Today is the last day of the competition.

After the semifinals in the morning, Su Xiaobai and Xiao Mu finally stood at the end.

Xiao Mu today doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

In yesterday's battle, although he won the opposite Chen Hanhan, he did not get the cheers he wanted.

Whether it is the audience, the guests, or his teacher, everyone's attention is on the Butterfree.

And he, the winner, looks like a loser instead, as if everyone has forgotten him!

What makes him even more unacceptable is that Chen Hanhan will turn out to be a student of the Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory, Teacher's rival!

Furthermore, when his Teacher sent him an invitation to the seminar, he directly declined it!

Originally, their mission was to create the name of Rui City Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory, but now they have become the Rui City Bug Type Pokemon Laboratory.

"I heard that Chen Hanhan's Butterfree is from the Rui City bird Pokemon Laboratory breed."

"It's really fake, you're sure it's not Rui City Bug Type Pokemon A laboratory breed? Isn’t the bird Pokemon Laboratory that studies birds?"

On the way, Xiao Mu heard the conversation of two students, which made his heart suddenly choked!

Fortunately, everything is over. Today he will be fighting against the director of the Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory!

As long as you can kill the opponent beautifully, you can get the final Champion and take back all the glory. !

"This battle, I must win!"

Xiao Mu took a deep breath, and the hand holding Poké Ball was also tighter.

Across from him, Su Xiaobai's expression remained as usual. As the Poké Ball in his hand opened, the silhouette of Catterpie appeared in the court.

When Catterpie appeared, the audience fell into a short silence.

If it weren’t for Su Xiaobai and Catterpie to actually stand in the field, they would never believe that a Catterpie could make it to the final!

However, in the face of such a strong Scyther, there should be no suspense in the battle, right?

"Rui City Bird Pokemon Laboratory."

"Didn't expect, the director of a bird Pokemon Laboratory, would have studied Catterpie so deeply."

On the guest table, a scholar said slightly mockingly, apparently he has no favor with the bird Pokemon Laboratory.

"Indeed, he still wants to study Butterfree alone, which is a bit overestimate one's capabilities."

"It's just a pity that such a good research topic will be wasted in his hands. Now."

Another scholar is also opened the mouth and said, and he is very greedy for the research topics of Butterfree's Stun Spore and Poison Powder.

“Actually, Chen Jianyong scholar’s ​​research topics on Bug Force are the most valuable for research.”

“As long as we can complete the research on Bug Force, what about Bug Type Pokemon? The impact is really too great!"

"This may be able to change the inferior position of Bug Type Pokemon among all Attributes in one fell swoop. Everyone present when the time comes can be recorded in the annals of history!"


Looking at the continuous discussions among these scholars, the delay arranged by Pokemon Research Union also immediately joined the discussion, rendering the benefits of Bug Force research.

After hearing this scholar's words, the faces of other scholars also showed changes.

The seminar lasted for a total of seven days. During this time, some scholars left one after another. Those who are left now are obviously very interested in this topic!

"The battle is about to begin."

"The Scyther in the field is a Pokemon that controls Bug Force."

" In the last battle against Butterfree, Scyther was Assisting Bug Force to win!"

"From its body, you can see how powerful Bug Force is!"

Looking at these scholars still not making a decision, Chen Jianyong scholar also laughed.

At the same time, you can see an instrument for testing energy fluctuations placed in front of him, which can make people emotionally see the energy changes in Pokemon's body.

"Now, the game begins!"

At this moment, the referee on the field also announced the start of the game.

Seeing this, the scholars immediately sat up straight, intending to observe the battle in the field again.

"Catterpie, use String Shot!"

After the game started, Su Xiaobai immediately ordered.

After that, I saw a thick thread spit out towards Scyther!

In the mid-air, the insect silk spread out into a big net and swept over Scyther!

"It's useless, Scyther use Fury Cutter!"

At this time, Xiao Mu was obviously struggling, and he directly used one of his trump cards, Fury Cutter Move!

A sound of cutting sounded and I saw Scyther's sickle slicing away the insect silk!

Suddenly, the silkworms spread out like Icirrus, falling from the sky!

"The silk is cut away!"

After seeing this scene, the audience shook their heads slightly.

Even so strong, Butterfree was defeated, this Catterpie is obviously not good.

Scyther's pair of sharp sickles is exactly the nemesis of these insects, no matter how strong they are, they will be cut open at once!


But just as these audience voices were left behind, bursts of arcs suddenly appeared in the field.

Immediately afterwards, I saw bursts of electric arcs suddenly appearing, and the worms scattered and turned into one after another electric arc, which suddenly enveloped Scyther!

After that, I saw Catterpie spit out insect silk again from the opposite mouth, but this time, all the insect silk was surrounded by electric current!

The insect silk came in an instant, entwined with Scyther tied up by Electro Web, and the terrifying current poured out, covering Scyther completely!

"This is...Electro Web Move?!"

After seeing this scene, everyone in the audience is stared wide-eyed.

What did they see? !

A Catterpie spit out charged insect silk from its mouth at this time. Isn’t this an Electro Web Move?

But Electro Web Move is obviously only the Joltik family can perform it, but why does it appear on a Catterpie at this time!

"Am I wrong? This is impossible?!"

Not only the audience, but even the scholars in the guest seats are stared wide-eyed at this time.

A Catterpie used Electro Web Move, which seems to challenge their cognition!

As the person involved, Xiao Mu was completely stupid at this time, so that he had forgotten the command.

Until the current slowly disappeared and Scyther's whole body was scorched and fell down, it was like a sledgehammer that woke him up!

But it's too late. Under the continuous Electro Web attacks, Scyther with Flying Attribute was restrained by Electric Type and suffered a heavy blow!

In an instant, after a brief silence, the audience turned into an uproar. This really happened so suddenly that a Catterpie used Electro Web to kill Scyther in seconds!

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