Zhu Yuanzhang and others were the rulers of Daming, and they were closely related to the luck of the empire.

Daming luck always protects his body invisibly!

And now with Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others began to cultivate immortals, which actually made Daming's luck materialize.

Then, in the Pengzu Cave Heaven, a five-clawed golden dragon was formed.

This is the embodiment of Daming's luck!

It represents the fate of countless ordinary people in Daming!

The stronger the Daming, the stronger the royal family, and the stronger this five-clawed golden dragon will be.

And this invisible luck can bring essential changes to Zhu Xiongying.

If Zhu Xiongying was just a normal immortal cultivator before, then with this luck, Zhu Xiongying will reach an incredible height in the future!

A name suddenly flashed in Zhu Xiongying's mind——

Human Emperor!

The emperor is ordered by heaven, but only the Son of Heaven!

But the human emperor became the emperor by himself, and it has nothing to do with heaven!

At that time, Zhu Xiongying will be the emperor who condenses the luck of countless ordinary people!

Endless luck plus body, even if it is a heavenly calamity, he does not dare to touch Zhu Xiongying by half a point!

That's a real disaster! The golden body is not extinguished!

"There are actually these benefits?"

Zhu Xiongying was a little excited in his heart, this is luck!

Even Peng Zu is not qualified to touch such an existence as Qi Luck, which is an exclusive realm that only saints can touch!

But now, he has the existence of the Qi Luck True Dragon, and he can even break through the Peng Zu inheritance in the future.

This is a path of cultivating immortals with an extremely high ceiling!

Immediately, he took a deep breath, forced his excitement, and immediately looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "Grandpa Huang, we can cultivate immortals well in the future!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, Empress Ma, and the four of the Chang family are the four most important people in Daming, they are related to qi luck, the stronger they are, the stronger Daming, the stronger that luck true dragon can be!

Now it seems that he is cultivating immortals alone, but in fact, there are four people of Zhu Yuanzhang helping him cultivate immortals!

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded reasonably: "Of course. "

Speaking of this, he was a little ashamed: "It's just that our talent is not as good as your mother, I'm afraid we will drag our feet." "

"The way of cultivating immortals is slow, I can refine more pills to assist in the future, and becoming an immortal is just around the corner, so don't worry."

Zhu Xiongying said with a light smile.

"Haha, let's not worry, we have such a good grandson, what else is there to worry about!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang and the others heard this, they were all in a good mood.

With Zhu Xiongying as the guide, they also felt that their confidence was doubled.

Today was the first day, and they felt like they had been transformed.

In the long run, becoming an immortal is really just around the corner!

"Let's not go out for the next few days, just stay here to cultivate immortals!"

Zhu Yuanzhang is full of expectations!

This process of cultivating immortals was simply a pleasure, and in the past, he did not understand why some Daoist priests could sit all day without being bored.

Now he understands.

The feeling of being reborn in the process of cultivating immortals is simply obsessive.

Don't say a whole day, sitting on him for a month is just waiting for leisure!

But at this time....

Zhu Biao was a little embarrassed and said: "It's just Father Emperor, tomorrow we still have to go to the dynasty." "


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was slightly stunned, and then he frowned a little, and he was upset.

Compared with Xiu Xian, the upper dynasty is very troublesome.

In the past, he also liked this feeling of being in power, but now compared to Xiu Xian, it was simply a waste of time.

But if you don't go, you can't do it, and you are also an emperor.

"Otherwise, let those civil servants do it."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while, and then said with some impatience: "Big and small things have to bother us, why do we feed those ministers?" "

"Just Li Shanchang and those people?"

Zhu Biao shook his head: "The children can't rest assured of them." "


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he also nodded with deep understanding, these people have a previous conviction and have slandered their eldest grandson.

It is not very reassuring to hand over the government of the DPRK to them.

But the problem is that although these people have some problems with their personality, they are familiar with government affairs and rely on them to govern the world....

So what to do about it?

Suddenly, he remembered something, and immediately said: "In this way, in addition to these ministers, we will set up a special Yamen to monitor them." "

"It's called... Jin Yiwei! "

When Zhu Yuanzhang's words fell, Zhu Biao was stunned: "You mean to set up another imperial history gate responsible for impeaching ministers?" "

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Xiongying smiled and said, "You misunderstood, Grandpa Huang meant to say." "

"This is an institution similar to a spy, which combines punishment and supervision of hundreds of officials, and is directly responsible to the imperial grandfather."

Zhu Xiongying was a little emotional.

Jin Yiwei still appeared after all.

In normal history, Jinyiwei was established in the eighteenth year of Hongwu, but now it is much earlier.

But the effect is still the same, all to help Zhu Yuanzhang save energy.

"Yes, yes, yes."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded again and again, and praised with a smile: "It is worthy of our eldest grandson, let's just say the beginning, and the eldest grandson thinks of the back." "

He had already had the idea of setting up Jinyiwei, but he had never discussed it with others.

But now he just said a word, and his eldest grandson can actually comprehend it.

What is genius?

That's genius!

If his eldest grandson didn't cultivate immortals, he would definitely be a good emperor!

Immediately, he glared at Zhu Biao and said, "You kid learns from your son, this is called skill!" "

Zhu Biao had no choice but to respond, muttering in his heart, Isn't I just learning to cultivate immortals here...

And now, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Xiongying: "Xiongying, tell me more, how should this brocade guard be set up?" "

Zhu Xiongying also said directly:

"Jinyiwei should be divided into two parts, internal and external, and the team is responsible for investigation, arrest, and interrogation, and has the right to convict."

"They can interrogate anyone, even the royal family!"

"Externally, they should collect military information, plot against enemy generals, and collect intelligence from various countries!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed when he heard this: "Well said, well said!" "

These things, even he didn't think about it.

But Zhu Xiongying said it extremely well and thoroughly.

This simply made him feel ashamed of himself.

This is called skill!

In these three words, Zhu Xiongying constructed the basic duties of Jinyiwei with great precision.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang felt that there was nothing to add.

At that moment, Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "With this brocade guard to supervise the hundred officials, those ministers naturally dare not engage in small actions!" "

In this way, it can be achieved and the ministers can be allowed to work, and the ministers will not be allowed to make some moths.

Most importantly, Jin Yiwei was established.

It can greatly reduce his pressure, and from now on, he will have more time to cultivate immortals!

Zhu Biao, on the other hand, said with some worry: "It's just that this Jinyiwei has too much power, what if they bend the law for personal gain?" "

"I think the people who form and manage Jinyiwei have to be both talented and reassuring..."


Zhu Yuanzhang also nodded deeply when he heard this, Jinyiwei was originally to share the pressure, if they made chaos, it would make the situation in the DPRK even more chaotic.

It's just that the selection of this person to form and manage Jinyiwei is a problem.

You have to be talented, and you have to be reassuring....

Who are these talents?

The two pondered here.

Suddenly, they all set their eyes on Zhu Xiongying.

Zhu Xiongying was stunned for a moment, looked over, and suddenly felt bad: "Aren't you?" I'm busy too! "

"Xiongying, you look at the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, who can compare with you, I think only you can manage Jin Yiwei."

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately persuaded with good words.

That's right, it's his eldest grandson!

Who else can reassure themselves other than their eldest grandson?

The point is that compared with his eldest grandson, the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu is all a wine bag and rice bag.

Zhu Xiongying is the best candidate to form Jinyiwei.

"I still have to cultivate immortals..." Zhu Xiongying's face was full of black lines.

"Just set it up, with your talent, it will definitely not take much effort, and it will not be delayed."

Zhu Biao also hurriedly said: "It's not for my father, just for my father, I'm afraid I have to work for a year and a half..."

Zhu Xiongying was speechless for a while, but it was true...

So he said directly: "Then let's say it first, I will only let me handle this matter alone, and the rest of the people must not interfere." "

"Of course!" Zhu Yuanzhang immediately assured: "You can let it go, who dares to say strange things, you can kill, your imperial grandfather will support you!" "

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