Time flies quickly.

World Alliance Tournament is about to open Veilstone.

In the first half year of the tournament, each Alliance can submit an application to host an Alliance tournament.

Since Pokemon battle is the most popular event in the world, there is no need to worry about the venue.

I don't know if Su Xiaobai put forward a large number of research results. Scholars and trainers from all over the world are consciously gathering towards the Orient Alliance.

Therefore, after the Orient Alliance filed a report, the World Alliance Tournament Organizing Committee agreed without any hesitation.

Seriously, they also hope to take this opportunity to visit the Orient Alliance to see the Fairy system, weather system, priority system...

At the same time, Su Xiaobai is still a Alliance Champion, with the title of Alliance Champion and Pokemon Professor, and created a scholar-type trainer.

All this kind of stuff makes other Alliance trainers and scholars curious about Su Xiaobai.

"The Orient Alliance tournament this time is the best opportunity for our Orient Alliance to rise!"

After the President of Alliance got the news, he clenched his fists and made up his mind to Show the strength of Orient Alliance during this time competition.

After that, he remembered the news from Qinglian Town Laboratory, and the corner of his mouth was slightly curved, showing a confident look.


Another month has passed.

As Su Xiaobai publishes papers one after another, it has attracted the attention of everyone in the Orient Alliance.

"What is this...Pokemon Genetics?"

When the scholars looked at the title of the paper, their hearts were suddenly moved.

If Pokemon and Pokemon reproduce offspring, until now is the focus area of ​​scholars' research.

But under normal circumstances, scholars breed Pokemon let them reproduce, and they will choose the same race or close races.

But this paper divides Pokemon into different egg groups.

Egg group is very similar to Attribute. A Pokemon can belong to one or two egg groups at the same time, and the egg groups are classified by Pokemon's biological characteristics.

According to the records of this paper, Pokemon’s egg group can be roughly divided into rare beast, water, insect, flying, land, Fairy, plant, humanoid, mineral, amorphous, and dragon ……Egg group is the key to judging whether two Pokemon of opposite sex can lay eggs. Only Pokemon of opposite sex in the same group can lay eggs!

This paper has a very detailed record of the egg group. If the views in the formal paper are available, a new Pokemon subject can definitely be established!

A large number of systems can achieve a discipline. A discipline must have multiple interrelated systems as the foundation. It can be seen how valuable this paper is.

If it is a normal situation, the first reaction of the scholars is definitely debate and refutation, and the most correct answer will be obtained in the continuous discussion.

But this time, because it was Su Xiaobai who proposed to publish this paper, Su Xiaobai, who has never failed in the scholar circle, silenced the entire scholar circle.

Since Professor Su dared to publish this kind of paper, his opinions must be used as corresponding arguments. The seminars left a deep impression on them.

In the absence of rebuttals and debates, scholars subconsciously explored from the perspective of verification, making the world of scholars unusually quiet.

"Heh, is this the scholar of Orient Alliance?"

"Is this scholar who has the courage to explore after losing the heart of debate and rebuttal?"

It is the Alliance Champion from Unova Region who expressed this view, who came to Orient Alliance at the opportunity of the World Alliance Tournament.

He didn't come with a learning attitude. Although the World Alliance Tournament belonging to the trainer has not started yet, it does not prevent him from starting with scholar.

This time, they came with the belief that they will win. This is a very good opportunity to hit the morale of the Orient Alliance!

Especially when this Professor Su is also an Orient Alliance Champion!

After the Alliance Elite showed their attitude, the Pokemon Researchers of Unova Region also came together and began to question Pokemon Genetics.

Among them, a scholar proposed a very classic body size theory. Gyarados and Magikarp are mutually evolved forms and must be in the same egg group.

But how does Gyarados reproduce with Gyarados based on its size?

Apart from this, there is also the existence of reproductive isolation. If two completely different Pokemon are in the same egg group, can they reproduce?

After the questioning sound was raised, the quiet atmosphere was instantly broken, and more and more scholars joined the discussion!

"Have you seen Pokemon lay eggs?"

Faced with this question, Su Xiaobai just responded lightly.

After hearing this, those scholars subconsciously have to answer that they have read the word, "Laying an egg", so that they can make up the picture on their own.

But when they really calmed down and remembered, they realized that they hadn't actually seen Pokemon lay eggs.

Although they have seen Pokemon eggs, they really saw that Pokemon reproduced so much, but no one!

At this moment, it was revealed that none of these scholars had specifically conducted research on Pokemon eggs, and the scene became awkward for a while.

Since they have not seen the process of Pokemon multiplying, their previous accusations become groundless.

As a Pokemon Researcher, the most important thing is to seek truth from facts, which makes them blushing involuntarily, and the atmosphere is inexplicably weird.

"hmph, I haven't studied Pokemon eggs, I really don't know."

"But there are so many scholars, someone will always see them, right?"

The previously deflated scholar thought bitterly in his heart, waiting for someone to speak to refute.

But with the passage of time, the scholar world is still so quiet, and there really is no rebuttal!

"Haven't everyone seen Pokemon multiplying?"

"I am still afraid of this Professor Su and dare not refute it? What about the scholars who study Pokemon eggs? Are you all soft guys?"

In this silent atmosphere, the scholar couldn't help it, and spoke again, wanting to encourage the scholars who study Pokemon eggs to speak.

At this time, someone has spoken again.

It's just that this time is not a Pokemon Researcher, but a Pokemon Breeder.

It is true that although Pokemon Genetics is regarded as an academic issue, Breeder is most familiar with Pokemon eggs.

"Pokemon eggs were not actually bred by Pokemon, but appeared suddenly."

This Breeder's words made the entire Pokemon Researcher world quiet.

"What do you know as a Pokemon trainer?!"

"Suddenly popped up? You said that Pokemon eggs popped up suddenly? Why don't you say that Pokemon comes from It came out of the stone!"

Several trainers continued to ridicule loudly. Even if they were trainers, they knew it was impossible!

But it was very strange. There was no scholar or Breeder to respond to their views, and the atmosphere fell silent again.

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