And as soon as these words came out, Empress Ma, Zhu Biao, and Chang Shi all looked at Zhu Xiongying a little nervously.

They also know what Zhu Xiongying wants.

This is really refining the elixir!

Now, facing the path of immortal path, they are more nervous than expecting.

Even as a supreme family on earth, when facing the immortal road, it was as uneasy as a mortal facing imperial power.

And with Zhu Xiongying's smile and nodding, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly showed excitement, and even his voice trembled a little:

"We, we can really become immortals!"

If he hadn't tried his best to suppress the voice, he would have been able to hear it by the guards outside.

This is a fairy.

As an emperor, he is already the ultimate in the world, and further, only he can become an immortal.

But how many wise monarchs fell at this step, and even the late festival was not guaranteed.

Right now...... This immortal road was already in front of him!

And Chang Shi, who had always been strong in the past, said a little apprehensively at this time: "Xiongying, is it really okay for you to rashly give us the path of cultivating immortals?" Will it break your fairy edge? "

As a mother, in her opinion, her son's life is more important than anything, even if she does not cultivate immortals, she can't let her baby son have an accident.

As soon as these words came out... Zhu Yuanzhang, Empress Ma, and Zhu Biao all quickly looked at Zhu Xiongying.

"No problem, I have the final say in this matter."

And Zhu Xiongying patiently explained, which can be regarded as making Chang Shi and others relieved.

"Xiongying, then what do we do now? You are a little anxious, I haven't fasted and bathed yet, I have to wait a few days, right? "

Zhu Biao said a little nervously.

Chang Shi immediately slapped him on the forehead: "What do you interject, Xiongying called you here, he has his own plans, listen to my son!" "

"Talk as you speak, hit someone..."

Empress Zhu Yuanzhang turned a blind eye to this, and Zhu Biao could only whisper to compare.

Chang's family is already strong, and with a son like Zhu Xiongying, the confidence to speak is even stronger, and Zhu Biao's status in the family can be said to be deteriorating....

Zhu Xiongying also turned a blind eye to the situation of his raking father.

Instead, he smiled and said, "My mother is right, fasting and bathing are not needed, and we don't pay attention to this in this door." "

"That's, mother and son connect hearts!"

Chang Shi suddenly felt proud, and then said curiously: "By the way, Xiong Ying, which immortal method are you?" Fu Shazi One Pulse or Heavenly Master Dao One Vein? "

Zhu Xiongying smiled and said, "Those things are just garbage compared to our methods." "

"So powerful?"

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others were shocked.

Fu Huangzi is the Taoist name of Chen Lu, he is the first Taoist in the past thousand years, lived from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, and was revered by the royal families of the two dynasties.

He studied under Mai Taoist, and later became a blue, knew Taoist Tibet, could predict people's intentions, and it is said that after his death, he became an immortal.

And the Heavenly Master Dao is even more amazing, its founder Zhang Daoling is said to have been canonized by the Jade Emperor!

Can lower demons and refine the art of spells.

There are many Taoist factions, and the most powerful of them, the Heavenly Master Dao and Zheng, all originated from him, and his status in Taoism is higher than that of Chen Lu.

And these two people are the most powerful immortals in the world recorded in the history books.

But Zhu Xiongying is said to be dismissive of these two?

The immortal method that Zhu Xiongying wants to teach... How powerful does it have to be?

"Those two are actually not immortals..."

Zhu Xiongying knew that his father and wife were too deeply influenced by wild history, and they had some misunderstandings about immortals.

Zhu Xiongying also did not explain at all, and continued directly: "Whether it is Chen Lu or Zhang Daoling, in my eyes, it can only be regarded as barely reaching the previous realm. "

"Innate realm? Immortal cultivation is still divided into realms? "

When Zhu Yuanzhang and the others heard this, they all felt that it was full of mysterious flavors.

Suddenly extremely surprised, as if I saw the door of a mysterious world, slowly opened.

In the past, he only knew that immortals were powerful, but he didn't know that immortals were still divided into realms.

Although he didn't understand it, his instinctive feeling must be extremely mysterious and mysterious...

And Zhu Xiongying explained: "The realm is naturally there, like an ordinary martial artist, no matter how strong it is, but it cannot cultivate the true intention of immortals, it can only be regarded as the day after tomorrow, after all, it is ordinary." "

"And Chen Lu and others, practicing the way of health preservation, barely reached the limit of what mortals can do, and their life expectancy can be extended to as many as a hundred years old, but they still have no magical powers, and they can't touch the true intention of cultivating immortals."

Several people listened, and they were shocked.

Zhang Daoling and Chen Lu are both famous Taoist ancestors, and it is rumored that they even ascended to the Heavenly Court after their deaths.

But in Zhu Xiongying's eyes, he didn't even touch the true intention of cultivating immortals?

And Zhu Yuanzhang immediately asked, "Then what realm are you in now?" "

Zhu Xiongying was so dismissive of Zhang Daoling, so how far should he go?

It is certain that he surpassed Zhang Daoling and the others, but how much did he surpass?

Zhu Xiongying said with a slight smile

"Above the innate, it is the realm of refining and refining qi, and only at this step can it be regarded as stepping into the gate of immortal cultivation."

"And I... It's just that he crossed the refining and refining of qi, and reached the next realm, called the refining gas god! This realm has a lifespan of 500 years and can be called a land immortal. "

"Refining the Qi Transformation God?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang and the others heard this, their hearts were shocked, refining gas and transforming gods?

Doesn't that mean that Zhu Xiongying has surpassed those Taoist ancestors in history.

Already reached an unprecedented level?

Moreover, he didn't just surpass a little, but went far on the road of cultivating immortals!

Five hundred years of life... It can be called a land immortal!

What a wonderful realm.

And most importantly... Zhu Xiongying is only seven years old.

He surpassed his predecessors at the age of seven, so what realm should he reach in the future?

And Zhu Biao couldn't help but ask, "Xiong Ying, are you not far from the Ascension Heavenly Court?" "

Zhu Xiongying smiled and said, "That's still early, the so-called daylight ascension can only be done by refining the Void and the Dao." "

"I'm still two levels away from that refining void path."

"Only two?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuanzhang and the others all changed colors in unison.

Listening to this, there are a total of four realms of cultivating immortals, and now Zhu Xiongying is already the second realm.

He was only two feet away from that daylight ascension.

You know, Zhu Xiongying is only seven years old now, and he has already reached the second level, so when he becomes an adult, won't he be able to become an immortal?

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang and others were both happy and reluctant.

Naturally, the joy is that Zhu Xiongying has a great future, even their old Zhu family, there will be people in the Heavenly Court in the future.

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