"Ten years is enough."

Recalling the appearance of Fairy Type in the animation timeline, Su Xiaobai is still somewhat confident.

Before this, he felt that it was most important to solve the immediate funding problem first.

Next, we will see the power of Oddish and Moonblast. I hope Oddish will not let him down and absorb Moonlight to thrive.

So, until late at night.

Su Xiaobai, who finally couldn't hold it, went back to Rest obediently.

For Oddish people, the nightlife has just begun. Today's Moonlight is really good.

Originally, Su Xiaobai didn't allow his own Pokemon to spend the night outside. Now that Oddish is a nocturnal Pokemon, there is no way.

How could Catterpie and Fletchling miss this good opportunity? By protecting the name of the orchard, they were finally free as they wished.

Of course, the two Pokemon want freedom not to let themselves go, but to train harder.

Su Xiaobai really worked so hard in order to earn training fees for them. They must train hard and live up to the hard work of the trainer!


On this morning, Chen Hanhan's exclamation sounded through the entire Laboratory.

"Teacher Su, Lin Teacher, hurry up."

"Evolved, an Oddish has evolved into a Gloom!"

On the bed, Su Xiaobai Rubbing his eyes, listening to the voice coming downstairs, a smile appeared on his face.

A week has passed, has Oddish finally evolved?


"You said that Oddish has evolved?"

Lin Le hasn’t worn his clothes yet. Rushed out of the room.

Our Chief Manger, the past few days, was really worried about money. Hearing the good news at this time, even his image was too late.

Chen Hanhan took a couple of breaths, calmed down and said: "Yes, it has evolved, and one of the Oddish has evolved!"

"Walk around, Let's go and take a look."

Lin Le couldn't wait to say. After speaking, he realized that his current image was not right, and hurried back to the room to change his clothes.

Soon, at the entrance of the Laboratory, the three gathered together and ran towards MaMa Berry Garden.

It is still early in the morning, and the sun has not fully risen.

In MaMa Berry Garden, a group of Oddishes are clustered with a Gloom.

"This smell...it really is Gloom!"

Across a very long distance, the three of them smelled a stench oncoming.

Lin Le saw that this face did not show the slightest disgust, but ecstasy, and murmured in his mouth: "This tastes good, it seems to be a good Gloom."

The stronger the smell of Gloom, the higher the quality of the nectar they secrete. This is almost a consensus in the industry.

From afar, Fletchling and Catterpie found Su Xiaobai and flew quickly.

The expressions of the two little fellows at this time are really hard to describe.

Oh, it smells so bad.

"You two."

"A stink bomb attack can also be regarded as a means of attack."

"If you want to become a powerful Pokemon, just It must be overcome!"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, both Pokemon showed looking thoughtful, and then their eyes became firm.

gu lu lu.

In the distance, Oddish jumped over, Charm in Su Xiaobai's arms.

"The past few days have worked so hard for you."

Oddish showed a look of enjoyment when he touched his head.

Su Xiaobai's eyes also fell on the Gloom in the field at this time.

This is the evolution of the 5w Oddish selected by Lin Le. The development of this Oddish is indeed the best in the field.

Even Su Xiaobai's Oddish, there is no way to compare with this Oddish in development.

"Really evolved, haha."

Lin Le is happy like a child next to him. It's really time for Gloom to evolve.

Afterwards, he was a little confused again. The Oddish evolution seemed too fast. Could the fertilizer made by Oran Berry have such a good effect?

"Other Oddish should also be evolving soon."

After checking the situation of the Gloom, Su Xiaobai also observed the situation of the other Oddish.

Don't say it, Moonlight is really crucial to Oddish's growth.

At this time, Moonlight to Oddish is like evolutionary stone to some specific Pokemon, which can stimulate their development very quickly.

After a certain amount of Moonlight has been absorbed, evolution is logical.

"Other Oddish will evolve too?" Lin Le rubbed his fat hands, repeatedly saying yes.

After having these nectar secreted by Gloom, you can reap a lot of income every day.

Next, he has to ask about how to collect Gloom's nectar. This is very important.

Looking at Lin Le who was hurriedly busy again, Su Xiaobai was also very happy in his heart. Lin Le finally changed back to his original Vital Spirit appearance.

"Everything is okay again."

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, looking towards the sun rising in the east, the sun representing hope shines on his face.

After Oddish evolved into Gloom, it seems that he also changed the habit of rest during the day and watched his companions go back underground.

Gloom looked towards Su Xiaobai after all his companions went to rest, with gratitude in his eyes.

"Hello, Gloom."

"From now on you will live in MaMa Berry Garden."

looked towards Gloom, Su Xiaobai's eyes Squinting, he also had some ideas at this time.

According to the Pokemon Illustrated Book, some Glooms can develop resistance to plants that cause Pokemon to fall into Status Condition.

On this basis, they can secrete honey juice that can help Pokemon overcome the corresponding Status Condition.

In the animation, Gloom of the rainforest in Pallet Town Botanical Garden Manager Village developed resistance to paralysed grass, and used honey to make Bulbasaur paralyzed by inhaling the scent of paralysed grass to regain his spirit.

Now Su Xiaobai allows Gloom to live in the MaMa Berry Garden. This is the idea. If Gloom can develop resistance to MaMa Berry and secrete special honey, then through these honeys Juice, Catterpie may be able to successfully absorb the energy in MaMa Berry.

Although it is just a guess, it is undoubtedly very worthy of experimentation. He also has some confidence in this. After all, this is a real ability that appears in animation.


In the next time.

Oddish bathed in Moonlight and completed the evolution one after another.

In terms of development, Oddish of Chlorophyll Characteristic Trait absorbs sunlight during the day and Moonlight at night, and develops much faster than Oddish escaping from Characteristic Trait.

At the same time, these Oddishes were the first to complete the evolution, which made Lin Le's smile reach his ears.

With the nectar secreted by these Glooms, the loss of Oran Berry Garden can be completely filled, and the operation of the Laboratory has returned to normal.

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