became a Sanxian from then on."

The sword god sighed, he once fought against Cheng, but he was beaten to the ground in three moves.

The sword king refused to accept it, and made the same three moves, lying on the ground!

Since then, the entire city that never sleeps has had the character of the city lord in one night.

He recruited all kinds of exercises from all over the world, and he had a very wide network of contacts, and he even called the five great sect masters brothers and sisters.

"Scattered Immortal, didn't you say that Du Jie has a high chance of becoming the Immortal King? How did he become a Loose Immortal?"

Su Chen was at a loss.


"Who told you that?"

"Third Brother, there seem to be only 6 immortals under this sky. As for the immortal kings, there are no more than 100 at most."

"Do you know how many people dare not face the catastrophe?"

"If you do too many bad things, under the catastrophe, you will be wiped out! This is the reincarnation of heaven."

Dao Wang speaks earnestly and earnestly, as if educating a child.

"If you fail to cross the catastrophe, your body will collapse, and your soul will fly away. Only by chance and coincidence, you can become a loose immortal, and the ninety-nine are respected. That is to say, a loose immortal needs to go through nine catastrophes before he can achieve the position of immortal venerable."

"The current city lord seems to be the Five Tribulations Loose Immortal, and he is already invincible under the Immortal Venerable!"

Sword God explained.

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