When these words fell, Li Shanchang twitched the corners of his mouth, this is special, your trust in Zhu Xiongying is too much.

Without even asking any questions, he directly determined that Zhu Xiongying was doing right?

Did you become an emperor like that?

But he didn't dare to say more, so he could only say as tactfully as possible: "Weichen also thinks so, but Weichen is worried that his grandson is young and may do things inappropriately." "

"That's why I want to invite Your Majesty to see it for yourself."

"See Xiongying? Rather, it could..."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded with great interest, saying that he hadn't seen his eldest grandson for a day, and he missed it very much.

Immediately, he said directly: "Then put the car, let's go and see the results of our eldest grandson!" "

"Huh? Go now? That early dynasty..."

Li Shanchang was surprised for a while, he didn't expect Zhu Yuanzhang to be so fierce.

In order to see Zhu Xiongying, didn't he even go to the early dynasty?

Zhu Yuanzhang said disapprovingly: "Isn't it the early dynasty, where is it important for us to see the eldest grandson." "


Immediately, many ministers did not dare to talk nonsense, and hurriedly looked forward to it, and went down to prepare.

Zhu Yuanzhang is willing to go to the construction site immediately.

So as not to wait for someone to report the news, let Zhu Xiongying prepare early.

Now, as soon as Zhu Yuanzhang goes, he can see the true face of the construction site.

Following, Zhu Yuanzhang Luan quickly set off and headed towards the construction site, and on both sides of Luan, there were two groups of Wen Chen guards accompanying him, without any low-key meaning.

What's so low-key?

Zhu Yuanzhang just wants to put on a posture and let everyone see how much he loves his eldest grandson, and it is natural to be a grandfather's pampering of his grandson!

This scene suddenly made the people along the way unbelievable.

"I'm not mistaken, is that His Majesty's Luan driver?"

"It seems to be really... His Majesty easily doesn't leave the palace, where is his old man going? "

"That direction, by the way, that's the road construction site of His Royal Highness Taisun, His Majesty is going to the construction site?"

As soon as these words came out, the people were a little incredulous.

You know, Zhu Yuanzhang's identity is rarely out of the palace, let alone go out of the palace to see a construction site.

And Zhu Xiongying actually got such treatment?

Zhu Xiongying didn't do anything big, just built the road, which allowed Zhu Yuanzhang to personally go and see?

"Your Majesty's favor for your grandson is also too much, the last time His Highness personally went out of the city, it seems to be to welcome General Xu Da who returned from the Northern Expedition, right?"

"Now that the grandson is building a road, His Highness will visit in person?"

"What do you know, the emperor loves the eldest son, the people love the eldest son, His Royal Highness is the eldest grandson, and he is talented, of course, he is very favored."

Suddenly, there was a burst of discussion among the people.

They can only marvel that Zhu Xiongying is pampered far beyond their previous imagination...

The road was not far, but it was only half an hour's work, and Luan drove to his destination.

At this time, the sky had just lit up, but the construction site was already busy, and Zhu Di and Zhu Yu were arranging craftsmen to work there.

As soon as they saw the frame arrive, they hurried to greet it.

"Sons and daughters, meet the emperor father."

"Well, get up." Zhu Yuanzhang didn't find Zhu Xiongying's figure around: "Where did Xiongying go?" "

"This..." said Zhu Di sarcastically: "Xiong Ying hasn't gotten up yet, and he is probably still sleeping." "

At this moment, Li Shanchang was suddenly overjoyed, isn't Zhu Xiongying looking for death?

It was really right to let Zhu Yuanzhang come over early in the morning.

Who doesn't know, Zhu Yuanzhang himself is extremely diligent.

So he hates lazy people the most, not to mention that Zhu Xiongying still sleeps at home after accepting an important errand.

Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely not be happy.

I didn't expect this to have such a good start.

Immediately, Li Shanchang endured the joy in his heart, but said with a worried look on his face

"Your Majesty is angry, His Royal Highness is still a child, and it is normal to sleep greedily, so Weichen will go and call His Royal Highness Taisun."

Who knows.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not have any anger.

Instead, his face was a little strange, and he glanced at Li Shanchang and said, "Anger? What anger do we have to extinguish? "

"Xiongying was tired for a day yesterday, what will happen to sleeping more? Xiongying is still young, it is when he grows a body, and it is of course good to sleep more. "

"What are you making fun of here, and you actually want to wake up Xiong Ying? You're okay, aren't you? "

"Huh? But, but..."

Hearing this, Li Shanchang's whole person was stunned.

No...... Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

Don't you hate other people's laziness the most? Even if it was Zhu Biao back then, when he was lazy in reading, you personally taught it.

How did it come to Zhu Xiongying, you still engaged in double standards?

Can you follow the script I wanted!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang listened impatiently: "But what is it, pass on my order, no one is allowed to disturb Xiongying, let him sleep until he wakes up naturally!" "

"No, Your Majesty, this is not appropriate..."

Li Shanchang was speechless there: "You have already arrived, can't you wait here, what kind of system is this?" "

Is there a rule for this?

Let the emperor wait for people here, this is especially in the emperor's majesty!

But Zhu Yuanzhang didn't mind at all:

"The child will be lazy when he sleeps, how old it is, we are his grandfather, what will happen to him later."

"Don't say that we are emperors now, even if we are still old farmers, there is no reason to pull our grandson to work in the fields so early."


Li Shanchang was directly speechless.

I really can't communicate with Zhu Yuanzhang.

As long as it involves Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Yuanzhang will automatically find a reason for Zhu Xiongying there.

It's not on the same channel, so I can't talk about it at all.

"Then Your Majesty... Why don't we first look at the road built yesterday? "

Li Shanchang also did not struggle on that topic anymore, and went straight to the point.

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw with his own eyes how bad Zhu Xiongying's path was, he should always be able to wake up, right?

And Zhu Yuanzhang was also a little interested: "Well, it's okay, let's see what surprise our eldest grandson leaves us." "

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