After hearing the advice of the club instructor, the girls decided to wait until the evening to test the authenticity of the murder phone booth.

Before that,

Nurarihyon invited the girls to eat meat at the barbecue restaurant next door.

“The cost of the barbecue meal will be deducted from the club activity funds!” Nurarihyon said.

Shiraki Meiko, with her huge breasts sticking out and grilling a large piece of pork belly, asked curiously:”Nurarihyon, how much is the activity fund for the Weird Investigation Club?”

Her JK suit, which was originally open, was buttoned up by Rikka Takanashi when she was in the car, making the relatively loose suit jacket now stretched tightly.

Normally, club funds are approved only after the club has produced activity results and applied to the Student Union.

Moreover, the activity funds of each club are different, some are more and some are less.

For example, the band club.

The Ginkgo Girls Band won a place in the national competition, brought glory to the school, and obtained more students, so the activity funds are the first among all clubs, which is considerable.

Of course.

The wool comes from the sheep.

The activity funds allocated by the Student Union actually come from students’ admission fees, tuition fees, school trip fees, money donated to the school, etc.

Some popular clubs also charge admission fees, and even subsequent club fees.

The Weird Investigation Society does not charge these fees.

Nurarihyon poured a plate of cubed marbling beef into the baking tray and answered nonchalantly:”Not much, probably tens of millions of yen”

“Tens of millions! ?”

Meiko Shiraki’s eyes widened.

This is more than all the club funds of Ginkgo Girls’ High School combined.

But when she thought of the extended version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, she felt it was normal.

“Who is so rich on earth?”

Meiko Shiraki’s eyes swept over Rikka Takanashi, Miko Yotsuya, Utaha Kasumigaoka and other girls.

But she didn’t expect Nurarihyon.

After the barbecue was finished, the night finally darkened.

Nurarihyon and others returned to the telephone booth on the roadside.

This telephone booth is located between the green belts, with bushes on both sides and an electric pole. It looks ordinary.

The telephone booth is surrounded by glass, and you can see the situation inside clearly.

There are energy-saving lamps on the top of the booth, and a slightly old, red-painted telephone is hung on it.

Due to the popularity of telephones nowadays, no one has used telephone booths for a long time.

Yurikawa Hana was timid and didn’t open her spiritual eyes. She hugged Miko Yotsuya’s arm tightly and asked in a low voice:”Miko, can you see anything?”

Miko Yotsuya shook her head

“The telephone was shrouded in a cloud of pitch-black smoke, and nothing else was there.”

Not only Yotsuya Miko’s Yin-Yang eyes, but also Takanashi Rikka, Shiraki Meiko, and Eriri’s spirit eyes could only see a faint black mist lingering around the telephone.

Yotsuya Miko’s Yin-Yang eyes could see more clearly than ordinary spirit eyes. She also found that wisps of pitch-black smoke were constantly rising from the microphone of the telephone. There were also obscure black symbols, probably the size of mosquitoes, constantly emerging from the microphone.

Only Nurarihyon’s illusion-breaking eyes could see the true face of the telephone.

After the women shared what they had seen with each other, Geng Xizi clapped her hands and said,”It can be confirmed that this telephone booth is indeed inhabited by a ghost.””

“Now I’m afraid we need someone to guide the spirit out!”

Geng Xizi glanced at the girls and was about to say that she would go when Shiraki Meiko stood up.

“I’ll go.”

“It’s just a D-level supernatural site. Let’s see how the Ginkgo Queen surrenders.”

Shiraki Meiko held a small whip in her right hand and kept slapping the palm of her left hand, walking towards the phone booth confidently.

“Wait a minute.”

Nurarihyon called Shiraki Meiko.

Then he turned his head and looked at the girls such as Geng Yuko, Xiaotoriyu Rikka, Kasumigaoka Utaha, and Yotsuya Miko.

“I am the club’s instructor now, but I am not your bodyguard, nor a club member, so you should try to handle the investigation and purification process on your own.”

“Unless I encounter a life-and-death crisis, I generally won’t take action. Do you understand?”


Several women agreed.

“In addition, contact with the spirits is a very dangerous and terrifying thing, so be prepared and don’t get scared to the point of peeing your pants.”Nurarihyon said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry, it’s impossible for me to pee my pants!”

Shiraki Meiko glanced at Kasumigaoka Utaha and answered confidently.

Then, she walked straight into the phone booth.

Several girls were watching outside. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Takanashi Rikka asked a little worriedly:”Will senior Shiraki be okay?” Geng Xizi shook her head and said:”I don’t know how dangerous this phone booth is.”

Shiraki Meiko stood in the narrow and cramped phone booth, looked around, checked the phone again, and found nothing unusual. She slapped the glass of the phone booth and shouted:”How did I trigger the ghost?”

Her voice sounded very dull to the girls…

The other members of the Weird Investigation Agency were at a loss.[]

Kasumigaoka Utaha expressed her guess:”You can try calling”


Meiko Shiraki picked up the receiver, took out a coin, put it into the coin slot, and dialed the number.


After a while, a rustling noise came from the microphone.

Amid the noise, it seemed that a woman’s scream could be heard again.

“I told you to steal money! I told you to steal money!”

“Beat you to death, you bitch!”

“Damn it, it’s not like I didn’t pay for the prostitution, but you dare to steal the money? I’ll kill you!”

“Help! Help!”

Meiko Shiraki heard the screams coming from the receiver and her hand loosened in fear, causing the receiver to drop immediately.

If the phone line hadn’t been connected to a���The phone, the microphone fell to the ground.

Even so.

The microphone almost fell to the ground, being pulled up and down by the spiral elastic telephone wire.

There was still a”rustling” noise, as well as curses and screams coming out of the microphone.

“There is someone speaking in this… microphone.……!?”

“But I…I clearly called the student union’s landline.……”

(Student Council: Thank you)

Shiraki Meiko turned pale and took two or three steps back in fear. Her raised buttocks immediately hit the glass door of the telephone booth.

“I have to get out! It’s too weird!”

Meiko Shiraki didn’t dare to continue exploring the ghost, so she turned around and grabbed the door handle with both hands, pressed it a few times, and pushed it hard.

But the glass door didn’t move at all.

“what happened?”

“Why is this happening!”

“I can’t get out?”

Shiraki Meiko looked terrified, pushing the door repeatedly and even hitting the glass door with her shoulder.


At this moment, a bloody palm print slammed on the glass.

Shiraki Meiko’s pupils suddenly shrank, and she no longer had the aura of a queen. She cried out in fear:”Help! Save me quickly!”


Outside the phone booth.

In Yotsuya Miko’s eyes, the phone suddenly gushed out a lot of black mist like a geyser, mixed with various obscure and complex strange symbols.

Shiraki Meiko was still standing in front of the phone making a call.

Apart from that, there was nothing unusual.

They were outside the phone booth, and they couldn’t hear Shiraki Meiko’s cry for help, let alone her figure pushing the door and hitting the glass!.

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