"Now, the game begins!"

Under the referee's instructions, both sides took out the Poké Ball at the same time.

As the white light flashed, two Pokemon appeared in the field.

The Pokemon sent by Su Xiaobai is naturally Catterpie, and the other side sent a Pinsir!

"It turned out to be...Pinsir!"

This Su Youcai deserves to be from the Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory, and even Pinsir can control it!

The sturdy Pinsir immediately attracted the attention of the audience when he came out.

Pinsir looks like a beetle, the whole body is brown, there are two big offensive thorns on the head, the teeth are lined like toothbrushes on the left and right, and the feet are standing and walking. Both hands and feet have three nails.

"It turned out to be Pinsir, which is commonly known as Pinsir!"

Su Xiaobai startled, these are the most potential Pokemon in the Bug Type.

On his side, the little Catterpie is crawling on the ground, it looks really too weak!


"Have you come to participate in the game without evolving?"

"This Scholar Su seems to be just a cutscene."

Looking at the Pokemon sent by Su Xiaobai, most of the people are already shaking their heads.

Catterpie is a Pokemon that evolves very fast. Even a normal Rookie can evolve Catterpie in two months.

So seeing Catterpie playing in this kind of competition is really incomprehensible. Isn't even Butterfree not able to find such a big Laboratory?

"Um, Catterpie?"

Su Youcai rubbed his nose with a little depression.

I've been happy for so long, would you show me this?

If this is the case, it doesn't seem to be of much benefit to win by yourself, it's dull.

"Pinsir, rush over!"

After the game started, Su Youcai took the lead in opening the mouth and said.

Since opponent is Catterpie, one hit instant kill is of course necessary!

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to win.

"Catterpie, String Shot!"

Su Xiaobai also spoke at this time.

I saw Catterpie opened his mouth and spit out a bunch of insect silk, lasing towards Pinsir!

"Tear it to pieces!"

Su Youcai didn't care, he was very confident in Pinsir's power!

next moment, I saw the white silk thread continuously wrapped around Pinsir's body, quickly wrapping his body.

During this period, Pinsir tried hard to break free of the insect silk, but was unable to break free after being caught in a short period of time, making the insect silk entangled more and more!

"Pinsir, break free!"

Catterpie's silk strength exceeded Su Youcai's expectations, making him a little panicked.

But his reminder was a bit too late. Relying on the terrifying throughput of insect silk, Pinsir was completely impossible to move until it was tied into rice dumplings!

After seeing this scene, the audience was a little dumbfounded.

This Catterpie is too long-lasting. Why can't these turbid insect silks be sprayed?

In addition, the strength of the insect silk is too strong, even the strong as an ox Pinsir can't get rid of it!

A Catterpie defeated Pinsir by relying on String Shot Move. All this seems a bit too unexpected.

Is this Pinsir fake? Even Butterfree’s String Shot may not reach this level, right?

However, since this Catterpie is so strong, why hasn't it evolved into Butterfree?

"It's really Teacher Su!"

"Catterpie's String Shot Move is too strong, even my Butterfree is impossible to kill Pinsir with insect silk!"

Chen Hanhan couldn't help but sigh, since Teacher Su has participated in the competition, there must be no suspense for Champion this time.

"Heh, this idiot Su Youcai."

"It's really shameful that a Pinsir lost to Catterpie!"

Xiao Mu Looking at this scene in the field, he sneered and replaced it with his Scyther, these bugs were not cut to pieces!

"Really strong String Shot Move!"

"It seems that a special breed method was used."

"Is it a new research Is the result?"

The Pokemon Researchers at the guest table naturally have different views on the problem.

There was a heated discussion on the quantity, quality and strength of the silk spit out by Catterpie.

"It seems that this Scholar Su is here prepared!"

"In this way, the strength of insect silk can indeed be reflected most intuitively."


The other scholar really appreciates Su Xiaobai's choice. If the other party can publish a paper, he doesn't mind spending some contribution points to see it.


After the game is over.

Su Xiaobai returned to the player area with Catterpie with a look of excitement.

"Brother Su, your Catterpie is too strong, right?" Lin Le said with a complex expression.

Originally, he was a little happy to see Soros sent by the other side.

I want to come after a fiasco, he will definitely give up his unrealistic dream of becoming a trainer.

But what is happening now makes him a little depressed. His brother Su seems to be quite strong?

"Lin Le, take a look, I'll just say that my strength is definitely a problem with Champion."

Su Xiaobai patted Lin Le's shoulder, and Lin Le's face was not found at all. Wry smile.

"Brother Su, you think it is Chen Hanhan's classmate."

At this moment, Lin Le heard the name of Chen Hanhan player in the broadcast.

"Walk, let's take a look."

Su Xiaobai smiled, and the two walked towards the battlefield where Chen Hanhan was.

In the field at this time, Chen Hanhan has released his Butterfree, and his opponent is a Beedrill.

In this battle, Chen Hanhan's Butterfree was vividly and thoroughly displayed, and the displayed strength was completely two grades from ordinary Butterfree!

"Really strong, the strength of this Butterfree is too strong, right?"

Looking at the one-sided battle in the field, the audience at this time was also a little surprised.

Of course, Chen Hanhan’s classmates were the most surprised at this time.

Neither did they expect that this civilian trainer, who was originally unknown in the class, trained Butterfree so strong!

In addition, they remember the time when Chen Hanhan's Catterpie evolved and not long ago, they even mocked Chen Hanhan about it at the beginning, and now it seems to be a bit slapped!

"Successful, Teacher Su's Catterpie breed method!"

Chen Hanhan looked at Butterfree flying in the field, and respected Su Xiaobai more and more in his heart.

Although Catterpie hasn't evolved for a long time, even his Teacher came to ask about the situation and even offered him a Catterpie breed.

But even so, he also believed in Teacher Su's breed method, and persisted to the end, so that there is such an outstanding Butterfree, all the waiting is worth it!

In addition, he hasn't used his full strength in this game. When the time comes, everyone in the audience will startled!

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