In the orchard.

Catterpies are using Electro Web to exercise the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait.

Under the Electro Web Move Help of Electabuzz, the exercise efficiency of Shield Dust Characteristic Trait is also improved a lot.

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai also suddenly thought of the so-called Bug Force Move by Chen Jianyong scholar.

"Weedle and Wurmple."

"It seems that these two kinds of Pokemon, which also have the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait, can be added to the training."

After here, he suppressed the mood for Pokemon training immediately, and planned to let Lin Le buy some Weedle and Wurmple first.

Relying on Electro Web Move to activate the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait is a relatively long process and requires a little bit of luck.

Naturally, the sooner you train, the better. No one knows who the first lucky person will be.

But as long as you pay, you will always get closer to your goal, and you may succeed next time.

"Brother Su, you want to buy Weedle and Wurmple?"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Lin Le hesitated, and the quantity of purchases was really a lot what.

Although after successfully obtaining subsidies from this time seminar, the laboratory’s economic pressure has eased a lot, but the essence of Lin Le’s deduction is still there.

"Don't worry, go buy it."

"Now that Bai Zhi joins the Laboratory, the income of the orchard will continue to increase."

"Plus me The results of Electro Web Move...wait, I seem to have forgotten to receive the reward of Electro Web Move."

Speaking of which, Su Xiaobai also patted his head. I have received the news that the paper has been reviewed.


Just when Su Xiaobai accidentally forgot about the Electro Web paper.

At this time, the Electric Type Pokemon Researcher circle is going crazy, they are all eagerly waiting to see the paper!

But one day has passed. Why hasn't this paper on Electro Web Move been published yet?

Is this Scholar Su Xiaobai not planning to publish an energy Electro Web paper at all?

"Too slow, too slow."

Lei Xiaojun Committee Member paced back and forth in the Laboratory.

In the discussion about Electro Web Move yesterday, their Electric Type Pokemon Researcher finally made a comeback.

Those Bug Type Pokemon Researchers now dare not to talk about Electro Web Move casually anymore, just call it a change in the nature of bug silk.

But this energy Electro Web Move has not been published for a long time, but it is missing a key to the final word!

"No, must let this Scholar Su Xiaobai publish the paper as soon as possible!"

Lei Xiaojun paced the room twice again, and finally he was fierce He’s clenched the teeth, planning to meet this Scholar Su Xiaobai.

If the other party is not willing to publish a paper, then he will pay a little price to get the other party to agree.


On the training ground.

Su Xiaobai called Catterpie and Electabuzz over and planned to train.

But when he took out his training plan, Chen Hanhan suddenly found him.

"Um, a student of Lei Xiaojun Committee Member?"

Su Xiaobai was stunned, and suddenly some of the eggs hurt.

Why every time I have to do Pokemon training well, someone will always come to my door.

"Train yourself first, I'll be back soon."

Looking at Su Xiaobai's departure, Catterpie gave Electabuzz an expression like that.

Electabuzz looking thoughtful nodded.

Their trainers seem to be really busy. It seems that training will be done on their own in the future.

Thinking of this, Electabuzz looked towards Catterpie who was aside, and his face immediately showed a pleasing smile.


In the living room, Su Xiaobai met Chen Yan, a student of Lei Xiaojun Committee Member.

The latter seemed to be only in his twenties. After the conversation, Su Xiaobai found that the other party was a very enthusiastic senior.

In terms of changes in the nature of Electric Type, as well as the specific development and application of Electro Ball Move and Electro Web Move, the other party has put forward a lot of opinions.

As the conversation deepened, the two became acquainted.

Compared to Su Xiaobai, Chen Yan is more surprised at this time.

From the conversation, we can find that this Scholar Su has a deep understanding of Electric Type Pokemon.

During the conversation between the two, the other party can fully adapt to his own rhythm, which is rare in many Electric Type Pokemon Researchers.

"Scholar Su Xiaobai, I feel that you should study Electric Type Pokemon."

After the conversation, Chen Yan also gave Su Xiaobai a high look and sincerely proposed My own suggestion.

"Well, I will continue the research on Electric Type Pokemon."

Su Xiaobai also responded when he saw this. In his mind, the topic of Electric Type Pokemon Really a lot.

It's like the upcoming Electabuzz evolution method research, which can definitely cause a shock in the Electric Type Pokemon world!

"I believe that in the near future, you will definitely bring us more surprises."

"This is my thanks to you on behalf of the Electric Type Pokemon Researcher community. Thank you for your contribution to the Electric Type Pokemon Researcher community for this paper."

"In addition, I hope you can publish the energy Electro Web paper as soon as possible so that more Pokemon Researchers can read it. Come."

Chen Yan encouraged with a smile, and then handed a notebook to Su Xiaobai, so he can be regarded as completing the teacher's task?


After Chen Yan left.

Su Xiaobai couldn't wait to open the notebook in his hand.

"Exploration of Electric Terrain"

I saw these words on the cover of the first page.

"Electric Terrain?"

Su Xiaobai was stunned, this is the same Terrain Move as Grassy Terrain.

The role of Electric Terrain is to make Pokemon on Ground unable to sleep, and the Move formidable power of Electric Type will increase.

For Electric Type trainers, Electric Terrain must be the absolute core of a team. For Electric Type Pokemon, it has a huge improvement effect!

In addition, the electric Terrain Move should be the same as Grassy Terrain, which can quickly gather Electric Type energy, which can also enhance the strength of Pokemon.

But even if it is such a powerful Move, at this time it is displayed in front of you like this?

With doubts, Su Xiaobai continued to read.

As he kept flipping through, his face also became weird.

This is not so much a breed note, but it is more appropriate to call it a research note.

In this notebook, all the records are the experimental process and experimental data of Electric Terrain.

Of course, it is not without results. In the notes, there is also a method to increase the power of Pokemon.

Electrical Terrain Move can improve the Pokemon Electric Type Move formidable power, and this method of increasing the power of Pokemon is researched in this way.

Apart from this, at the end of the notebook, the breed methods of Electabuzz, Raichu, Ampharos, Magneton, Electrike and Galvantula are also recorded.

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