"Scholar Su, you are here."

Bai Zhi stood up, glanced at Su Xiaobai and smiled.

After that, her gaze also fell on Salamence, slightly surprised.

"This is Salamence, and I am now a member of our Laboratory."

"In addition, Salamence will also live near Salac Berry Park to help protect the Salac Berry tree."

Su Xiaobai smiled and also explained Salamence's next arrangement.

With the growth of the Salac Berry tree, it will surely arouse the coveting of some Pokemon and bad guys.

If there is Salamence protection, then the safety of the Salac Berry tree is guaranteed.

Of course, the current Qinglian Town Laboratory is protected by the Lian West Forest Ranger Line of Defense, and it is very difficult for the enemy to get close.

Ho Ho Ho Ho.

Salamence roared twice and then came to the Salac Berry tree.

At close range, it immediately noticed that the Berry Tree really had the kind of breath it felt.

The human being is right, that treasure is the fruit of this fruit.

Without Su Xiaobai's reminder, Salamence has already regarded this Berry Tree as his private property at this time.

As long as you are there, no one can hurt this Berry Tree, and no one can take away the fruit!

"Okay, I see."

"I would like to ask for your advice in the future."

Bai Zhi smiled and said hello to Salamence, but received Salamence's watchful gaze warns.

Hmph, as long as I'm here, don't you guys want to get close to the Salac Berry tree!

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"This Berry Tree was bred by Bai Zhi and I."

"If not With Bai Zhi’s help, the Salac Berry tree is impossible to bear fruit."

Su Xiaobai couldn't help but give Salamence a glimpse. Is this already the role? Is it too fast?

Salamence was nodded when he saw this, but rather eagerly looked towards the female human in front of him.

After setting up Salamence in Salac Berry Park, the two also returned to the laboratory together, intending to exchange their recent experiences.

A lot of things have happened during this period, but the gains of the two are undoubtedly very huge.

"After half a month, shall we go to the Sky Festival together?"

Su Xiaobai smiled and sent out the invitation. The sky Ribbon also has Bai Zhi's credit.

"Sky Festival, I really want to go."

"But I have other things to do, I may not be able to go."

Bai Zhi smiled, and then took out an invitation and put it on the table: "I actually want to invite you to the Berry party."

Su Xiaobai froze for a while, and finally asked for an invitation. It was discovered that it was an invitation to the conference of Berry planters, similar to a seminar.

"Didn't expect, these two conferences will be held at the same time."

After understanding the situation, Su Xiaobai also felt a little regretful.

"There is no way, when the spring breeze is dawning is also the time of All Living Things to Recover."

Bai Zhi is also a bit regretful. The two do overlap. Spring is really a time. Good season.

"Indeed, but Berry planter's schedule seems to be faster."

"When the time comes is over, you can still come to the closing ceremony of the Sky Festival "

Su Xiaobai looked at the schedule of the two conferences, and smiled and opened the mouth and said.

Compared to the Berry Planter Conference, the Sky Festival has many other activities besides the seminar site.

"Okay, when the time comes, I will rush to the Sky Festival when the time comes."

Bai Zhi looked at the schedule, nodded, and his beautiful eyebrows were bent stand up.


A few days later.

Su Xiaobai and Bai Zhi left the Laboratory one after another.

Because the Berry Planter Conference was held in Kun City, west of Alliance.

While the Sky Festival is in He City in the north, the two also said goodbye directly at the Airport and boarded the plane to their destination.

This time, the Pokemon Su Xiaobai brought with him include Catterpie, Fletchling, Gloom, Electabuzz, Butterfree and Beautifly.

At the Sky Festival in He City, in addition to the seminar, he also wanted to participate in various sky-related activities there.

He originally wanted to bring Salamence. After all, it was Sky Festival. There is no Pokemon more suitable than Salamence.

But Salamence kept guarding the Salac Berry tree and said nothing to leave. Seeing this, Su Xiaobai had no choice but to let Salamence stay in the Laboratory.

This is a bitter for Lin Le. Originally, he planned to save a lot of food expenses after Salamence went to the Sky Festival. Now he even has to stay in the Laboratory to accompany Salamence. Can't help feeling a little bitter.


He City, Su Xiaobai came to the north for the first time.

The spring breeze blows past, and it really deserves the title of the city of wind. The wind blows all the year round.

After he came to He City, he also went straight to He City Pokemon Research Union.

Although there is still half a month from the beginning of the Flying Attribute seminar, there are already a lot of scholars gathered here.

After entering the Pokemon Research Union, the Sun Ke Committee Member who had already received the news also came to greet him personally.

"Congratulations, Scholar Su."

"I hope we can have a good communication in the next seminar."

"You are really young, It's really an innate talent that makes people jealous."

Union's scholars also stepped forward to say hello when they saw Su Xiaobai.

This is in stark contrast to his previous participation in the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher seminar.

Along the way, with Sun Ke Committee Member talking and laughing, the two also entered the rest room prepared by Union for the scholars.

"Sun Ke Committee Member, this is the content of the seminar I prepared."

Su Xiaobai also took out the materials prepared in the backpack.

"Well, I think this will definitely become the protagonist of this time seminar."

"But...you don't take it lightly, there may be people at this time seminar. Contending with you for the sky Ribbon."

Sun Ke Committee Member hesitated for a while and lowered his voice to open the mouth and said. Obviously, he had already got some news in advance as a review Committee Member.

"Someone is vying with me for the sky Ribbon?"

Su Xiaobai frowned, what else in the Flying Attribute field can compare to Tailwind Move's research results?

"Well, this scholar is called Xiang Fei, and he is a Top Rank Pokemon Researcher."

"At the same time, he is also an expert on Flying Attribute Move, and many Flying Attribute Move The invention is related to him."

Sun Ke Committee Member opened the mouth and said, and introduced the information of Xiang Fei scholar.

"He is Xiang Fei?"

Su Xiaobai raised his brows. Isn't this the scholar who has been carrying the Tailwind Move rhythm?

so that's how it is, this is planning to compete with him for sky Ribbon.

If he hadn't completed the experimental verification of Tailwind Move at a critical time, he might actually have taken the Sky Ribbon away.

But now, with the support of Gale Wings Characteristic Trait, Salac Berry and Wind Force systems, no one can deny the correctness of Tailwind Move.

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