Mrs. Ru said carefully: "But I see that the grandson has done a good job, his sweet potatoes, I don't know how many people have been saved, he has governed the world so well, is he not worthy of being an emperor?" "

"Of course not!" Ru Taisu said disdainfully: "Don't you hear that starvation is a small thing, and a big loss is a big thing, even if you can fill your stomach?" If you don't respect my Confucian etiquette, how is it different from animals and animals? It's better to starve to death! "


Ru Taisu looked at the figure of Yang Chang outside the brocade guard, and his face became more and more ugly: "The martial generals have actually climbed on the heads of civil officials, and in the long run, this is worth it?" "

"But this world was originally beaten down by the martial generals..." said Madame hesitantly.

"So what?" Ru Taisu snorted coldly: "It's just a group of martial artists, who know how to govern the country, in this world, it is appropriate to let the Wen Chen who respects the teachings of Confucian saints manage it!" "

"The martial general, after fighting the world, should flash to the side, but the grandson reuses the martial general, despises me and other Wen Chen, he doesn't even understand this truth, I don't think he is worthy to be the emperor!"

"So what do you mean..."

"Fortunately, the grandson is still young, and the position of the crown prince has not yet been decided, tomorrow morning, I will gather my colleagues to discuss countermeasures, no matter what, I must also choose a qualified successor for this great tomorrow!"

Ru Taisu snorted coldly, looking like he took the world as his responsibility.

After dropping this sentence, he walked back to the room.


Zhu Di stood at the gate with an upright look, looking at this scene eagerly:

"Damn, I said how could Xiongying endure a woman's misdeeds, so she was waiting here..."

He has long been strange, like Lu Shi and others, Zhu Xiongying can pinch to death with one finger.

Why put up with her?

It turned out that Zhu Xiongying not only wanted to get the Lu family, but also wanted to make her discredited!

Think about it, the status of people like the Lu family is completely dependent on the royal family.

Now she has one more charge of assassinating the crown prince.

What will happen to her?

"It's cheaper for her to kill directly, you have to think of a way to make her live better than die..."

Zhu Di's face was beaming, and he was worried about how to please Zhu Xiongying.

This Lu Shi just sent to the door.

Tomorrow morning, he will write to his father, as long as he makes this Lu family more miserable, Zhu Xiongying's impression of himself will definitely be better...

Just, what do you think of a way?

He pondered there...

At this time, not far from Zhu Di, in the Zhou King Mansion.

Zhu Yu's eyes also flickered: "The fourth elder will definitely take the opportunity to curry favor with Xiong Ying, and he can't let him get ahead of the curve..."

This was his first reaction when he saw Lu Shi being taken away.

As for what trampled on the etiquette, he didn't care about these little things at all.

That's right, really a trifle ...

Xiongying is a fairy-like figure, trampling on a little bit of etiquette, is it a fart thing?

On the contrary, Zhu Di will take the opportunity to curry favor with Zhu Xiongying.

Zhu Yu suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

The opportunity to become an immortal is so rare, even if he is a brother, he can't let it.

He remembered the mysterious elixir he had seen in Taisun Mansion, and he remembered the depiction of the realm of the immortal god in "Perfect World".

Suddenly he couldn't stand up, so he went straight back to the study, and began to write hard, preparing to impeach Lu Shi...

This night.

Because of Zhu Xiongying's order, the entire capital was shaken.

The heroes and nobles of all parties can't sleep tonight.

Soon, of course, they will not sleep at all ...

Because at this time, in the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang's roar resounded in the palace.

"This slut, dare to assassinate Xiongying! What is she? She wanted to die, didn't she? "

Mao Xiao knelt on the ground, and his face turned a little pale when he was frightened by Zhu Yuanzhang's roar: "Your Majesty, Jinyiwei has gone to arrest him overnight, and His Highness is safe and sound." "

You know, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been happy and angry.

Even when Hu Weiyong conspired against him, Zhu Yuanzhang was only a little angry, and he had never made such a gaffe.

At the beginning, the consequence of Zhu Yuanzhang's anger was that Hu Weiyong, a Cheng family, had nearly a thousand mouths.

Together with more than 30,000 people up and down, heads fell to the ground.

By the way, even the prime minister system, which had lasted for thousands of years, was directly abolished.

But now, Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry for the affairs of the Lu family.

The emperor was angry, and the corpse was a million and bloodied.

Mao Xiao didn't dare to imagine how many people's heads would fall to the ground after tonight.

The entire capital is afraid that blood will flow into rivers.

"The safety of the shit is safe, of course Xiongying will not be in danger, but this slut, this slut really deserves to die.!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was hideous and murderous.

His eldest grandson was assassinated under his own nose.

Moreover, the person who assassinated him turned out to be the crown prince's side concubine.

Joke, this is simply a big joke!

It was too late to spoil his eldest grandson, and now, the Lu family actually assassinated his eldest grandson under his nose!

At this moment, the anger in his heart was simply monstrous.

"This poisonous woman of the Lu family, it is difficult to atone for her sins with a thousand cuts!"

"Kill, kill me!"

Zhu Yuanzhang kicked over the table and said angrily:

"Find out the whole Lu family and the whole clan for me, together with her relatives and friends, arrest me and kill them all!"

"Also, what do you eat?" Why didn't you notice it beforehand? "

"This shouldn't have happened at all!"

Zhu Yuanzhang glared angrily, facing Mao Qiao, a confidant for many years, Zhu Yuanzhang felt for the first time that he was so useless!

His eldest grandson was assassinated under his own nose.

This is simply ridiculous!

Even if Zhu Xiongying would not be harmed in the slightest by this assassination, he could not tolerate this incident.

Mao Xiao was trembling with fear, and he felt an amazing murderous intent from Zhu Yuanzhang.

This murderous intention is actually aimed at himself!

Zhu Xiongying is the reverse scale of Zhu Yuanzhang, the old dragon, once the reverse scale is damaged in the slightest, Zhu Yuanzhang will directly go crazy.

Regardless of internal and external relatives, he will not let anyone related to Zhu Xiongying's assassination.

His back was full of cold sweat, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty and said:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is angry, don't be angry, fortunately, Your Highness is safe and sound..."

"If it weren't for Xiongying being safe and sound, do you think you would still be able to kneel here alive?" Zhu Yuanzhang's face was hideous, and he glared at Mao Xiao fiercely and said: "If Xiongying loses a sweaty hair, you and those subordinates of yours will all be buried for Xiongying!" "

"Yes, yes, the villain deserves to die, the villain deserves to die."

Mao Xiao was so frightened that he couldn't stop kowtowing.

"If there is another time in this matter, you and those of your subordinates, self-confession, even if Xiongying opens his mouth to intercede, it will not save you!"


"Now, get me down immediately, let everyone give me up, and check for me again, is there any mastermind behind the scenes!"


Under Zhu Yuanzhang's murderous order, Mao Xiao almost climbed out of the hall.

As soon as he went out, outside the main hall, there were already thousands of armored and heavily armed soldiers.

At this moment, they are all murderous, military and fierce, like bloodthirsty beasts, just waiting for the moment when the master opens the cage.

"Go and check for me, any relatives and friends who have a relationship with the Lu family, regardless of their status, will be arrested for me, and they would rather kill the wrong person than let it go!"


With Mao Qiao's ugly face ordered, the most elite soldiers of this group of Daming immediately rushed out.

Tonight, destined to be a bloody night...

And as they went out, Zhu Yuanzhang's will to summon all the ministers into the palace also spread rapidly.

The officials of the entire capital, regardless of their official position, rushed into the palace after receiving the will.

The will is clearly stated.

But those who are a little late will be punished by the alliance with the Lu clan!

And the officials did not even have time to dress properly, so they rushed from all over the capital, either by sedan or on horseback.

On the way to the upper dynasty, they saw the soldier who came out of the palace, and their hearts were even more terrified. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This scene seemed to be what they had thought of, the scene at the time of the war...

Those soldiers who left the palace seemed to have an indispensable smell of blood lingering on their bodies.

Among the vehicles of the upper dynasty, the carriage of Taisun Mansion is undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

At this moment, beside Zhu Xiongying's carriage, following the mighty escort team.

It was sent by Zhu Yuanzhang from the palace, and whether Zhu Xiongying wanted it or not, Zhu Yuanzhang insisted that Zhu Xiongying accept these guards.

These are the elites who have followed Zhu Yuanzhang for many years, and they are sure to win and win on the battlefield, but at this moment they have become Zhu Xiongying's guards.

These guards, dressed in iron armor and armed with blades, rode tall horses and closely guarded Zhu Xiongying's carriage.

At this time, if anyone dares to approach, they will not even care about the identity of the other party, and will directly hack and kill.

The eyes cast by everyone were filled with deep awe.

Everyone knows...

Who caused this chaos tonight, and who caused Zhu Yuanzhang's anger.

Tonight, Zhu Xiongying is destined to be the center of the entire Daming!

And Zhu Xiongying himself does not seem to have this awareness.

"As for Grandpa Huang, if you engage in such a big battle, can't you talk about it tomorrow?"

Zhu Xiongying was half-lying in the wide carriage, pillowed on Yueyue's lap, and said with some disgust.

Ben watched the play for a while, and he planned to take a good rest.

As a result, a eunuch soon came to the palace, and after confirming that he was okay in a frightened manner, he begged himself to enter the palace quickly.

It is said that the imperial grandfather is in a hurry.

Zhaoyue carefully massaged Zhu Xiongying's head with her slender jade fingers, and said with a respectful smile: "Your Majesty has put you on the tip of your heart, if Your Highness does not go, I am afraid that he will personally come to see you." "

"Got it..." said Zhu Xiongying lazily.

At this moment, the gate of the palace has long been opened for Zhu Xiongying.

Under the escort of those hundreds of guards, Zhu Xiongying's team entered the palace and went straight to Zhu Yuanzhang's residence...

And after Zhu Xiongying got off the carriage, he only saw ...

It was almost a wartime scene, extremely heavily guarded, and the number of guards in the palace was more than doubled.

And the most exaggerated thing is...

Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma were standing at the door of the hall.

"Good grandson, are you all right? Let grandma see. "

When Empress Ma saw Zhu Xiongying, she hurriedly went over, grabbed Zhu Xiongying and checked it up and down, and her worried and distressed look overflowed.

But Zhu Yuanzhang's face was cold and ugly: "How can something happen to Xiongying?" Big grandson, tell us, who else has attacked you, say it, let's kill them all tonight, give you a blow! "

"You this..."

When Zhu Xiongying heard this, his heart warmed.

These two are the honors of the world, but they are waiting for themselves here in person, and they have to give themselves a blow.

As Yueyue said, this is putting yourself on the tip of your heart.


"'It's okay, isn't I okay?'

Zhu Xiongying smiled and comforted Empress Ma, then looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "It's just a small matter, it's enough to kill a little people, there is no need to make a big move." "

"Da Sun, let's listen to you otherwise, don't interfere in this matter!"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly, with a hideous look on his face: "Dare to secretly calculate our eldest grandson, if there is one, their entire clan will not have to live!" "

"Xiongying, are you all right?"

At this moment, Zhu Biao was with Chang Shi, and he hurriedly rushed over.

Chang's face was anxious, and just like Empress Ma, he touched Zhu Xiongying up and down, and only after confirming that he was okay did he let out a breath.

Immediately afterwards, he directly grabbed Zhu Biao's sleeve, and hit Zhu Biao angrily and said:

"It's all you who can't manage the house, that slut dares to assassinate my son."

"I don't care, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will make peace with you!" Our mother and mother are not angry with this! "

"You, what do you say, the father and queen are here, and what is separated and separated..."

Zhu Biao was beaten all disheveled, a little embarrassed, but also said with a bitter face: "Fortunately, Xiongying is fine, rest assured, I will definitely make decisions for Xiongying." "

"You shut up for us!"

As a result, at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, pointing at Zhu Biao's nose and scolding: "Your daughter-in-law is right, how can you be a prince, you can't even manage the family, that is, our eldest grandson is fine, otherwise you look good!" "

"Father, I, I..."

Zhu Biao was scolded for being bloody, with a bitter face, but he did not dare to refute it, in fact, he also held a fire in his heart.

The father and the emperor pampered his eldest son, why not pamper himself?

It's just that who would have thought that this damn Lu Clan would dare to assassinate his son!

"Father, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Zhu Biao also gritted his teeth and assured.

And Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly at this time: "Don't need you to give it, let's do it ourselves!" "

At this moment, the group of ministers had also arrived one after another, but when they saw Zhu Yuanzhang's angry appearance, they all dared not breathe.

And Zhu Yuanzhang waved his sleeves, and personally pulled Zhu Xiongying into the hall.

The courtiers hurriedly entered the hall and stood in order.

This time entering the hall, Zhu Yuanzhang directly held Zhu Xiongying next to him (obtained), and the two sat on the dragon chair together!

At this scene, the hearts of the courtiers who watched it were shocked.

That's a dragon chair!

That is the emperor's exclusive, let alone Zhu Xiongying, even if the prince sits on it, it is a great transgression.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not shy away from it, and directly sat on the dragon chair with Zhu Xiongying in front of the group of ministers!

This shows that Zhu Xiongying's position in his heart is so important that it almost means that Zhu Xiongying is the future lord of Daming.

And at this moment, he did not wait for the group of ministers to recover from this shock.

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Qunchen, and said with an icy face: "You should all know what happened tonight." "

"The poisonous woman Lu Clan dares to assassinate my eldest grandson of Damingyan! Sin is unforgivable! "

"We have already ordered the killing of the nine Lu clans and their accomplices, and if you know any of the Lu clans' accomplices, all of them will be spoken!"

At this time, all the courtiers changed color in unison.

Zhu Yuanzhang's words are iron-hearted and want blood to flow into rivers.

After all, the Lü family is the crown prince's side concubine, and she is keen on power, and she befriends many officials in the DPRK and China on weekdays.

After tonight, I am afraid that many people in the DPRK will die...

Immediately, someone hesitated to say something different...

But at this time, Zhu Di was the first to stand up and said with an angry face:

"Emperor Qiyu, the sons and daughters think that the crimes of the Lu clan are innumerable, and it is not enough to kill its nine clans, and it should kill its ten clans!"

He was very angry with the enemy, and he looked like he was gritting his teeth, as if it was not Zhu Xiongying who assassinated Lu, but him...

But when these words fell, they made the group of ministers stunned.

The Ten Tribes?

You know, the most serious punishment is the Nine Tribes, and these Ten Tribes... Where did it come out again?

Zhu Di quickly gave them the answer...

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters think that this tenth clan is the protégé and protégé of the Lu family! If they can't cut the grass and remove the roots, they will definitely feel resentment! "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his face slowed down, and he said with great appreciation: "The fourth man said well!" Just do it! "

Suddenly, the faces of the Qunchen listened to it.

Người mua: sabmado

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