"Chen Jianyong scholar, your laboratory students are going to play."

A scholar reminded him, and then talked about the Heracross by Ye Qizhi, and he was amazed .

Chen Jianyong heard that a smile appeared on his face. He sent the students to the game to show the breeding situation of their Laboratory Pokemon.

Except for at first's Su Youcai's careless defeat, the other two students showed considerable dominance in the competition!

In the field, after Chen Hanhan and Ye Qizhi were ready, they both released their own Pokemon, Butterfree VSHeracross!

"Butterfree, fly!"

After the game started, Chen Hanhan ordered.

Heracross Pokemon has dual Attributes of Worm and Fighting.

In comparison, Butterfree's physical fitness is much worse. If it is attacked close by, the battle is over.

"Heracross, rush up, use Horn Attack!"

Heracross saw this, as soon as Heracross stepped on the Ground, behind her wings fluttered, and hit the Butterfree in the air!

"It's this time, use Poison Powder!"

Butterfree's wings are instigated, and groups of purple powder are scattered from the air!

Heracross did not dodge when seeing this, and continued to hit Butterfree in the air.

Although it is very troublesome to get into a poisoned state, it is not so easy to get Heracross into a poisoned state!

Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, and Poison Powder are very powerful, and various negative states will limit Pokemon's performance, but they are not necessarily effective when they are hit!


In midair, Heracross hit Butterfree with Poison Powder, flying its silhouette to the top.

However, due to being in the air, Butterfree's silhouette flew out towards the back, loosing a large part of its force, without suffering too much injury.


The silhouette of Heracross fell heavily on the ground.

"Continue, use Horn Attack!"

Ye Qizhi See this, continue to be ordered.

Just when Heracross was about to act, an unhealthy purple suddenly appeared on her body, which meant that Heracross was in a state of poisoning!

"It was just a Poison Powder attack, and it was poisoned?!"

Looking at this scene in the field, Ye Qizhi opened his mouth and couldn't help cursing unlucky secretly.

"Next is Stun Spore!"

After Butterfree stabilizes his figure, immediately follow the instructions of his trainer to cast Yellow powder.

As the silhouette of Butterfree danced, the powder pulled out a piece and enveloped the Heracross in the field.

"Heracross, Whirlwind, these powders!"

Ye Qizhi frowned. In his opinion, these Stun Spores that can affect actions are more troublesome than Poison Powder!

huhuhu ~

Heracross nodded, the wings on the back quickly stir, blowing away the surrounding powder!

But Heracross is not a Pokemon who is good at Flying after all, nor has it mastered Flying Attribute Move, so it can only blow away these powders a bit.

But at the next moment, a lot of powder was sprinkled by Butterfree, and it shrouded again!

"No, it won't take long for Heracross to go on like this!"

Ye Qizhi was panicked. After all, he is not a real trainer. At this time, the weakness of the command is directly revealed!

After some hesitation, Ye Qizhi ordered Heracross to attack again, but before Heracross could take any action, the effect of Stun Spore appeared!

Purple light and numbness appeared on the body at the same time, causing Heracross to growl in pain!

"Appeared, the dance of paralysis and poisoning!"

Behind this scene in the field, Su Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

In the true world, two negative states can appear at the same time!

After discovering this, Su Xiaobai became a little excited, and felt that some dirty routines seemed to get dirtier.

It's like the dance of paralysis and poisoning in front of me. The paralysis affects the movement, and the poisoning effect continuously deprives the body.

Next, you only need to wait slowly for the poisoned state to consume all the opponent's physical strength, and the game is officially over!

In addition, the Flying ability possessed by Pokemon is equally powerful in reality.

In the Rookie game where Pokemon hasn't mastered too much Move, some Pokemon with poor mobility can't even touch the enemy in the air!

Now, Butterfree with air superiority only needs to delay time and wait for the poisoned state to take away Heracross's stamina!

"Heracross is dangerous."

"Poison Powder and Stun Spore, Heracross's luck is too bad!"

Looking at this scene in the field, The audience bowed their heads and talked.

There are many Pokemons that can master these two powder types of Move, but it is the first time that they have seen such a hapless Heracross.


"It may not be luck."

"Compound Eye Characteristic Trait can improve the accuracy of Move, in other words, it will also The probability of getting opponent into a state of poisoning and paralysis becomes higher."

In the field, Su Xiaobai looked at Butterfree's eyes looking thoughtful.

When Chen Hanhan was in the Laboratory, he had already developed a training plan to stimulate Catterpie's Shield Dust Characteristic Trait through the additional effects of Electro Web Move.

Later, after fully grasping the method for Catterpie to learn Electro Web Move, he forgot about it.

From the accuracy of Chen Hanhan Butterfree's Stun Spore and Poison Powder, Butterfree seems to have really awakened the Compound Eye Characteristic Trait!

I just don’t know whether Butterfree is the compound-eye Characteristic Trait awakened after evolution, or the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait awakened in Catterpie, and transformed into the compound-eye Characteristic Trait after evolution.

If it is the latter, this can prove that his conjecture is completely correct, and Catterpie's Characteristic Trait can be activated through the additional effect of Electro Web Move!

"After I go back, it seems that there are new topics to study."

Su Xiaobai licked his dry lips excitedly. This may be what he researched. The first Characteristic Trait!

In addition, starting from the process of Catterpie activating the Characteristic Trait, you may be able to find the key to activating the Characteristic Trait.

Since there is an Ability Capsule in the true world, it means that there must be some law for the activation of the Characteristic Trait!

As long as he finds this pattern, he can awaken his Pokemon to the Characteristic Trait and make his strength stronger!

"Butterfree, String Shot!"

In the field, the battle continued.

Although Heracross was in a state of poisoning and paralysis, she still didn't give up fighting back!

Seeing this, Chen Hanhan is also commanding Butterfree use String Shot Move to restrict Heracross's actions.

Butterfree opened his mouth, and a thread spit out, hitting Heracross!

However, before the insect silk wrapped Heracross, I was violently broken away!

From this we can also see the gap between Butterfree and Catterpie String Shot Move, which surprised a kind of audience.

But even so, Chen Hanhan's goal was achieved. Under the control of insect silk, Heracross was struggling.

Finally, when I was physically weak, I was tied up by insect silk and lost the combat capability early!

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