Even Zhu Xiongying rolled his eyes: "You better go to the imperial government, I'll call you after dinner." "

"What kind of dynasty politics are busy on a good day, come, our grandfather and grandson are nagging."

Zhu Yuanzhang sat down with a smile, and warmed up with Zhu Xiongying again.

The construction site is busy, and time passes slowly.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't do anything about the dynasty, just drinking tea over there while chatting with Zhu Xiongyingtian Nanhai Bei.

With the emperor sitting in the town to oversee the worker, the progress of the people suddenly accelerated, and a group of civil servants were even more lazy and did not dare to work in that callouse.

On the side, the imperial chefs in the palace set up a pot stove there, cut meat dishes, and prepared the hot pot base of Zhu Xiongying's secret legend.

As the sun gradually set in the west, a fresh and spicy fragrance drifted away with the wind, causing everyone to spit.

"What does this smell like? It's so fragrant, I've never smelled it, this is a hot pot? "

"His Royal Highness Taisun actually plays so well with cooking, and Taisun is too outrageous, how can anything."

"Nonsense, is Taisun an ordinary person? That's a god man, I said it all, when the grandson was born, there was a shooting star in the sky, that was the god man came to the world. "

"Wait a minute, didn't you say earlier that when the grandson was born, the sun fell on the East Palace? How did it become a meteor again? "

"You understand a fart, how can a god man like Taisun be born with only one vision, and what is it if there are multiple meteors?"

"But how can there be meteors crossing in broad daylight..."

Someone was still muttering in that confusion.

But soon this muttering was drowned out, and everyone was circulating all kinds of true and false deeds of Zhu Xiongying.

In the midst of this discussion, the sky gradually darkened.

The scene was already lit with bonfires, large tables were laid out, and on the makeshift stove, the pot was boiling and fragrant.

Bonfires, tables, like long dragons, were placed from the construction site to the city, and every family took out their bowls and chopsticks, looking forward to it.

And with Zhu Yuanzhang's order, the next people brought the hot pot to the table.

The fresh and spicy hot pot boiled, and the aroma wafted for ten miles, and for a while the entire Yingtianfu was the aroma of food.

Although the people's life is better than before, wherever they have seen this meeting, they can't wait to put down chopsticks on the spot.

"Eat quickly, son, this is a meal given by His Highness, and eating it can be contaminated with His Highness's blessing."

Some parents are busy serving vegetables for their children.

And the old man was eating the pig's head there, and the old tears ran rampant:

"The old man has lived for more than sixty years, and this is the first time he has eaten meat, and it is all a blessing to His Highness."

"The old man wishes His Highness a long life and a hundred years of life."

"You old man doesn't know anything, His Royal Highness is a god man, and his life expectancy is more than a hundred years old, aren't you cursing people."

"Well, what I said is that it is the old man's gaffe!"

"Have you seen the road that His Highness built? I have lived most of my life and have never seen such a hard and smooth road. "

"What is that? His Highness is a man of God, what is it to build a road? "

"I feel... That was the path of heavenly court. "

There was a scholar who said inscrutably.


As soon as these words come out!

It immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The scholar nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course, it is rumored that the road of the Heavenly Court is like this, hard and smooth, immortal for ten thousand years!" "

"Except that there are no clouds and mist, it's not exactly the same as the Heavenly Court Road!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately deeply convinced, and it caused a burst of amazement.

They are all proud of it.

His Royal Highness the Imperial Grandson, but a god man, how can there be such royal descendants in previous dynasties?

With such an heir, Daming can be said to be worry-free in the world.

"After I see it, those tartars still dare to bully us."

"Haha, those tartars have long been beaten by the repeating fire bolt invented by His Majesty, and they lost their armor and armor, and lent them a few dares and did not dare to come back."

"That's right! Our grandson is really lucky to be in time for His Royal Highness." "

The more everyone talked about it, the more pride burst out, Daming founded the country for only ten years, and most of the people lived in the Yuan Dynasty.

At that time, the Yuan Dynasty implemented the Four People's System.

The top layer is the Mongols, the second layer is the Semu people, the third layer is the Han people who have long been conquered, and the lowest layer is the Southern Song Han people.

At that time, Han people were really inferior to dogs!

The people of the Yuan Dynasty, the people of Semu killed a Han person, and the law stipulated that only one donkey needed to be compensated, but in fact, even the donkey did not have to be compensated.

Because no one dares to pursue the Mongols and the Seme.

In the old land of China, the Han people became the lowest class, inferior to pigs and dogs, and became slaves.

Until the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the Han was regarded as turning over.

Their hatred of the Yuan Dynasty is unforgettable, and now seeing that the Ming Dynasty royal family has descendants such as Zhu Xiongying, that heart suddenly has a bottom.

In the future, with gods such as Zhu Xiongying succeeding to the throne, the Mongols will no longer dare to come, not only do they dare not come, but the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty will also be killed to the point of extermination!

At that moment, everyone was toasting and celebrating.

There was a joyful atmosphere at the scene.

And they ate the hot pot in their mouths, and they enjoyed it even more.

Someone picked up a quick slice of meat there, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, and suddenly a fresh and spicy taste spread in his mouth.

He immediately sighed with enjoyment, and asked the scholar curiously

"I said Housheng, do you say that this hot pot is also a Heavenly Court delicacy?"

"Of course!" The scholar said with an affirmative look: "Have you seen chili peppers before and eaten hot pot?" "


"Isn't that it!" The scholar said solemnly: "Wheat, corn and other things were all found by the ancient emperor Shennong, and this chili pepper must also be a truth." "

"This must have been obtained by His Highness from the Heavenly Court, and the hot pot is certainly a truth."

"Well, it makes sense."

Everyone immediately thought deeply and nodded repeatedly.

"Then if you eat this hot pot, can you still prolong your life?" Someone's eyes lit up and quickly asked.

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