I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 76 The Demon King Appears, Su Chen Is In Emergency

"Third brother, let's go!"

The sword king had a serious face, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourds of the five sect masters of Wuling Academy.

For a long time, a layer of colorful barriers blocked everyone's footsteps. Through the barriers, one could see dark clouds rolling over to cover the sky, demonic aura covering the ground, the desolate demons showing their might, and a layer of barriers separating the chasm!

"That guy went to the Demon Race!"

"His breath just disappeared!"

Xiaohong sighed slightly, feeling a little nervous, the billowing magic cloud seemed to have strong magic power, trying to wipe out its consciousness.

"Little loach, it seems to be struggling in pain!"

Xiaohong looked at Su Chen and transmitted voice lightly.

"Xiao Hui was also captured by the demon clan?"

Su Chen frowned.

At this moment, under the towering altar, the demonic cloud rolled, the void twisted, and a stream of light flew, and then, a figure with his head in his hands emerged in pain.

"Su Chen, welcome to the demon clan, soul control..."

Before the Mozun finished speaking, a trace of doubt appeared in his whole body.

"It's you?"

"The Lord of the Nightless City?"

Mozun felt incredible.

"Mozun, you are so despicable! If you have the ability to take back the Soul Control Pill, what are we going to do?"

"This city mainly frowns, it's not a good man!"

The city lord shouted angrily, the pain from the depths of his soul drove him crazy and made him subdue!

"I thought Su Chen would take the Soul Control Pill, but unexpectedly, it was replaced by a Five Tribulations Loose Immortal. Anyway, since you are here, I will send you to the altar to refine your soul and use your soul power to build a space-time The gate to welcome the adults of the blood demon clan to come!"

Mozun showed a sinister smile.

"Blood devil?"

"Mozun, are you descendants of the blood demon clan?"

Sect Master Tian, ​​who only had one head exposed, was shocked.

"Xiaoxiao, yes, if it weren't for the Immortal Emperor refining stones to mend the sky, the entire Tianyu Continent would have been reduced to our family's back garden long ago."

"Heavenly Sect Master, you are still useful to enter the Fairy Secret Realm, otherwise, this deity will also send you into the Blood Spirit Secret Realm!"

After hearing Mozun's words, Sect Master Tian felt endless desolation in his heart.

The Blood Demon Clan is a nightmare on Tianyu Continent.

Back then, time and space collapsed, blood demons struck, people were devastated, and dark clouds enveloped everyone's minds.

The Immortal Emperor rose up to resist, and finally smelted stones to mend the sky, sealing the members of the Blood Demon Clan in the Blood Spirit Secret Realm.

At the same time, the Immortal Emperor exhausted his original power, leaving only a fairy secret realm as a backup!


Viper Xiaohui struggled painfully, soaked in the wine jar, it finally couldn't bear the anaerobic life, opened its mouth with a cloud of venom, dyed the mellow and sweet wine dark green.

"Xiaoxiao, there is also a viper, when it comes, it will definitely go crazy, and the fairy secret realm is the big urn prepared for him, if you catch a turtle in the urn, this deity is the biggest winner!"

The Mozun laughed loudly, his bronze arms clattered, forming seals in the void.

A blood-red light bloomed on the tall altar, and then the altar collapsed, as if a door had been opened.

A ferocious head poked out, eyes as big as lanterns, mouth as big as a millstone, the khaki-yellow corpse flowed watery, clusters of demonic energy steamed, and a powerful corrosive aura pierced through the air.

"Disciple and grandson, you will pay a heavy price for disturbing your ancestor's deep sleep."

The hoarse voice made one's scalp tingle.

"Old Ancestor, now the time is ripe, and the opportunity for my Blood Demon Clan to recapture Tianyu Continent has come."

"The purpose of waking up the ancestor's sleeping remnant spirit is to build a bridge of time and space and pave the way for our clan's iron hooves!" The Demon Venerable laughed loudly, with a majestic air. Facing the ferocious demon head, he did not show the slightest nervousness, but was full of excitement. A strong sense of excitement.

"Bridge of time and space?"


The devil let out a mouthful of turbid air, and the earth-yellow corpse fell to the ground. In an instant, the ground was cracked and lifeless.

woo woo...

woo woo...

Like a loud trumpet blowing, clusters of demonic energy intertwined in the air, like ghosts and monsters, baring their teeth and claws, which was extremely terrifying.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the medicine jar for pickling the lord of the sky, and the wine jar for soaking Viper Xiaohui were shattered.

Immediately afterwards, streams of light were like the tentacles of an octopus, sucking the city lord, the celestial lord and the viper into the mouth of the demon.

With a shake of the void, everything returned to calm, and the tall altar squirmed for a while, turning over like a boa constrictor, and trembling for a while.

"I wipe, my soaked meat, my medicinal wine!"

Mozun wants to cry but has no tears. Who can he turn to to reason with this kind of matter?

"You demons will be condemned by God, and there will be retribution!"

Su Xiaotian roared.

"Come on, put him in the devil's dungeon, I don't believe that Su Chen won't come to save dad."

The Mozun was almost pissed off, the old man was a greedy snake and would not refuse anyone who came.

In the depths of Wuling Academy, Su Chen trembled all over. He wanted to go through the barrier and rescue Su Xiaotian.

"Third brother, calm down!"

The sword king grabbed Su Chen's arm.

"Su Chen, to fight against the demons, as the academy of Tianyu Continent, we have a duty to do so."

Shui Qingyue chuckled, she felt a familiar aura on Su Chen, as if the exercises had the same root as her own.

"Amitabha, benefactor, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"A poor monk thinks that a benefactor is a material that can be made..."

"Stop it, stop it, I don't want to be a monk, I don't want my six senses to be pure, abstain from sex, alcohol, and meat..."

Su Chen was speechless, with spiritual power surging in his body, and he wanted to go back the same way.


With a crisp sound, the Floating Cloud Shuttle made the sound of glass shattering, and then, the boots on Su Chen's feet fell off piece by piece, and a cloud of dust fell into the void.

"I wipe..."

Su Chen was convinced.

This is in the void at a height of thousands of feet. Without the flying treasure, if you fall into the void and do a perfect free fall, you will definitely fall into a puddle of mud.

Even if you wear the top-grade defensive potassium clothing, at most you can save a complete corpse!

It turned out that during this period of time, Su Chen had crushed too many elixir pills, and his spiritual power was so abundant that Fuyun Shuo was overloaded, and finally couldn't bear the bombardment of spiritual power, and shattered!

"How to do?"

Su Chen was overwhelmed, at this juncture, he fell into the void, and there was no way to save him.

He squinted at everyone, and found that the five sect masters and the sword king were completely unmoved, as if they didn't see themselves falling into the void.

"Boy, you're going to kill me. I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned. I can't stand a bear hug with the ground like this!"

Xiaohong was convinced, grabbed Su Chen's collar, and climbed directly onto Su Chen's back, using Su Chen as a sponge for the bottom.

The wind howls in my ears!

Air waves gushed from his mouth!

For a while, Su Chen couldn't open his mouth from choking, and couldn't open his eyes from the wind.

"Boy, think of a way, or we will really be smashed to pieces!"

Xiaohong shouted.

"Knife King, don't you go to the rescue?"

Shui Qingyue chuckled lightly, as if watching a play.

"If you can't handle this well, he is not qualified to be my brother!"

The sword king sneered.

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