Tweet tweeted.

Looking at the Spearows who escaped, the Fletchlings immediately surrounded them.

Before the battle, they would never have imagined that this kind of ordinary people in the group would defeat Spearow Boss!

At this time, Fletchling, who won, was directly cheered by the hero Normal. Even the original Fletchling Boss lowered his arrogant head.

Now Fletchling has become their new boss!

Seeing this, Su Xiaobai also faintly smiled and said: "Fletchling, you did good."

This victory can be said to be the best training for Fletchling in these two months Paid back.

Making Pokemon stronger and defeating the stronger opponent is Su Xiaobai's motivation to train Pokemon, which made him deeply fall in love with the profession of trainer.

"Hey, hey."

Catterpie is also very happy to congratulate him.

After that, I saw Catterpie suddenly jumped off Su Xiaobai's shoulder and quickly ran to Spearow's side.

In Su Xiaobai's puzzled gaze, Catterpie's tentacles made a fart sound, and then ran back as if to escape.

In the distance, Spearow, who had lost its combat capability, suddenly smelled a faint odor. It was already half unconscious, and it was completely dead, and then his feet began to twitch violently. Foaming at the mouth.

"Catterpie, you are really a little clever ghost."

Su Xiaobai couldn't help but smile when he saw this.



Catterpie and Fletchling looked at each other, and there was also a burst of clear laughter.

Amidst the laughter, the friendship between one person and two Pokemon has been sublimated again...


"Fletchling, the previous trick used by the soprano Growl Very good."

After the battle, Su Xiaobai also took Fletchling to make a post-war summary.

For Fletchling's final Growl Move, which determines the outcome, he appreciates it. This is the key to determining the outcome.

"Tweet tweeted."

Fletchling's cheerful nodded, now still immersed in the joy of winning before.

"Of course, your Growl Move is just just entered."

"Screech can be achieved in a short time by sending out Growl through the high pitch, but it is only a short time Time is only effective."

"If the opponent is mentally prepared before the battle, this move may not really be useful."

Looking at the extremely excited Fletchling Su Xiaobai immediately poured a basin of cold water down, lest Fletchling became too complacent.

"Tweet tweeted."

Fletchling screamed a little aggrievedly, and then fighting spirit reappeared in his eyes.

Seeing this satisfied nodded, Su Xiaobai took out his notebook and continued to make the next training plan for Fletchling.

The Mega electric fan confrontation method Fletchling uses now is useless for Fletchling, so Su Xiaobai plans to change to exercise.

Before, Fletchling used the method of directly fighting against the wind power of the Mega electric fan, which greatly exercised Fletchling's physical fitness.

And now, Su Xiaobai intends to let Fletchling give up this kind of physical power confrontation, and instead use the power of controlling the wind to fight against it.

This will definitely be a test for Fletchling, but with the Gale Wings Characteristic Trait, this is not an impossible task.

Perhaps Assisting this method, Flettling can also awaken the Gale Wings Characteristic Trait early and lay a solid foundation for the next Flying Attribute Move learning.

After hearing Su Xiaobai's training plan, Flettling's eyes showed determination. After successfully defeating Spearow Boss, it aspires to become stronger!

"Then let's continue training!"

Su Xiaobai smiled, and then took Catterpie and Fletchling to the utility room again.

Subsequently, Su Xiaobai found a rope in the utility room and tied it to Fletchling.

"Wait a minute, I will fix the rope on the wall, and let you exercise in the wind..."

Su Xiaobai confessed to Fletchling, and then came to the Mega Electric Turn it on before the fan.

huhuhu ~

The Mega electric fan was running at the lowest speed, and the terrifying wind swept across the field.

This time, Fletchling did not fan the wings, but under Su Xiaobai's Coaching, opened the Dual Wings and maintained a gliding posture.

Suddenly, the rope tied to Fletchling's body was straightened directly, so that Fletchling would not be blown directly by the gale.

In the strong wind, Fletchling struggled to maintain his balance, but his body was still involuntarily undulating.

Without fanning the wings, Fletchling suddenly felt like a flat boat in the ****, ready to subvert at any time in the turbulent airflow.

"There should be no problem with this."

Su Xiaobai sat aside, playing with a pen in his hand.

At this time, in his notebook, he is drawing a kite picture, which records the principle of the kite fly.

The kite receives wind in the air, because the air will be divided into upper and lower layers. The air passing through the lower layer of the kite is blocked by the surface of the kite. As a result, the air pressure is reduced, and the lifting force is produced by this difference in air pressure.

"Fletchling, carefully feel the power of the wind, feel the changes in the air velocity and pressure of the upper and lower layers of your body..."

During the process of Flettling's difficult maintenance of body balance Su Xiaobai also kept giving instructions, let Fletchling feel a little bit.


But this skill of mastering the wind must not be successful overnight. Flettling's body was unstable, and it was directly plunged into the ground like a broken kite.

Seeing this, Su Xiaobai quickly turned off the Mega electric fan and ran over to check the situation.

"Tweet Tweet (come again!)"

Fletchling At this time, the Defiant's character is also up, indicating that she wants to continue training.

So, in Fletchling's attempts again and again, I also experienced bumping into the wall again and again, and in a short while my whole body was riddled with scars.

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