The time is switched between training and research.

Although very busy, it is unexpectedly fulfilling.

In this half a month, Catterpie, Fletchling and Gloom are undoubtedly the happiest.

All day long, they are tired of being with their trainers. There is nothing happier than this.

At the same time, during this period of time, those Bug Type Pokemon that Lin Le bought back for String Shot, also learned Electro Web Move one after another.

So far, the Electro Web Move study of the First Rank segment is a perfect success!

Next, naturally it is time to harvest scholar Integral Points, union contribution points and system resource points!

"Gloom’s special nectar and Electro Web Move..."

Su Xiaobai sat at the desk with his eyes closed, the pen in his hand spinning around his fingertips, thinking about the How to write.

If you want to write Electro Web Move's learning method into a paper, you must write about Gloom's special nectar.

However, Gloom can develop resistance to some plants. This is an ability that very few Gloom has, and it is very difficult to replicate.

At least these Glooms in his Laboratory, and only his Gloom is resistant to MaMa Berry.

This may involve the development of Gloom, Characteristic Trait, Genetic genes, etc. It is completely impossible to verify the ability of Gloom.

Later, he also used the same method to stimulate these Glooms to produce special nectar, but in the end they all failed without exception!

This also made Su Xiaobai's goal of making a large amount of special nectar MaMa Berry Berry juice in a short period of time failed.

Moreover, when writing the thesis now, this has also become a problem, when Su Xiaobai does not know how to write.

"No matter what, first write this Particular Capability of Gloom as a paper."

"From the fact that my Gloom lives in MaMa Berry Garden, special nectar is produced Starting with, you can still complete a paper."

"Although this paper may not be able to get scholar Integral Points in the end, some union contribution points are still possible."

" If there is a scholar who verifies the Particular Capability of Gloom in the future, you can still get a certain amount of additional Integral Points and reference Integral Points!"

"Of course, the most important thing or for the next Electro The Web Move thesis is the foundation, otherwise there will be no way to start the experiment!"

Su Xiaobai thought for a while, and also planned to write an article "Gloom can be resistant to some plants, so as to secrete special nectar." "Thesis.

After finishing the thesis, he took a deep breath slightly and started working on the thesis of "Electro Web Move Learning Method of Bug Type Pokemon with String Shot".

"In an accident, my Catterpie comprehended Electro Web Move!"

At the beginning, Su Xiaobai directly wrote the fact that his Catterpie will meet Electro Web Move Came out.

Next, he described Catterpie accidentally consuming MaMa Berry and described the process of accidental evolution.

The final result is that Catterpie was affected by the energy of MaMa Berry during the evolution of Catterpie, and thus failed to evolve. In the end, he was severely injured and forced to shed its skin.

"But it was also an accident at this time that allowed Catterpie to absorb the energy of MaMa Berry, comprehended Electro Web Move!"

Su Xiaobai continued to write, which led to some of his own Conjecture: "As long as it absorbs enough MaMa Berry energy, Catterpie has the hope to understand Electro Web Move!"

Next, he launched a series of experiments to let Catterpie learn Electro Web Move, and finally got Six MaMa Berry can make Catterpie's filaments show the conclusion that the energy properties of Electric Type change.

"But... six MaMa Berry is not enough. You must find a way to get Catterpie to eat more MaMa Berry, but this is too dangerous. Catterpie can't bear the energy of MaMa Berry... "

At this point, Su Xiaobai paused. After some hesitation, he wrote all his conjectures that Catterpie could absorb enough MaMa Berry into the paper.

“It’s really surprising that a Gloom from our Laboratory is actually resistant to MaMa Berry in the MaMa Berry Garden!”

“Using this Gloom to secrete I mixed it with MaMa Berry Berry juice to make a special Berry juice..."

"The experiment was very successful. Our laboratory is the second one who learned Electro Web Move Catterpie appeared, and then I did research on other Bug Type Pokemon. It turns out that all Bug Type Pokemon can learn Electro Web Move in this way!"

After writing the paper, Su Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and checked it again carefully. He felt that this paper was still very convincing, and satisfied that it was nodded.


The headquarters of Pokemon Research Union.

Bug Type Pokemon research authority, intermediate rank Pokemon Researcher Xu Hai Committee Member has just finished the morning research.

Walking out of the laboratory, Xu Hai sighed slightly in relief, and he saw the blinking icons on the computer.

"Any papers have come in again?"

"There are really a lot of papers on Bug Type Pokemon during this period."

Xu Hai Committee Member proficiently opened the Pokemon Research Union online platform and began to view papers.

"Pokemon's Electro Web Learning Method with String Shot"?

Looking at the title of the paper, the expression of Xu Hai Committee Member is startled. Isn’t Electro Web Move exclusive to the Joltik and Charjabug clan?

Catterpie, Weedle, Wurmple, these Pokemon, can they learn Electro Web Move?

Suddenly, Xu Hai Committee Member sat up straight and began to read this paper very seriously.

"Catterpie really learned Electro Web Move?"

Just after reading the beginning of the paper, Xu Hai Committee Member's eyes widened slightly, he knew what it meant!

After that, the content of the paper completely attracted the attention of Xu Hai Committee Member, who constantly meditated on the details of the experiment process, and the sense of anticipation continued to be generated.

Until the end, the appearance of Gloom's special nectar made him sighed in relief severely. This accident really came too suddenly, so it succeeded?

"Gloom's special nectar?"

"Although there are certain accidents, the experiment process is undoubtedly very exciting."

"And, Gloom’s special nectar also verifies the conjecture in the paper, which proves that other methods may also be feasible!"

Xu Hai Committee Member leaned on the chair, constantly recalling the content of the paper, The seemingly complicated research has finally come to such a simple result!

"Is it really an accident?"

Frowning slightly, Xu Hai Committee Member sat up straight again and began to search for Gloom's paper.

Soon, a Gloom paper with only 10 union contribution points appeared in his eyes, and the paper was signed by Su Xiaobai!

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