"A...Mega Gardevoir appeared?"

Everyone in the field was watching the evolving Gardevoir.

Especially the Alliance Champion of Kalos Region, Caberna, whose fists are slightly clenched.

After the light of evolution dissipated, Mega Gardevoir in an evening dress appeared, and the silhouette Levitate was in the air, looking so noble.

"It has appeared, it is really amazing imposing manner."

"Garchomp, we are also ready to go, use Dragon Rush!"

Xizhi took a deep breath and directed Garchomp to rush up directly.

Even Gardevoir has completed Mega Evolution, but it is already Psychic and Fairy Type, and melee combat is its nemesis!

"Dragon Rush?"

"Or not, simply Dragon Type has no effect on Gardevoir."

Su Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and felt this The Ground Type energy contained in Dragon Rush.

Obviously, Garchomp has demonstrated his power as an Earth Dragon very well, turning it into an earth Tyront!

"Gardevoir, Hyper Beam!"

At the same time, Su Xiaobai also gave instructions through Telepathy.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Gardevoir raising his hand to gather strength, and the terrifying energy made the air around it tremble slightly.

After completing the Mega Evolution, Gardevoir's Life Level has reached the Legendary Grade, and the battle strength has directly increased by several levels!

After Mega Gardevoir use Hyper Beam, ordinary Attribute energy is condensed in the hand and turned into an orange yellow light ball!

At the same time, Mega Gardevoir's Mental Force surged, and the Psychic Type energy was integrated into the Hyper Beam. This is the fusion energy technique he is very familiar with!

The scholars in the audience are all watching attentively at this time, seeing the fusion of Normal and Psychic Type energies in Gardevoir with no difficulty.

"Wait, it seems that it's not just these two energies..."

"Gosh, what is this? Fairy Type energy, and Fairy Type energy!"

"Mega Gardevoir is fusing three energies at this time, how is this possible?!"

Suddenly, a scholar exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief.

Normal is the fusion of two kinds of energies, and the fusion of three kinds of energies. This is really unheard-of!

The fusion of the two energies only needs to balance the two energies and find the point of convergence of the two energies, and there is hope to complete the fusion.

Like Garchomp in the field, it has completed the fusion of two energies, relying on its own Attribute to perfectly integrate Ground and Dragon Type.

But if there are three kinds of energies, it is necessary to find the points of fit between the three kinds of energies. This directly increases the difficulty and is almost impossible!

"Integrated energy system!"

"Did Professor Su find any breakthrough points?"

Even the guests in the guest table, At this time, I was dumbfounded, and I didn't know how Su Xiaobai did it!

"Well, you guys don't look at us anymore!"

"If Professor Su really completes the construction of the fusion energy system, it will focus on the 3rd-layer fusion. The Pokemon Researcher Conference Champion of this year is his."

The members of the World Scholar Conference Organizing Committee, watching the other guests subconsciously, are looking at themselves, shrugged a little helplessly said.

At the same time, they looked at Su Xiaobai's gaze as if they were looking at monster Normal. How did these research results come to pass?

"Go, Mega Hyper Beam!"

Watching Mega Gardevoir complete the fusion of the three energies, Su Xiaobai grinned.

Actually, Mega Gardevoir has completed the fusion of the three energies, but it is a bit of a trick.

Among them, it is relying on Mega Gardevoir's Pixilate Characteristic Trait to directly convert ordinary Attribute into Fairy Type.

Relying on this method, Mega Gardevoir can easily convert Hyper Beam into Fairy Type and retain the normal Attribute energy!


Mega Gardevoir used Mega Hyper Beam.

A Dao Accumulation containing the colorful rays of light was directly blasted out, just like rainbow piercing the sun smashing void!

In the midair, Garchomp hit the dragon phantom on the ground and directly collided with the Mega Hyper Beam!

The terrifying rumbling sound came in an instant, the whole Ground began to tremble violently, and the smoke of the explosion enveloped the audience in a blink of an eye!

Watching this scene, the audience was silent.

They lift the head and watch the smoke rush into the sky, completing a mushroom cloud!

In midair, Mega Gardevoir's body is wrapped with Energy Shield transformed into Confusion, quietly Levitate!

Afterwards, they looked towards the field again, and their hearts sank. I am afraid that Garchomp is bode ill rather than well. The gap between the two Pokemon is really too big!

Wait until the smoke gradually dissipates.

A messy venue first appeared in everyone's eyes, and the Ground was covered with spider web-like cracks!

In the center of the field, there was a ruined and messy pit at this time, and the silhouette of Garchomp was lying motionless quietly at this time.

Quick kill, Garchomp is directly killed by this move, the fusion of the three energies, Move, vividly and thoroughly displayed by the terrifying formidable power!

In addition, Gardevoir has reached the Champion level after absorbing Tapu Lele's power.

After completing Mega Evolution, its strength completely surpassed Garchomp, which is why Mega Gardevoir can one hit instant kill Garchomp.

"It was so easy to lose."

Xizhi Champion opened his mouth, and in the end he could only sighed helplessly.

The gap is really too big, and she has no other thoughts in her heart for a while.

Well, it would be great if Garchomp could also perform Mega Evolution, it is really a fascinating power!

"Mega Evolution plus the Peak Level fusion skills."

"Mega Gardevoir does not seem to consume much, so how can we fight this battle?"


And the other Elites of the Sinnoh Alliance, the inner drama in their hearts at this time will be much more complicated, and they will almost surrender directly.

brace oneself, Psychic Type Elite Fujiki comes on the field for the second battle of the ring match.

It is also the Psychic Type Pokemon. When the gap in Mental Force is too large, it can't be big at all.

With the blessing of Psychic Terrain, Mega Gardevoir is fully fired and suppressed throughout the entire process. It only relies on Psychic Type to easily win.

The next third and fourth games ended even faster. In front of Mega Gardevoir, no Pokemon can compete!

In the final first round competition, the opponent Elite has lost the fighting spirit, the battle ended hastily, Mega Gardevoir completed a series of five!

So far, this game has also fallen to Veilstone. Orient Alliance, after losing two games first, relied on doubles and the arena to pull back a city and win the final victory.

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