I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 80 The Octopus Spider Appeared, Something Bad Happened

Eating ashes showed an excited look, as if nostalgic and longing for the past days.

The fresh blood excited it, and the surging energy made it intoxicated, but unfortunately, this time, it met a ruthless person, and its own life was almost lost, especially the dense fairy glow, which made it terrified and filled its heart. It is a feeling of powerlessness.

"Damn it, Wuling Academy is actually a demon that cannibalize people without spitting out bones!"

The sword king's face jumped wildly.

At this moment, Su Chen and Dao Wang understood that the so-called 100 people on the fairy list were just food sent here to feed the three monsters and four monsters.

"The list of immortals is held every 10 years, and it has been held for thousands of years. How many amazing and brilliant people will be turned into ashes? Ruthlessly die?"

"This Five Spirits Academy is simply a gathering place for demons. After we go out, we must expose the conspiracy of the Five Spirits Academy to stab in the back."

Su Chen's face was full of fear.

At this moment, Su Chen felt sad for Wumingke, the principal of Wuling Academy.

The Wuming guest created the Wuling Academy by himself, but was chased and killed by five disciples who shocked the party and created his own sect.

Wumingguo was finally swallowed by the blood python, hated Jiuquan, died and disappeared, but the Wuling Academy left behind became a traitor and a running dog of the demon clan.

If the nameless guest knew everything, I'm afraid that when he dreamed back at midnight, the spirits under the nine springs would also have to cheat his corpse.

"Say, how to get out?"

The sword king was imposing and asked viciously.

"It's very simple to go out, just let me go!"

The ashes suddenly laughed.

"You want to play tricks?"

Su Chen chuckled, usually, he was the one who played the most tricks, how could he not see the tricks of tricks at this time?

The celestial glow is transpiring, and the golden light is shining brightly, Su Chen is about to swallow the power of ashes in one fell swoop.

The broken token seemed to be connected with Su Chen's heart, the light was shining brightly, and the divine light was lingering, so he was so dumbfounded.

"No...no...I'm already a prisoner, and I have no tricks to play."

It panicked, and under the divine light, it felt the coercion from the depths of its soul. As long as Su Chen had a thought, it would be wiped out and cease to exist.

"lead the way!"

Su Chen's face became serious. As long as he left this cold space, he would definitely poke a hole in Wuling Academy.

The purple bead left Su Chen's palm, and the gray mist filled the air again, transforming into a lavender head, floating, riding a cloud of gray mist towards the distant sky.

Su Chen's face turned black, and endless anger surged in his heart.

In half a month, the time to enter the fairy list is up, and I have to get out before half a month.

Otherwise, another group of amazingly talented people will be imprisoned.

Most importantly, Su Chen is not sure whether Leng Cangyue, Lin Yiyue, and her younger sister Su Yan'er will also participate in the fairy list.

His whole body was full of fire energy, and his complexion was extremely gloomy, chasing after ashes and eating ashes.

The sword king was in a very upset mood. His favorite sword was shattered in his mouth, which greatly reduced his strength.

"Here, the place where the light shines in front is the exit, you can go out safely!"

Laughing in vain, he glanced at Su Chen, his face full of regret.

Su Chen looked around, and sure enough, the sky was full of rays of light, the colorful mist fluttered with the wind, and it was a full fairy palace.


The dense celestial glow transpired, turning into a chain and winding towards the ashes.

"I've been guarding against you for a long time. I worked hard to lead the way and let you go, but now you want to kill the donkey?"

"Boy, don't you think you are too much?"

The head floated across the void, avoiding the curling chain of Xianxia, ​​and said with a displeasure on his face.

"You evil spirit!" "Keeping you is a disaster, letting you lead the way is just letting you breathe more air."

"Now the time has come, Big Brother will send you home!"

Su Chen's handprints are repeated, the rosy clouds are bursting, and the sky is full of auspiciousness.

Knowing Xianxia's dominance, she just blindly dodges, opening her mouth from time to time to spit gray mist at the sword king, which makes Su Chen have to be distracted.

"Second Brother, you can't do it, but the majestic Immortal King asked me to protect him. Step aside, don't be a burden, and wait for me to catch this demon."

"It is the evidence that we brought down Wuling Academy."

Su Chen shouted loudly, his fighting spirit was high.

Although he could control the power of the token, after all, Su Chen only had the cultivation level of the initial stage of Guizhen Realm, and lacked a lot of experience in both attacking and fighting.

Every time, it's always a little bit short, and you can catch the ashes.

The sword king's complexion turned black, and he could only move quickly, not giving him a chance to attack himself.

"Third Brother, at this time and at that time, Second Brother will give you a chance to be ashamed!"

The sword king smiled wryly.

The two of them didn't notice at all, Yuan Kong, a three-foot-long eight-legged spider with yellow, black and red patterns all over its body, was staring at the battlefield.

"Ashes eat ashes, don't you eat everything in the world? Why is your invincible gray fog inferior to that kid?"

The spider chuckled, eyes full of contempt, two black fangs squirmed and made a clanking sound.

"My king's teeth are itchy. It's been 10 years. Why hasn't anyone come in?"

"No, why is there a fairy king?"

The spider stared at the sword king and looked again, and then became more energetic.

"Immortal King, the golden core is condensed in the body, and that thing is the essence."

"Why is that kid's hair red?"

The spider stared at the top of Su Chen's head and looked again, then smiled.

"It turned out to be a monster whose power was sucked dry."

"Dragon breath?"

"Haha, I haven't tasted dragon meat yet!"

The spider's eyes lit up, and it began to calculate.

It turned out that Xiao Hong fell asleep on top of Su Chen's head at the moment when the token radiated divine light, and she has not woken up until now.

"Boy, can you stop sticking to me like a dog's skin plaster?"

"I've let you go, why do you take revenge for your kindness?"

It was in a hurry, and every time it dodged the Xianxia chain, it felt that its strength was pulled away a little.

The gray mist spewed out of the mouth not only did not pollute the golden fairy light, but was assimilated and absorbed.

This really makes the ashes eat ashes.

"Haha, you can't run away!"

Suddenly, Su Chen shouted loudly, the golden light in his hand flickered, turned into a hemp rope, and pulled hard towards his chest.

In an instant, a large net was gathered above the void.

It turned out that Su Chen acted accordingly and quietly set up a net in the air, waiting for the ashes to enter.

Now is the opportunity to close the net.

The big net was closed, and he was eating ashes, showing a look of despair.

"Do not……"

"Damn it, octospider, if you don't take action now, when will you wait?"

Shocked and screamed, hysterical.

Su Chen's scalp went numb, feeling that something was wrong.

At this moment, ripples layer upon layer in the air, and the void seemed to be distorted unbearably.

The same white glowing spider web descended from the sky, enveloping Su Chen and Dao Wang.

The spider web is trembling and sticky...

whoosh whoosh...

The spider's thread flew, and Su Chen and Dao Wang were wrapped in dumplings in an instant. Looking from a distance, they looked like two mummies.

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