"Mega Evolution...flaming chicken is also Mega Evolution!"

"There is nothing wrong with those two stones. Gardevoir also relies on these two stones to complete Mega Evolution!"

The guests on the guest table stood up at this time, completely disregarding their image, and looked sluggish!

"Flame Chicken can also perform Mega Evolution..."

"That is, as long as the two stones can be obtained, can Pokemon complete Mega Evolution?"

At this time, most of the people in the field had this idea in their minds, and then their gazes looking towards Qiang Sen became fierce.

If these two special stones can be snatched away, can their Pokemon also complete Mega Evolution?

This attraction is really too big, making everyone involuntarily greedy, even other Elite Champions from Alliance.

In the player area, everyone in the Orient Alliance also felt the change in the atmosphere of the field, slightly frowned.

"Hehe, it seems that someone is already thinking about Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone."

Yu Hong taking pleasure in other people's misfortune said: "But here is our Orient Alliance's At home, I don’t believe anyone can really take away the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone!"

Other Elites are also nodded. They have already anticipated this situation. Alliance is early in this regard. There are already arrangements.

They looked towards all around on the battlefield. At this time, in the back of the audience, the silhouette of the Alliance police appeared, maintaining law and order.

The audience in the field obviously also discovered this, and they quieted down, quietly looking towards the flame chicken that had completed the Mega Evolution in the field.

"It seems that strong grabbing is impossible."

The Elites of Unova Alliance frowned and whispered. If there is an opportunity, they will without the slightest Hesitation shot!

"Perhaps, we can propose conditions to exchange."

"It's just that this Mega Evolution has involved the legendary level, they may not change."

Some Alliance Elite Champions also started to pay attention to the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

"huhuhu ~"

"Sure enough, Mega Evolution is not only for Gardevoir!"

In the field at this time, the most exciting is undoubtedly Pokemon Researcher We are.

Compared to those trainers, they want to take away the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone directly for good research.

These scholars are lunatics. If they can complete the research, there is nothing they can't do.

"Oh, don't think about it."

"Since the two stones are in the hands of Professor Su, he must have completed the research."

"You know, the first to complete Mega Evolution is Professor Su's Gardevoir."

"In addition, Mega Evolution involves life energy and emotional energy. You forget the research of Professor Su during this period of time. Has the result been achieved?"

"Before I felt that Professor Su's research fields were too mixed, and now it seems that the goal of all this is to study Mega Evolution."

"Life Energy The use of Intimate Degree Evolution and Intimate Degree Evolution, the relationship between the two and Mega Evolution, I think you can see the relationship as long as you study a little."

"In addition, the Mega Evolution of Greninja also involves Characteristic Trait energy, and Professor Su is the creator of the Characteristic Trait system. Do you think it is a coincidence?"

A scholar is suddenly coldly snorted, and some scholars next to him calm down a little.

They settled down and thought about it, and found that all this is exactly like what the scholar said, Mega Evolution connects the research results of Professor Su!

"It turns out that Professor Su at first went to Mega Evolution!"

"Legendary Grade other powers, it is only Professor Su who can complete the legendary research. !"

The scholars sighed one after another, and most of the greed in their hearts was gone. Now it seems that Mega Evolution has indeed been researched by Professor Su.

The appearance of this Mega flame chicken in the field is the best proof. They don't think that Pokemon Mega Evolution can be made by relying on only two rocks!

At the guest table.

Committee members of the World Scholar Conference Organizing Committee are completely crazy at this time.

"Mega Evolution, Professor Su may complete Mega Evolution!"

"No way, no way, Mega Evolution, Legendary Grade, don’t!"

A Committee Member keeps making strange calls in his mouth, and he is already incoherent with excitement.


"As soon as Mega Evolution came out, what kind of conference will be held!"

"Champion at this time must belong to Mega without exception. Evolution belongs to Professor Su!"

Another Committee Member echoed excitedly. Compared with Mega Evolution, all the research results have been compared.

"Or, let's hold the World Scholar Conference in advance!"

"We just arrived at the Orient Alliance, so let's change the venue to Orient Alliance!"

"I can't wait to see Mega Evolution now."

The words of this Committee Member were immediately echoed by other Committee Members. In terms of research, they are all thorough. madman!

Other Alliance representatives on the guest seat listened to the words of these Committee Members and opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

Can they say, we really want to learn about this Mega Evolution system?

But for directly awarding the Champion of the World Scholar Conference to Su Xiaobai, they were sour in their hearts that they did not want to accept it.

At this time, only the representatives of the Orient Alliance had smiles on their faces. They already knew about Mega Evolution.

Moreover, in this world, only Professor Su can make Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, which puts this system firmly in the hands of Orient Alliance!

After monopolizing the Mega Evolution Items, they would be thrilled to think about it, as if they had seen the day when the Orient Alliance became the World's Mightiest Alliance!

bang bang bang!

The battle in the field continues.

After completing Mega Evolution, the Life Level of Flame Chicken was upgraded to Legendary Grade.

The strength of the Mega Flame Chicken has also been greatly improved, and it has been promoted directly from the Elite level to the Champion level!

Under the terrifying speed of the Mega Flame Chicken, Hitmonlee, who has suffered minor injuries, did not support it for too long, and was directly defeated by the Blaze Kick of the Flame Chicken.

"Yes, very good."

Iqi, who was on the opposite side, smiled without surprise, he could feel the power of the flame chicken.

And an evenly matched Fighting battle is what he has been looking forward to.

As the Poké Ball in his hand opened, he saw Strength/Machamp appearing in the field.

Looking at the flame chicken in front of him, Strength/Machamp behaved very calmly, with a vaguely fighting flame burning in his eyes.

"Mega flame chicken, use Blaze Kick!"

Qiang Sen imposing manner, with the silhouette rushing out, Mega flame chicken is full of flame!

At the same time, Strength/Machamp also greeted them without fear. The Fighting Type energy was condensed from the four hands, and the simple tiles were displayed.

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