
Li Shanchang wants to curse, is there such a national duke as me?

After working hard to accumulate some family business, they ended up poorer than ordinary landlords.

What a prince I am!

The family property was given to Zhu Xiongying, but now, he actually has to borrow money to pay the fine?

What a file this is.

And the courtiers are all ugly, is it easy for them to accumulate some family business under emperors such as Zhu Yuanzhang who strictly investigate corruption?

And so it was sent out?

There is no heavenly reason!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at them and sneered, but the resentment in their hearts was dismissive.

Some people may say that he, who is the emperor, will confiscate his family property at every turn, which is too petty.

But Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care about that.

Who let this group offend their eldest grandson?

If he doesn't give his eldest grandson a blow, can he still be considered a grandfather?

He was about to reprimand the Wen Chen again, but suddenly, his eyes lit up: "Huh? Is that our eldest grandson coming? "

Everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they only saw that Zhu Xiongying's carriage was finally belated...

After Zhu Xiongying got off the carriage, he walked over and saluted, "Meet Grandpa Huang." "

"No courtesy, no courtesy." As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Xiongying, the sneer on his face suddenly dissipated.

Like changing faces, he said with kindness on his face:

"Why did you come so early, did you get enough sleep?" You go to sleep in the royal grandfather's car again, what a hurry. "

"Thank you Grandpa Huang for your concern, or the project is more important."

Zhu Xiongying smiled and said.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he looked at everyone with a look of satisfaction, and said proudly:

"See no, our eldest grandson always pays attention to social welfare, and you all learn more."

The courtiers looked at each other with strange faces.

Isn't it Zhu Xiongying who should do road building, he is still late, say a beautiful thing, you have to learn from him?

This spoils the grandson, it's so unprincipled, right?

However, everyone was accustomed to Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude, but they had no choice but to respond.

And speaking of this road construction, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more interested: "Speaking of which, how did you build this road?" "

"It's as hard as gold and iron, we've never seen this kind of road."

As soon as these words came out, the courtiers also pricked up their ears, but this road was built by their own hands yesterday.

What they laid out yesterday is obviously just mud ... How did it change so much in one night?

This is simply beyond their realization!

Zhu Xiongying just smiled and said: "It's just a new material, I call it cement." "

"Cement?" Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned, he had never heard of this thing, and then said in amazement: "This is your new invention again?" "

"Sort of." Zhu Xiongying smiled lightly, did not intend to say anything, very low-key.

But at this time, Zhu Di took the initiative to invite credit for Zhu Xiongying:

"Father, this cement is extraordinary, Xiongying said that this thing can not rot for at least a hundred years."

"With this thing, our Daming's transportation efficiency can be directly increased by more than three times!"

"Is that so?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face is shocked, a road that is not corrupt for a hundred years?

It's just scary.

Building roads has always been a major event in successive dynasties, after all, roads are the veins of an empire, and the veins are accessible, and the center can command everywhere.

The road is basically the embodiment of the national strength of the empire.

Like the relaxation of the Qin Dynasty, it is famous all over the world, and only a majestic person such as Qin Shi Huang can cultivate it.

And now the quality of this road has far exceeded that of Qin Chi Dao...

In other words, his eldest grandson has surpassed Qin Shi Huang in terms of road construction?

Thinking of this, he immediately patted Zhu Xiongying on the shoulder excitedly and said: "Good grandson, we know that such a trivial matter as building roads can't stop you at all!" "

Originally, he also knew that building roads was not difficult for Zhu Xiongying, but he did not expect that Zhu Xiongying would repair so well when he came up.

It was too big a surprise.

Zhu Xiongying, on the other hand, just smiled and said, "It's just a small thing. "

"Yes, yes, small things, really just small things!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly stunned, and then suddenly laughed, this may be very arrogant when others say this, but who is his eldest grandson?

That is the reincarnation of an immortal, and he will bring himself to cultivate immortals in the future.

Compared with cultivating immortals, what is building a road?

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's excited appearance, Li Shanchang and other civil officials pouted in their hearts and muttered, this is nothing?

What to pretend....

If it is repaired well, it is still installed here, is it necessary?

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang said directly: "Come, give the people here, each of them will be rewarded with 30 catties of wine and 30 catties of meat!" "

"In addition, we will put up a big table here, and all the officials and people will come to us!"

"Let's let everyone see the great achievements of our eldest grandson!"

Such a generous reward immediately attracted the people next to them, and there was a sound of surprise in the mountain.

And Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Don't thank me, if you want to thank us, thank our eldest grandson, our eldest grandson's great achievements!" "

When these words fell, the people all looked at Zhu Xiongying with admiration.

This road has been completed by them, and naturally they can know the incredible thing about this road construction.

They obviously just paved the road with a puddle of mud, and after only one night, it was as hard as gold and iron.

This is nothing short of miraculous.

At this moment, they were convinced of those miraculous rumors about Zhu Xiongying.

Seeing this, Li Shanchang couldn't help but remind with some taste:

"Your Majesty, the road has just been repaired, and the matter of the banquet, should we wait until it is completed?"

"What a finish! Open now, you people will be the master of ceremonies and entertain our grandson! Zhu Yuanzhang glared at them with some impatience and said.

Everyone was in tears, and they all hated Li Shanchangduo's words.

This Nima has another emcee's errand, isn't that standing there waiting for the guests?

Follow Li Shanchang to mix, either as a hard worker to move bricks, or as a concierge and ceremonie to serve people, you can not come to some serious errands.

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