"The paper I published is about Catterpie."

"And Fletchling learned Tailwind Move, maybe it will be the next paper I will publish soon."

Facing another question from Researcher Lin Kong, Su Xiaobai mysteriously smiled. Now that he has accepted the status of Pokemon Researcher, he naturally has to show some confidence.

"Has the research on Tailwind Move not been completed yet?"

After hearing Su Xiaobai’s words, the two of them were slightly disappointed. They really wanted to study the method of Tailwind Move learning too. Difficult.

But...Catterpie's thesis...

The two of them couldn't help but looked towards Catterpie, who was lying lazily on Su Xiaobai's shoulder.

It is difficult for the usual Pokemon Researcher to find a research topic, but Su Xiaobai has already found two research topics.

Furthermore, the Catterpie subject also allowed him to directly become an Official Pokemon Researcher. It has to make people feel that Su Xiaobai is indeed a Pokemon Researcher.

"Didn't expect, Scholar Su has studied Pokemon so deeply."

"Maybe we can talk about the breeding of Flying Attribute Pokemon."

Wang Yunlong seeing this faintly smiled and said, I have already made up my mind to make a good friendship with Su Xiaobai.

Even if he can't learn Tailwind Move, he believes that he will definitely get a lot of benefits in the communication.

On the other side, Wang Bin was holding his Spearow and looking at Su Xiaobai surrounded by researcher Lin Kong and his father, he suddenly wanted to cry.

This is my first battle to become a trainer. Can you take care of my feelings?

On the side, Lin Le’s face showed taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, which made you so crazy at the beginning, but now you are finally experiencing social beatings.


After the battle is over.

Wang Yunlong was also very simple, and directly handed over Fletchling's training method to Su Xiaobai.

Maybe there is a reason to want to meet Su Xiaobai, the young scholar, this training method is very complete.

Except for the secrets of Fletchling's Move learning method, which are not recorded, the training methods and food of Fletchling are very clearly recorded.

Wang Bin is naturally very unwilling to see this, but if he loses, he loses. He can only slowly find his place later.

Wang Bin is still very confident about this. How can you, a Pokemon Researcher, have that much energy to train Pokemon and fight Pokemon!

After completing the Wang Bin battle, Su Xiaobai accompanied Luo Lin to find an Aptitude outstanding Fletchling, and finally solved the Fletchling matter.

From the time Fletchling was taken away to the successful acquisition of Fletchling, this process took three days in total, and the rewards were indeed great.

After getting the certificate issued by the Laboratory, Su Xiaobai couldn't wait to take Catterpie and Fletchling to the Pokemon Registration Center.

Along the way, both Pokemon looked very excited. They had waited for this day for a long time.

Soon, Su Xiaobai took two Pokemon to the Pokemon Center, which is like a shopping mall Normal. Through the glass window, you can see the people and Pokemon passing by.

At the door, Su Xiaobai took the two Pokemon back to the Poké Ball, then put his Official Pokemon Researcher Badge on his left chest and walked into the center of the Pokemon.

"Hello, please come here for a security check."

At the door, the security stopped Su Xiaobai, but just when he was about to say something, he suddenly caught sight of Su Xiaobai. Xiaobai carried the Badge on his left chest.

Unfortunately, the security guard rubbed his eyes and looked at the Badge on Su Xiaobai's chest with a little surprise. Isn't this the Official Pokemon Researcher Badge?

But the person in front of me is too young!

"Should this person's identity be fake?"

This idea came to the mind of the security guard, and then he quickly took out the walkie-talkie to call the police.

A few minutes later...

The security guard began to apologize to Su Xiaobai constantly, which also made him somewhat didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It seems that he became an Official Pokemon at a young age. Researcher, there are also some troubles.

After searching for a long time in the huge hall, Su Xiaobai finally found the Pokemon registration center, where several students were registering for Pokemon at this time.

"hahaha, Chen Hanhan, is this the Pokemon you found in your house?"

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in the hall, causing The people around him looked sideways.

Su Xiaobai looked over, and immediately saw a flushed student and Catterpie on the table in front of him.

Obviously, the student in front of me wearing a washed white shirt, his initiator Pokemon is a Catterpie, which caused a burst of laughter.

"What's the use of a good grade test, the trainer is not an average person who wants to be."

Another student who is obviously more affluent opened the mouth and said, And his initiator Pokemon is a Nidoran♂.

Just as his voice fell, he suddenly saw a slightly immature young man approaching, and at the same time said: "What's wrong with Catterpie?"

The person who spoke It was Su Xiaobai, along with the silhouette sounded there was a white light, and then I saw a Catterpie appearing on the table in front of him.

"Oh, I thought it was who, it turned out to be a Starter Pokemon, which is Catterpie's rubbish."

Huang Yan looked towards Su Xiaobai in confusion, before seeing him Catterpie also couldn't help but ridicule.


Su Xiaobai spoke lightly, and then put his Official Pokemon Researcher certificate and Badge on the table.

After he got the Official Pokemon Researcher certificate and Badge, the staff who was watching the show at the counter suddenly exclaimed.

"No way, Official Pokemon Researcher?"

After hearing what the staff said, everyone unanimously focused on the certificate and Badge next to Catterpie.

One of the students wiped his eyes, his face was full of incredible color!

This person seems to be about the same age as them, but he is already an Official Pokemon Researcher?

This is too terrifying, right? !

Even Huang Yan, who was originally arrogant, opened his mouth at this time, and suddenly felt something blocking his throat.

A Catterpie has an Official Pokemon Researcher certificate and Badge next to it. Is this picture too strange? !

"Is Catterpie really weak?"

At this moment, Su Xiaobai's voice sounded again, which immediately made Huang Yan's face flushed.

He wanted to shout yes directly, but due to the identity of Su Xiaobai Official Pokemon Researcher, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Without waiting for Huang Yan’s answer, Su Xiaobai continued: “There is no Pokemon who is born weak, there are only trainers who don’t know how to breed.”

After hearing Su Xiaobai’s words, The audience fell silent for a while, only Chen Hanhan had tears in his eyes at this time and cast a grateful look at Su Xiaobai.

He knew that Su Xiaobai suddenly stood up to speak at this time, deliberately supporting him.

At the same time, his heart also silently recites a sentence that Su Xiaobai said before, and his heart is immediately fueled by fighting spirit!

What about Catterpie, I must breed it very well!

"Hello, please help me register with Starter Pokemon."

Su Xiaobai didn't speak any more after saying that, and said to the staff in front of him.

The staff at this time was also in a state of astonishment, and only reacted after hearing Su Xiaobai's words, and quickly nodded.

She took Su Xiaobai's certificate carefully, and after some confirmation, it was swallowed saliva and said, and then began to operate on the computer.


At this time, Catterpie looked a little uneasy on the table, sticking one's head around to look for from time to time and wanted to check the progress.

Originally, Catterpie thought that Su Xiaobai would register Fletchling as the initial Pokemon. Didn’t expect Su Xiaobai to choose it. I was really touched!

"Let's become stronger together in the future."

Su Xiaobai said with a slight smile to Catterpie, making Catterpie's eyes complete the crescent.

"hmph, a Pokemon Researcher, how can I know the trainer!"

Seeing that Su Xiaobai really registered Catterpie as the initiator Pokemon, Huang Yan coldly snorted.

Chen Hanhan on the side saw this face change, he looked at Su Xiaobai, then suddenly his eyes became firm and said: "I will prove it to you!"

After hearing Chen Hanhan's words, Huang Yan froze for a moment, and then shook his head in disdain, without saying much, put away Nidoran♂ and turned and left. This scene also made Chen Hanhan clenched his fists.

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