On the battlefield, both Alliance Elites have already played.

In this game, Yu Hong is facing Kanto Alliance's Ghost Type Elite.

Yu Hong is good at Flying Attribute Pokemon, but Flying Attribute often has Normal Type.

Normal Type Pokemon is immune to Ghost Type attacks, and Ghost Type Pokemon is also immune to Normal Type attacks.

However, what Yu Hong Elite is good at is Flying Attribute, Normal Type is only additional, so in this battle, Yu Hong still takes a lot of advantage.

"It really is Ghost Type Elite."

"Compared to Ground Type and Ice Type, Ghost Type is more suitable for singles."

Yu Hong With a smile on his face, the start was so smooth, he will definitely be able to win this battle!

The Ghost Type Elite on the opposite side is a young man with thick dark circles. It is estimated that he has not fooled with Ghost at night.

After playing, the opponent lowered his head, a Poké Ball appeared in his hand, and said nothing.

Yu Hong didn't say much after sticking his hot face on his cold ass. The same Poké Ball was taken out.

After the referee announced the start of the game, both sides threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

I saw a Pidgeot and a Froslass appearing in the field.

After Froslass came out, the temperature of the entire venue dropped several degrees, and even a little bit of Icirrus began to drift down.

This is Froslass used Hail Move.

But at this time, everyone's eyes were not on Froslass, but looked towards Pidgeot, looked towards the pendant on Pidgeot's neck.

"It's that kind of stone again...This Pidgeot can also perform Mega Evolution?"

The audience opened their eyes wide at this time, and was shocked by the scene before them again. .

next moment, Yu Hong’s lips curled up, and he whispered: "Pidgeot, Mega Evolution!"

With the light of evolution, Pidgeot was completely wrapped up, and the audience went crazy. Dropped, Mega Evolution, Mega Evolution again!

At this time, they don't know what expressions to express their madness.

"Wait, look at the pendant on Pidgeot's neck."

At this moment, some calm scholars suddenly gave a whisper and used Telescope to carefully stare at the pendant on the pendant. stone.

"It does feel a little different."

"Moreover, the rock is still on the flame chicken. This is definitely not the one."

Other scholars At this time, they all reacted, and the more they looked, the more they felt the two stones were different.

"It is a pattern."

"This special stone has three patterns, and the pattern colors are different."

Scholars at this time It's like discovering a new continent Normal, carefully looking at the three-color lines on the Mega Evolution stone.

Some scholars have taken out their pens and began to draw, and at the same time observe the colors of these patterns, trying to distinguish the meaning of the colors.

"Two stones have two patterns."

"Does this mean that each pattern represents a kind of Pokemon, or an Attribute or something."

Another scholar speculated, if this is the case, this Mega Evolution will be more complicated than they thought.

bang bang bang!

In the field, the battle continued.

After Froslass came out, the Hail weather turned the venue into a snowy day.

And its silhouette becomes faintly discernible in snowy conditions. This is the Snowy Characteristic Trait it has.

On the other side, after Pidgeot completed Mega Evolution, a terrifying storm blew up in the field instantly!

Mega Pidgeot fluttered its wings gently, and a Twister quickly rose to the ground, and all the surrounding air currents converged towards Twister!

Relying on the control energy of the wind, Blizzard blew up in the field, and the entire snowy weather seemed to be controlled by Mega Pidgeot!

After Twister disappeared, the snow and clouds in the sky also disappeared, and the sun fell from the sky again.

"Mega Pidgeot, use Divine Bird!"

At the same time, Mega Pidgeot spreads its wings and is wrapped in Divine Bird illusory shadow, directly swooping down!

Looking at this scene, Froslass wanted to rely on the flexibility of Ghost Type Pokemon to dodge, but as its mind moves, it suddenly feels locked on!

Everything happens between Spark Flint, Mega Pidgeot is really fast.

The silhouette disappeared in a flash, and when Mega Pidgeot's silhouette appeared again, it had come behind Froslass.

The audience was stunned when they saw this scene, and looked towards Froslass again, and saw that the silhouette of Froslass was like a piece of veil, slowly falling from the air!

one hit instant kill!

Froslass failed to withstand Mega Pidgeot's move!

"Really strong!"

I saw the power of Mega Evolution again, and the audience was amazed.

"You did good."

Orient Alliance also laughed.

As for other Alliances, his face will be much more solemn at this time.

Before, the strength of the Elites of Orient Alliance was only Normal, and victory depended on targeted tactics.

If it is a head-on confrontation, with the exception of Long Quan, the former Champion, other Elites will almost lose more and win less when they encounter Elites of the same level.

Now, after mastering Mega Evolution, the strength of Orient Alliance Elite has entered the Peak Level ranks in one fell swoop!

"This time is in trouble."

The faces of the Carlos Alliance's Elites are the most unsightly at this time.

In this battle, they have determined that the Orient Alliance can win.

The next step is that they compete with the Orient Alliance for the final first place.

After seeing the power of Mega Evolution, they don't have much confidence in their hearts.

"hmph, what to panic."

"Mega Evolution is powerful, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, it consumes too much."

" Qiang Sen Elite is listed. His Flame Chicken Mega Evolution can only last for 3 minutes."

"As long as you find a way to delay 3 minutes, then the final victory will be ours!"


"Moreover, in a short period of time, with the consumption of Mega Evolution, they will definitely not be able to perform the second Mega Evolution."

"We only need to get 2 points in the previous game , Dragged the battle to the arena, and after losing Mega Evolution, they were also impossible to be our opponent!"

Cabina was coldly snorted, and then she said her own opinion, which made another scholar's heart move. , His face calmed down.

Indeed, as their Champion said, Mega Evolution can only be regarded as an augmentation method, and it does not exist for a long time.

Looking towards the field, Pidgeot has ushered in his second opponent, Chandelure.

Without any hesitation, Pidgeot used Divine Bird again, this time Chandelure did not evade, but directly launched an attack.

But its flame Attribute attack was completely unable to cause too much damage to Pidgeot, and the flame was directly scattered by Divine Bird.

Seeing this scene, Chandelure's silhouette moved and disappeared directly into the air, using Ghost Type Pokemon's best stealth ability.

But at the next moment, I saw Mega Pidgeot cast an attack unabated, and even directly hit Chandelure in stealth!

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