
Leaving the castle tower, Nurarihyon flew low over Edo Castle.

After picking up some scattered attribute bubbles

, he arrived at a deserted village outside Edo Castle.

It was a sunny day, but suddenly a light spring rain began to fall.

"It was noon and the sun was still shining brightly above my head, but I didn't expect that it would rain in the blink of an eye."

Nurarihyon, who was flying at low altitude, complained in confusion.

The slanting wind and drizzle were blowing in his face.

His dark and thick long hair and handsome face were soon wet by the rain, but Nurarihyon did not deliberately isolate himself from the spring rain.

He liked this feeling.

There was always a kind of comfort and freedom that was difficult to describe in words.

It seemed like a whim, as if it was fate.

When Nurarihyon flew over a forest, he saw an abandoned hut.

The hut exuded a faint evil aura.

"Hey, is there a monster living in the abandoned hut?"

"They look like some little monsters."

Nurarihyon descended from the sky, folded up his demon wings, and pretended to be a traveler hiding from the rain, and hurriedly hid under the thatched eaves of an abandoned hut.

"The rain seems to be getting heavier."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Edo in this short period of time." Nura

Koihan twisted the wet sleeves of his kimono and said in a complaining tone.

"With a"creak", the old and dilapidated wooden door gently opened.

A quiet and elegant girl with long black straight hair, poked her head out of the house. With a pair of dark eyes, she carefully looked at Nurarihyon. Nurarihyon also turned his head.

In an instant, his pupils trembled, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face. One hand almost pulled out the devil's hammer on his waist.


No, that's not right!

It's... his future wife, Yamabuki Otome!

《In the anime"Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan", the resurrected Fox Yuyu is now in the form of Yamabuki Otome, which causes Nurarihyon to mistake the Yamabuki Otome in front of him for a moment. If you think about it carefully, the Fox Yuyu with long black hair that once amazed many people was just a plagiarism of Yamabuki Otome's appearance.

The beauty is Yamabuki Otome, not Fox Yuyu.

"It turns out that I met him here."

The look in Nura Koiban's eyes was quite complicated.

Yamabuki Otome was once his wife.

But in the end, Yamabuki Otome blamed herself for not being able to give birth to a son for Koiban. She left the Nura group after leaving a bunch of Yamabuki flowers and an ancient poem"Yamabuki flowers bloomed seven or eight layers, but it's a pity that there is no child." There was no news from her afterwards.

"That... this gentleman……"

The pale and sickly Yamabuki Otome asked timidly,"Would you like to come in and warm yourself by the fire?" Nurarihyon, whose thoughts were a little distracted, immediately came to his senses and looked down at Yamabuki Otome, who was wearing a gray, old kimono.

"If it's okay, then excuse me."

Nurarihyon walked into the deserted hut.

Outside, it was raining in spring.

It was a bit chilly.

But inside the house, because there was a fire burning in the earthen kang, it was still quite warm, and there was a faint fragrance.

An iron pot hung from the beam,"Gudong""、""Gudong" The thick soup of root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and radishes is hot.

The aroma comes from the vegetable soup.

In the simple abandoned hut, there are little monsters who are weaker than Natto Monk, Karasan Monk, Mingya and other monsters.

They look more like coal balls and dust monsters.

When they saw strangers coming in, they were all scared and curled up into a ball, hiding in the corner of the house, shivering.

Yamabuki Otome smiled and comforted:"Don't be afraid, sir is not a bad person."

The little monsters seemed to have great trust in Yamabuki Otome.

In a word, Nurarihyon is not a bad person.

These little monsters rushed forward chattering, singing and dancing around Nurarihyon.

Nurarihyon laughed, sat by the earthen kang and warmed himself by the fire. He caught a glimpse of the books and pens, ink, paper and inkstone on the wooden board from the corner of his eye.

"Are you teaching them knowledge?"

Nurarihyon said in surprise.

Yamabuki Otome collected the scattered and messy old papers and nodded a little embarrassedly:"I was a daughter of a samurai family in my lifetime. I once studied ancient poetry and ancient prose."

"Anyway, I am bored now, so I will teach them to read and write."

Nurarihyon thought for a moment and asked,"May I ask the girl's name?" Yamabuki

Otome put the paper and ink in the corner of the hut, knelt beside the fire pit, and shook her head gently.

"I don't remember, I have lost my name."

Nurarihyon narrowed his golden left eye, and under the reflection of the fire, a light immediately flashed, and he said gently:"Since you have no name, I will give you a name, like the beautiful Deutzia flower that blooms secretly, called Yamabuki Otome, how about it?"

"Like a beautiful Deutzia flower that blooms secretly?"

The nameless Yamabuki Otome murmured, and a ray of light appeared in her dark and deep beautiful eyes. She looked up at Nurarihyon.

She knelt down, leaned forward gently, and thanked from the bottom of her heart:"Thank you, sir, I like this name very much."

"From now on, I will be called Yamabuki Otome."

Before she finished speaking,

Yamabuki Otome's delicate body emitted a pure white and flawless light, drowning her figure and instantly illuminating the small old house.

Seeing this, the little monsters began to chirp anxiously.

"No problem, wait a little longer"

""Shh, she's fine, you don't have to worry."

Nurarihyon raised his right hand, put his index finger in front of his lips, and made a gesture of silence.

Sure enough.

Yamabuki Otome, who was radiating light all over her body, instantly turned into a white light and rushed towards Nurarihyon. Nurarihyon seemed to have sensed it, and stretched out his hand to grab it slowly.

The moment his five fingers grasped the white light, it immediately shattered into star-like points of light, fluttering and dissipating, revealing a black folding fan.

The front of the folding fan was painted with clusters of Yamabuki flowers with small petals and golden colors.

On the back were four large white brush-written characters [Yamabuki Otome]!

Slightly turning the fan, the fan surface, which was originally made of black paper, reflected the leaping firelight. The fan surface flashed with light, and actually reflected the beautiful face of Yamabuki Otome.

"This...what is going on?"

"Why did I turn into a fan?"

Yamabuki Otome’s voice echoed in Nurarihyon’s heart in doubt.


Thanks to [社你瑞哥] for the reward.

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