"Isn't this one of the energy formulas of Sky Attack Move?"

As this voice sounded, the silence of the audience was broken and turned into Uproar.

Sure enough, the next moment Su Xiaobai suddenly substituted the energy data of Sky Attack Move into the Wind Force system.

After the deduction process, these scholars are also very familiar with it. It is the deduction formula of Move formidable power...

When Su Xiaobai is still writing in his hands, these scholars have already passed mental calculations. Start calculating the final formidable power value.

"How is this possible!"

Suddenly an exclamation sounded, and then more and more scholars showed disbelief in their eyes.

In their calculations, the final formidable power of this new Move reached 140 points, which is 20 points more than Brave Bird's onslaught!

At the same time, Su Xiaobai also finished the formula in his hand, and the final result was 140!

"Xiang Fei scholar, this is my answer."

"Brave Bird storms the strongest formidable power in nonexistent theory!"

Listen After Su Xiaobai's words, Xiang Fei scholar's eyes widened and his face became flushed.

"This is impossible! How is this possible?!"

Xiang Fei scholar rushed to the blackboard and began to check the formula on the blackboard step by step.

"Control of Wind Force!"

"This makes the formidable power breakthrough of Sky Attack Move 140 points!"

"No, it's not right This is no longer Sky Attack Move, but a new Move!"

After some thoughts, some scholars also thought of the key to it, and they all began to discuss it.

"What is the control of Wind Force, this is just the formula that the theory holds!"

There are also scholars in the field who refute, they think this is just the Move model that exists in the theory. That's it!

It is like many theories put forward in reality. Although they are correct, they cannot be realized in reality!

"How can you prove that this Move does not exist?"

"In theory, you only need to master Gale Wings Characteristic Trait and Sky Attack Move, plus Salac Berry. Learn this move!"

"No one can deny the existence of this Move before the actual completion of the experiment!"

There was another scholar who retorted and quickly made the Scholar divided into two factions and began to argue violently.

"All of this is based on the correct Wind Force system."

"I think it is completely meaningless to discuss this issue before proving the existence of the Wind Force system."

At this time, another scholar raised an objection. This time refers to the core Wind Force system.

Although the Gale Wings Characteristic Trait and Wind Force system have proved the correctness of the Tailwind Move learning method, this does not rule out the versatility of the Wind Force system, just like the deduction of this new Move No one knows whether the Wind Force system can be applied to the further deduction of Sky Attack Move. In some deductions, although the data and the energy formula are the same, the meaning is different.

After this scholar put forward this point of view, the heated discussion in the field also temporarily stopped.

"This is only in the theory of the theory!"

Xiang Fei scholar also gritted his teeth at this time and said, his face was very ugly.

"Ah, this is indeed the Move that exists in the theory."

"I have reservations about this before proving that this Move does exist."

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, and then the front of the conversation suddenly changed: "But, your so-called strongest Flying Attribute Move Brave Bird storm, isn't it also the strongest Move that exists in theory?"

Voice Su Xiaobai Snarl suddenly improved, and Su Xiaobai Snarl said: "So... don't tell me that any theory exists!!!"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Xiang Fei scholar opened his mouth, and suddenly he was dumb. Speechless.

"In addition, your so-called Brave Bird's onslaught has no side effects, and it is theoretically there, right?"

"So, before I find a Pokemon that can really control Brave Bird's onslaught on Move, I I don't think your theory is correct!"

Su Xiaobai pressed forward step by step and directly negated the two advantages of Brave Bird's onslaught of Move proposed by Xiang Fei scholar!

"Oh, yes, let me propose another theory here."

"I think the compound eye Characteristic Trait that I proposed before can increase the theory of Move accuracy. In Literature there Some people may have seen it."

"So theoretically, the low accuracy side effect of Storm Move can also be overcome. It only needs to improve the accuracy of Move..."

After Su Xiaobai's words fell, a scholar suddenly puci laughed, making Xiang Fei scholar's face extremely gloomy, but he couldn't find any rebuttal, his face turned blue and purple.

"Oh, that's right."

"The Move I put forward is called'Sky Attack'."

"If it can be proved The existence of this Move, I think it is more qualified to get sky Ribbon than'Brave Bird Attack'."

Speaking, Su Xiaobai's eyes are also on the words Sky Attack, his face A smile appeared.

The last time I heard about the Sun Ke Committee Member speaking of which Brave Bird stormed, Su Xiaobai thought of Sky Attack, which is a stronger move.

Afterwards, with the mentality of giving it a try, he also performed the deduction of Sky Attack.

After knowing the Move principle of Sky Attack, he immediately thought of Sky Attack Move, which is also the Stockpile Move.

The next Move deduction was smoother than he expected. Combined with the Wind Force system, Sky Attack was successfully deduced.

Of course, although he knows the existence of Sky Attack Move, he is not confident whether he can learn it through this method.

However, these are not important anymore. His own purpose is to refute Xiang Fei scholar, which is very successful now.

On the other side, after listening to Su Xiaobai's last words, Xiang Fei scholar suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head, so he swayed and held the corner of the table to prevent it from falling.

He stared at the words "Sky Attack" on the blackboard, and he knew that Sky Ribbon had gradually moved away from him.


Kun City, the headquarters of Berry Planter Committee Member Association.

After Ye Mao Vice-President returned to the headquarters, he also directly announced the news that the Salac Berry tree was successfully breeded.

This made the entire Committee Member meeting boil. This is the legendary Berry.

Salac Berry's breeding success was also a major breakthrough completed by Berry's growers.

In this case, Ye Mao Vice-President also directly put forward the opinion of awarding the highest honor to Bai Zhi planter.

Originally, Ye Mao felt that this matter was pretty sure, after all, this was the legendary Berry.

He had already made a promise to Bai Zhi when he was in Azure Lotus Laboratory at that time. It was based on this.

But what made him somewhat puzzled was that after he raised the news, the entire Conference Hall fell into silence.

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