"hmph, why do we have to explain."

Gao Cheng scholar coldly snorted sits down again, and then takes out a paper and opens it again.

"Although I can't refute his experiment, how can he refute our experiment?"

Chen Jianyong scholar looked at the position of his finger and then lightly exclaimed.

Miao City Bug Type Laboratory found that the Struggle Bug Move experiment was derived entirely from data.

Relying on the Bug Force Move data, they first constructed the Struggle Bug Move energy model, and then they got the Struggle Bug Move!

Chen Jianyong did not expect that Miao City Bug Type Laboratory's research on Bug Type energy has reached such an astonishing level.

According to the data record of the Move energy model in the paper, Struggle Bug should be a kind of Move.

But the problem is that Struggle Bug Move is a Move energy model constructed based on Bug Force Move data. This is a big problem!

"Still can’t rule out that the Struggle Bug is a characteristic trait."

There was another silence. Chen Jianyong scholar still shook the head. At this time, he felt a little dizzy in his mind. Up.

"So, I need your Help."

Seeing this, Gao Cheng grinned and explained his purpose of coming here.

"According to the description in Su Xiaobai’s Characteristic Trait paper, a Pokemon can only have one characteristic Trait."

"We only need to let Beedrill with Bug Force Move Learn Struggle Bug Move, then it can show that at least one of them is Move!"

" And Struggle Bug and Bug Force originally used the same system, which can also prove that Bug Force is a kind of Move!"

Hearing Gao Cheng's words, Chen Jianyong sat up abruptly. He didn't expect a dead end, but at this time there was a turn for the better!

Without any hesitation, Chen Jianyong immediately agreed. Anyway, there is no harm in this matter for him, and he can also gain a powerful ability in vain.


Rui City Central Sports Ground.

After several rounds of fierce battles, Su Xiaobai successfully won the final Champion of the exchange competition.

In addition to getting a small bottle of Silver Powder and bonus, he also successfully got the opportunity to challenge Liu Xi Gym Leader in public.

According to the arrangement of city exchange activities, the first thing to start is the seminar, and the Gym’s open challenge will be arranged after the seminar.

The exchange team of Miao City has arrived in Rui City in the morning.

After Su Xiaobai finished the competition, he also coordinated with Union to arrange the seminar.

Because it is still winter, Su Xiaobai is still wearing very warm, a black single button long dress also gives him some scholarly temperament.

The intermediate rank Pokemon Researcher Badge and Insec Prize Ribbon on the chest will always be the focus of all scholars.

This is the second time that Su Xiaobai has held a seminar, but compared to the first time, the scholars at this time are much more humble and enthusiastic.

Su Xiaobai, the master, has not yet arrived, and the entire seminar site is already full of people.

There are only nine Insec Prizes for the entire Alliance, which shows that Su Xiaobai has come to the forefront of all Bug Type scholars.

As the opening time of the seminar approached, Su Xiaobai also came to the venue, which immediately evoked cheers from the audience.

The Miao City Bug Type Laboratory exchange group followed. Gao Cheng's identity as an intermediate rank Pokemon Researcher also made people sincerely admired.

Two intermediate rank Pokemon Researchers will undoubtedly become the core of this time seminar, and at the same time, this is also the inheritance exchange between the two cities.

Su Xiaobai, as the organizer of this time seminar, was also the first to give a speech on stage, and the core of the speech is still Electro Web Move.

Because of the halfway intervention of Chen Jianyong scholar in the previous seminar, there are actually many topics that have not been finished, just like the recipe of Electro Web Awakening Medicine.

Speaking of Electro Web awakening potions, even if the time has passed for so long, no one has developed them. They can't figure out the principle perfectly.

After hearing the content of Su Xiaobai's speech, those scholars who have been studying Electro Web Awakening Medicine for a long time were a little dumbfounded.

It turns out that everything happened to a Gloom holding a special nectar, and a group of scholars secretly sighed it for so long.

Also, they even hated the Chen Jianyong scholar who interrupted the seminar. What Bug Force Move is really a waste of their time.

When the discussion of Electro Web Move came to an end, the next speech was Gao Cheng scholar from Miao City.

"This time, what I want to discuss with you is whether Bug Force is a Move or a Characteristic Trait."

After hearing Gao Cheng’s words, not only Su Xiaobai, but many Scholar also changed his face.

The controversy between Bug Force Move and Swarm Characteristic Trait has already come to fruition. In the end, the theory of "Bug Force Move" can be said to be a complete failure.

Now Gao Cheng scholar has brought up the old things again, and under such a situation, people don't know what Miao City Bug Type Laboratory really wants to do.

"Don’t worry, everyone will not be able to discuss it after I have finished my thoughts."

Gao Cheng has already guessed the reaction of these people and pressed the representative with his hand. Everyone was quiet.

Next, Gao Cheng took a pen and began to write formulas and data on the blackboard.

Pokemon Researchers were all present, and they are naturally aware of the formula written by Gao Cheng.

As each data is substituted into the formula, the faces of scholars in the field change slightly.

The data of Swarm Characteristic Trait is perfectly substituted into the formula data, which has been confusing for them.

But with the emergence of the statement that the Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, this point has only been explained.

But as Gao Cheng scholar said, if Characteristic Trait is not a kind of energy, it can only show that Swarm Characteristic Trait is actually a kind of Move!

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai frowned. If you want to discuss whether Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, then this Bug Type seminar is meaningless.

Because no one can prove that Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, and on the contrary, no one can prove that Characteristic Trait is not a kind of energy!

Until Gao Cheng scholar completed the calculation of the Swarm Characteristic Trait and turned to calculate the data relationship, he actually came up with a brand new Move energy model.

"This is what I want to discuss with you this time."

"Based on the data provided by Chen Jianyong scholar, we built a new Move based on this. Energy model."

"Through this Move energy model, we successfully let a Pokemon learn a new Move, which we call Struggle Bug Move!"

Gao Cheng's mouth corner With a smile on his face, he explained the effect of Struggle Bug Move, which caused all scholars to hold their breath slightly, and then there was an uproar!

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