"Brother Su, have you finished the study?"

"How about? Is the Nidorino still saved?"

Su Xiaobai from After the laboratory came out, Lin Le leaned in.

As long as you solve the problem of Nidorino accuracy, you can get 100w.

"Don't worry, this is not a problem."

"By the way, take the time to contact Huang Yan and ask him to prepare a Moon Stone."

Waved his hand, Su Xiaobai handed Nidorino's Poké Ball to Lin Le and asked him to stock Nidorino to the special Day Care Pokemon area.

Lin Le smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have sorted out the stocking area of ​​the farmer in the orchard. There are grass, rivers and trees. I think that Nidorino will definitely like it."

There are many secrets in the laboratory now, so it is necessary to separate the experimental Pokemon from the Day Care Pokemon.

"Let’s do this for now."

"When the time comes, when the new laboratory is built, let’s open up a space for research."

"Now the venue is enough, I still hope Pokemon can live according to my own ideas."

Su Xiaobai nodded, according to the current laboratory construction progress, it will take up to half a year, and the laboratory can It's completed.

Of course, he still needs to make more money before this. After all, although Alliance provides all the facility support, many research equipments have to be prepared by themselves.

Now the laboratory equipment is a bit old, and many instruments can no longer keep up with the laboratory needs.

"By the way, Lin Le, please go and find out if there are Pokemon Breeding Range of Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀."

"I want to pick a few more Pokemons to match Nidorino's Research, this time you just ask, and the task of picking Pokemon will be handed over to me."

After hearing Su Xiaobai’s words, Lin Le was a little bit stunned right away. Buying Pokemon is now undoubtedly done. Laboratory is the biggest expense.

Moreover, Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀ are also considered precious Pokemon, which is a lot of money.

But seeing that Su Xiaobai didn't explain the meaning, Lin Le didn't ask much. He knew that Brother Su must have his own plans.

He knows that the expenses he has spent now, his brother Su will always be able to earn it back, and he will earn more.

"Nidoran♂ and Nidoran♀'s normal Characteristic Trait is Stinger and Fighting Heart, and Implicit Characteristic is Hustle Characteristic Trait."

"When the time comes my article about Nidorino After the publication of the Hustle Characteristic Trait's paper, there will definitely be many scholars who will refute it."

"The best way is to breed a few Nidorinos that have the Hustle Characteristic Trait, and this is also the introduction of Implicit An opportunity for Characteristic."

Looking at Lin Le leaving behind, Su Xiaobai put the "Nidorino's Hustle Characteristic Trait" paper into the system backpack and walked towards the orchard.


Rui City Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory.

During this period, Chen Jianyong scholar's life is undoubtedly very moist.

It turned out that after Su Xiaobai also became a Primary Rank Pokemon, he was worried that his status would be affected.

But with the establishment of the Rui City Bug Type Pokemon breeding area and the removal of the bird Pokemon Laboratory, no one in Rui City can threaten his status.

After getting the full support of Alliance and Pokemon Research Union, his Bug Force research has also made significant progress.

Today, he even received an invitation letter from the Alliance Bug Type Pokemon Researcher seminar. You must know that this is the highest level of Alliance seminar!

Under normal circumstances, only those scholars who have made outstanding contributions to the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher circle are eligible to participate, which is also a symbol of glory!

"It just so happened that I originally planned to publish this paper as soon as possible."

"Now, I will postpone it a little bit. When the time comes, I can discuss it in the seminar. This paper."

Chen Jianyong took a deep breath and carefully collected the invitation letter for the Alliance Bug Type Pokemon Researcher seminar.

This so-called seminar does not belong to any scholar's seminar, but belongs to all Pokemon Researchers.

As long as the scholars participating in the conference, all have the opportunity to present their research results at the conference, and then all Pokemon Researchers will discuss them.

Therefore, this seminar can also be regarded as an opportunity for Pokemon Researchers to show their research results.

There is an unwritten rule that nominations for Bug Type Pokemon Researcher's biggest award "Insec Prize" will be produced at this seminar.

"Nomination for the Insec Prize."

Chen Jianyong murmured. This is undoubtedly the lifelong pursuit of all Bug Type Pokemon Researchers.

He never thought that he would hope to win this award, but he was so close to himself.


Qinglian Town Sky Research Laboratory.

Su Xiaobai also received an invitation letter for Alliance Bug Type Pokemon Researcher seminar.

"It's really my brother Su, who actually received the invitation letter for the seminar, my goodness!"

Lin Le jumped immediately when he saw the invitation letter. When I got up, I couldn't believe it, and then became ecstatic.

"Um, this is a seminar of Bug Type Pokemon Researcher, I don’t need to attend it?"

Su Xiaobai reminded him that speaking of seminars, he really didn’t How interested to participate.

"Huh? Brother Su, don't you want to participate?"

Lin Le looked like he was about to startled to fall the chin.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Brother Su, don’t you know about this Alliance Bug Type Pokemon Researcher seminar, right?"

"This seminar is the same as ours. The seminar is different. It is a conference where all Bug Type Pokemon Researchers gather."

"When the time comes, anyone can submit the topics they want to discuss in the seminar in advance, as long as After reviewing, you can publish and discuss at the conference. It can be said that this is a big stage where Bug Type Pokemon Researcher can show their research results."

After hearing Lin Le’s words, Su Xiaobai felt slightly A move.

"In addition, nominations for the Insec Prize will also be produced at this conference. This is the highest award of the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher!"

Su Xiaobai eyes slightly narrowed, this Insec He still heard of Prize.

If you can get this award, it seems you can get 500 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points.

Wait, isn't 500 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points equal to 5000 resource points?

In addition to Pokemon Researcher Integral Points, union contribution points are not less, and there is even an opportunity to go to Pokemon Research Union headquarters to select Pokemon Items.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobai slapped the table fiercely, shocking Lin Le who was about to say something on the side.

"Brother Su, what's wrong?"

Lin Le cautiously opened the mouth and said.

"No, it's okay."

"Lin Le, prepare yourself, I want to participate in this seminar."

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words Lin Le froze for a moment, then nodded very excited.

The seminar can be accompanied by a research assistant. In the light of his brother Su, he can also go to the seminar!

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