This scholar is a scholar who studies Water Type Pokemon eggs.

What he raised was the question of the egg group "Water" and pointed out the inaccuracy of the egg group "Water".

In his research, not all Water Type Pokemon can be reproduced.

But these Water Type Pokemon are all "water" egg groups, so why does this happen?

This shows that the Contest Category of the egg group "on the water" is incorrect. It is either a problem with this egg group or a problem with the entire egg group system.

After this question was raised, it caused a heated discussion among scholars.

In the face of this question, Su Xiaobai rarely remained silent, which made the scholars who had opinions arrogant.

Qinglian Town Laboratory.

Alliance Elite Four eat melons while training.

Seeing these scholars constantly arguing, they feel quite funny.

However, after a scholar raised a question about the Contest Category of the "aquatic" egg group, they sighed slightly.

Could it be that they, an all-out Alliance Champion, really made a mistake this time? This is very rare in their opinion.

But when they saw Su Xiaobai's calm face as the person involved, they felt certain in their hearts. It seemed that there was no problem?

"A problem, not a problem."

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, "I have solved this problem, but I haven't released it."

"Only enough arguments can promote the continuous maturity of a theory and attract the attention of the scholars."

"It is like this Contest Category of the water egg group. This is a contradiction and should be able to arouse enough Is paying attention."

"When the time comes, I will hold another seminar to solve all the problems, and then I can complete the establishment of the egg group Contest Category system in one fell swoop."


Hearing Su Xiaobai's explanation, these Elites nodded, they were not fools, they saw the key point at once, and could not help but curse wily old fox secretly.

After that, they stopped paying attention to the outside discussion and continued to prepare before the game.

World Alliance Tournament is conducted in a team competition mode, and each side will send five people to participate.

among which is included two 3V3 singles and two doubles, one triple play, and the final 5V5 arena.

The final victory or defeat is determined by the Integral Points system. The first five games are each 1 point, and the final arena is 2 points.

The first five matches were individual matches, but the final 5V5 arena is a team match where all five players will play.

In the 5V5 arena, the five players on both sides will each send a Pokemon for a 1V1 battle. The winner continues to fight and the loser retreats. Pokemon cannot be exchanged in between, until all five Pokemons on one side lose their combat capability. , The game is over.

Therefore, in the final arena, the order of appearance of the players of both sides is very important. In addition to the advantage of the game, the corresponding tactics can also be organized.

For example, if Su Xiaobai is ranked in front of Yan Gu Elite, the Pokemon use Trick Room sent by Su Xiaobai can directly set up an environment conducive to the battle of Yan Gu Elite, Steelix under Trick Room The battle strength, know everything.

Another example is the weather system. No Pokemon is more suitable as a weather controller than Butterfree. The power of Lugia makes it a weather controller!

Like this type of tactics, there are many more for Su Xiaobai who has mastered a large number of rare Moves. You can use tactics flexibly according to the opponent!

After finishing the training, Su Xiaobai returned to the research room.

In order to obtain some legendary resources before the World Alliance Tournament starts, he needs to establish Pokemon Genetics in the fastest time.

"Egg Group Contest Category System...Before this, there is also a life energy incubation system, which has to be established first."

I took a look and recorded it in the notebook. Su Xiaobai continued to lower his head and began to write the paper.


The outside world.

Scholars are still discussing the egg group Contest Category system.

In fact, the best way to verify this system is to experiment, which is an experiment accumulated over a long period of time.

But from Pokemon laying eggs to Pokemon birth, the time span required for this process is very long.

Therefore, at this point in the discussion of the egg group Contest Category system, it has been deadlocked.

Their discussions are based on theory, and no one can come up with actual research data, so no one can convince anyone.

But in this case, Su Xiaobai suddenly published the second system in "Pokemon Genetics", the life energy incubation system!

Just looking at the name, most of the scholar's breathing is short, and his eyes are slightly widened, thinking of a possibility.

"Using life energy to accelerate the incubation of Pokemon eggs..."

Looking at the information recorded in the paper, the scholars' faces suddenly became solemn.

If the method in the paper is feasible, this will definitely greatly enhance the strength of each Alliance.

Allow them to breed a large number of Pokemon in the shortest time, thus giving birth to more trainers!

"Wait, I can talk about this later..."

"Now there is a way to use life energy to speed up the incubation of Pokemon eggs, is it possible to verify the egg group system!"

Some scholars reacted, and then suddenly realized that this is the reason why Professor Su proposed the life energy incubation system!

"Yes, that's it!"

"Walk, let's go to Qinglian Town Laboratory now."

A group of scholars from other Alliances , Rushing towards Qinglian Town one after another.

For a time, scholars with red hair, blue hair, yellow hair, green hair, and various hair colors appeared in Qinglian Town.

If they didn't know that the World Pokemon Researcher Conference was held in Unova Region, they would really think Orient Alliance was the venue!

"Mayor Chen, what shall we do now?"

"According to the news, more scholars are rushing to Qinglian Town."

" After all, there are many scholars from other Alliances at this time. I feel that I still have to handle them carefully so as not to break the relationship between Alliances."

The executives of Rui City are discussing this matter. He was excited and helpless.

During this period of time, Rui City can really be said to have been popular in the entire Alliance. Assisting Qinglian Town Laboratory has a vague trend of being promoted to the first-tier cities of Alliance.

But there are also many oncoming problems, and the flow of personnel has brought many uncertainties, which must be dealt with carefully.

"Alliance headquarters already knew about this."

"Decisively, Alliance has sent a coaching team to Rui City."

" In addition, this is also a very good opportunity. Our Rui City is very likely to become a world-scholar communication center."

Mayor Chen's face is fairly calm, and he expressed some of his thoughts and let Pokemon The eyes of the senior executives of Research Union and the Trainers Association were surprised.

This time, the appetite of Alliance in Rui City is really not small, but judging from the current trend, this is not impossible.

If the project of the World Scholar Exchange Center is approved, then their status must be as the tide rises, the boat floats!

Thinking of this, both the Pokemon Research Union and the top executives of the Trainers Association straightened their backs involuntarily and began to express their opinions.

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