The day passes quickly.

At night, Su Xiaobai and Lin Le, who had been busy all day, had time to stop and rest.

After actually taking over the laboratory, Su Xiaobai realized how difficult it is to maintain a laboratory operation.

Let’s not talk about the equipment costs in the laboratory, just the bird Pokemon in the mountainside woods is a lot of money.

Fortunately, the Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory will also be the daily task of distributing the initial Pokemon, which also received some financial subsidies and feeding fees from the Alliance.

In addition, for each selected Pokemon, it is necessary to pay extra for the purchase of the initial Pokemon, which also makes the Laboratory barely able to maintain it.

Of course, this is just barely maintaining the operation of the Laboratory. For example, if the Laboratory wants to engage in research or something, it must go to the Pokemon Research Union to apply for funding.

If there is no way to apply for funding, then the researcher can only pay for his own research.

"Brother Su, many of the equipment in the laboratory are a bit old."

"In the Pokemon breeding area in the backyard, we have to buy a new batch of Pokemon eggs. , Otherwise we won’t have the initial Pokemon to distribute next year."

Listening to Lin Le’s reminder, Su Xiaobai’s face is getting darker and darker, and he did not expect the management of the Bird Pokemon Laboratory. It's so difficult.

Before listening to Lin Le's words about saving the laboratory, Su Xiaobai didn't care about it. Now it seems that the laboratory is really going to be unsustainable anymore.

If it weren't for Researcher Lin Kong who left all the laboratory funds when he left, it is estimated that the current laboratory could be closed on the spot!

"It just needs money, right?"

Su Xiaobai rubbed his eyebrows, now Pokemon training needs money, research needs money, laboratory operation still needs money, he has a lot of money Feeling poor and crazy.

"Ai, in fact, our Laboratory was quite rich before."

"But after Alliance allowed the privatization of Breeding Base, our Rui City also opened several Breeding Bases one after another. , Has taken our business away a lot."

"Although the price of Breeding Base outside is really expensive, the quality of Pokemon carefully brewed by the breeder is much better than ours."

Lin Le sighed, now the laboratory is getting more and more difficult to operate.

"It seems that if the laboratory wants to develop, it still needs to defraud the funds!"

"Lin Le, you are responsible for running the laboratory well, and I will solve the money problem!"


Su Xiaobai gritted his teeth and said, since he has taken over the Laboratory, how can he not let the Laboratory collapse like this.

In addition, he wants to do research to earn resources to strengthen Pokemon, and a place suitable for research is indeed very important.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Brother Su."

"Although it is very difficult to get scholar Integral Points for Normal's papers, scholar contribution points are still quite easy to get "

"Teacher Lin Kong also relies on these scholar contribution points to support the research."

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Lin Le also relaxed, after all, Su Xiaobai is a genius who became an Official Pokemon Researcher at the age of 16. He doesn't think it will be difficult to get Su Xiaobai for this.


"Publishing papers and defrauding funds..."

After returning to his room, Su Xiaobai rubbed his eyebrows and thought.

Now, the only paper he has published is "On the Application and Development of the Stink Emanating from Catterpie Antennae".

In addition, the development of Catterpie's stinky Move and the development of Fletchling Growl Move have not published papers yet.

According to the prompt sound issued by the system before, it can be seen that these two papers are of certain value.

Among them, the development of Catterpie's stinky Move can continue to publish papers, while Fletchling's Growl Move can still be published after it is fully developed.

As for the problem of defrauding funds...I can't help it, because I said that I was cheated, so I can only make up, among which Fletchling's Tailwind Move is a good topic.

Scribbled in the notebook, Su Xiaobai also initially confirmed the paper to be published next.

“Catterpie’s stinky Move...”

Su Xiaobai’s mind recalled the paper format of the "Catterpie String Shot Move Learning Method" that he bought before, and started Write my own Second Chapter paper in this World: "Learning Method of Catterpie Stink Move"

"I have published a paper on Catterpie Stink before, and I got some inspiration from it..."

At the beginning, Su Xiaobai briefly described the development paper on Catterpie's odor published earlier.

Here, Su Xiaobai still keeps an eye on it, just briefly describe the principle and method of Catterpie's odor.

As for how to collect and purify odor, you must check his last paper to know, which may bring him several contribution points.

"Since Catterpie's tentacles can produce odor, is it possible to store the odor like Poison Type Pokemon?"

Su Xiaobai continues to write, from here It led to his inspiration for the stinky Move, and then he also described the process of his attempts in detail.

"According to the research, I found that in addition to the functions of smell, touch, and sensation, Catterpie's antennae also have many sensory organs of different shapes on the antennae, which can be used to receive and distinguish smells."


"... Then, I focused on the development of these sensory organs, and found that Catterpie can indeed store odors in a short period of time through these sensory organs... You only need to store a lot of odors in the tentacles. Can be released in a short time to cause damage to the enemy..."


"This is my development process for Catterpie's stinky Move..."

Su Xiaobai stopped writing, took a deep breath, and read it several times.

Because of the experience of the First Chapter paper, this paper is a lot smoother to write, and because of the foreshadowing of the previous paper, it can also increase a lot of persuasiveness.

Finally, there is a case where Catterpie actually used Move, Su Xiaobai is very confident that this paper has passed the review!

"Submit this paper first. As for the deception of funds, I still have to consider it carefully."

After putting the paper away, Su Xiaobai came to the window. When the wooden window was opened, a ray of sunlight came in immediately.

In the distant sky, a few Pidgey Fly passed by, and on the distant trees, a Catterpie crawled slowly, everything seemed very harmonious.

"Suddenly I feel...this kind of life is also good."

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, but the battle between a Spearow and Starly in the distance made him browse frowned again.

"Spearow is really unscrupulous in this woods."

"The ecological chain of the bird Pokemon Laboratory is too simple now, maybe some new ones can be introduced Pokemon is here."

"If it's just bird Pokemon, can it satisfy my research."

Su Xiaobai was slightly sighed, and at this time he couldn't help but think of the back garden of Professor Oak .

huhuhu ~

At this moment, a gust of wind was blowing fiercely in the field.

Fletchling's silhouette suddenly appeared in the air, separating the fighting Spearow and Starly.

The current Flechling is arguably the strongest in the laboratory. After Su Xiaobai became the director, it also assumed the management of the laboratory.

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