Half a day later...

Xu Da finally turned the last page.

And there was only shock left on his face, and he looked at Lan Yu and said: "This, this is given by the grandson?" "

"Hehe, of course, Xiong Ying said, this is just some carving insect skills, in addition to this one, there are several books, the power is similar, I plan to recruit hundreds of people to join Jinyiwei, practice this exercise, how, can it still enter your eyes?"

"This, this..."

Can it still be eye-catching?

Nonsense, of course.

He has been in battle for a long time, and he has seen many martial arts, but this secret code can be called the first in the world.

The rest of the martial arts are compared to this, it is simply shit.

Once this martial art is accomplished, the power is incredible, if hundreds of people cultivate such cheats, it will shape a terrifying army!

If you say that those people under you can practice such cheats...

Who else in the world dared to despise these martial generals of themselves?

And just when he was shocked.

Lan Yu said with some regret: "It's a pity, Xiong Ying has more cheats there, but there is a lack of people to practice, I originally thought that you have a lot of talent here, intending to let you practice, but I didn't expect that you were not enough people, it seems that I had to find others." "

Say it.

Lan Yu got up and was about to leave.

As a result, Xu Da hurriedly pulled him back: "You wait a while!" "

"Huh? What does this mean, General? Lan Yu looked at Xu Da in surprise.

"I, I that..."

Xu Da coughed and said: "I suddenly thought, in fact, I still have enough people here, so that..."

"Huh?" Lan Yu said a little puzzled: "You didn't say that just now." "

Xu Da Lao's face turned red: "I drank too much before, and my brain was not very clear." "

"What you just drank is clearly tea, right?"

Lan Yu intimately pointed to his teacup.

"You're fucking!" Xu Da was suddenly a little annoyed: "It's all a fellow soldier, you want to see if I joke or not!" "

Lan Yu suddenly showed a smile, and he was not embarrassed anymore: "So, you want to be loyal to His Royal Highness the Imperial Grandson?" "

Xu Da said without hesitation: "I wait for the generals of the country, it is my due duty to be loyal to the grandson, and I have always been loyal to His Highness!" "


Seeing this, Lan Yu smiled a little in amazement, no wonder Xu Da can be the Duke of Wei, he is just a marquis.

This face-changing stunt after 03 is really not something you can learn.

However, the goal had been achieved, and he immediately said: "Then let's call the subordinates first and give orders." "

Xu Da did not hesitate and immediately called the butler to bring paper and pens.

Write down a list with a pen and order: "Go, call me all the people on the list!" "

As the first person in the army, his subordinates are all over the army, and almost thirty percent of the big and small generals are his people, plus blue jade...

That can almost be said that most of the army is on Zhu Xiongying's side!

Not to mention, Zhu Xiongying himself is also extraordinary enough, not to mention anything else, this kind of cheat, he can take it out casually! And Blue Jade has said that there are more such cheats.

What does this mean?

This shows that this secret code is not worth anything in Zhu Xiongying's eyes.

Who can casually come up with such cheats?

None of the martial arts grandmasters are qualified.

What is above the martial arts grandmaster?

Could that be the immortal in myths and legends?

Thinking of the various miracles that Zhu Xiongying had created before, Xu Da firmed up this guess.

Zhu Xiongying is not a mortal.

This can only be explained by the advent of the Immortal Immortal!

And Lan Yu also immediately wrote a list and asked the next person to call someone for himself.

At this time, the world was peaceful, and most of the generals were left in Beijing, and there was nothing to do.

It didn't take long.

There are a large number of generals, flocking from everywhere!

And as soon as they came in, they immediately saw Lan Yu and Xu Da, two veterans in the army, sitting in the center, and greeted each other at the moment.

In a short time, more than a hundred people gathered here, these are all middle and high-ranking generals in the army, and the army they control in their hands adds up to 400,000!

And they are all elite in the army.

This can be said to be most of the strength of the military.

"I wonder what the general ordered?"

A general said with a puzzled face.

His name is Guo Ying, a veteran who has followed Xu Da for a long time, and now he is in charge of the palace guards, and the rest of the generals are similar to him, all holding important positions.

When they saw everyone gathered here, they couldn't help but be secretly shocked, what big thing is going to happen? So many people were summoned?

"Look at this."

Xu Da handed him the secret code.

Guo Ying hurriedly took a look, and his face became wonderful, and he forgot to speak for a while, just looking at the page.

This made the surrounding generals a little curious.

"Old Guo, what is this secret book, you talk."

Someone kept urging.

"This, this... See for yourselves. "

At that moment, Guo Ying handed over this secret code with some shock.

The rest of the people waited, and quickly took it and looked at it together, followed by shocked faces.

Everyone is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, and naturally can see that this secret is extraordinary.

At the moment, everyone circulated it one after another, and from time to time some people exclaimed.

"There are actually such martial arts in the world?"

"If we had such martial arts in the founding battle, how many fewer people would we have died."

"I would have known this martial art in the first place, Lao Tzu would not have suffered more than a hundred injuries, and the battle for the founding of the country would have been much smoother."

"If this martial art can be popularized, our Daming army will be invincible."

At that moment, everyone exclaimed one after another, all of them were extremely shocked by this secret code.

After a long while, someone raised his eyes in surprise and joy and said, "Great General, where did such martial arts come from?" Can you let me wait to meet the person who created this divine skill? "

In the hearts of everyone, the person who created this divine skill must be a generation of martial arts grandmasters.

And it is also the kind of young and virtuous, white-haired and white-bearded, and only such people can create such divine skills.

However, Xu Da's next words shocked their jaws.

"The one who created this divine skill... Actually, you've all seen it. Xu Da looked at them with a smile and said, "This divine skill was created by His Royal Highness Taisun. "

"What? It's actually a grandson? "

"Taisun even knows this martial arts?"

"How old is the grandson..."

Everyone was shocked all of a sudden, Taisun was so old, he could create such a powerful martial art?

Their first reaction was disbelief.

And Lan Yu smiled slightly: "What's surprising about this, Taisun is a god from heaven, and it's normal to take out this secret code..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone did not know what to say.

After all, sweet potatoes, potatoes, that should not be a child can take out.

Now that Taisun took out this secret code, it didn't seem too surprising.

After all, you can't use mortal thinking to judge the actions of a god man...

"Heavenly gift, this must be heavenly grant!" Someone said excitedly: "The grandson must be an immortal!" God bless me! "

"Yes, having a grandson to lead us Daming can keep my Daming peaceful!"

In this moment, everyone seemed to admire Zhu Xiongying.

Seeing this, Xu Da immediately stood up and said solemnly: "Heaven favored me Daming, and only then did I send down such immortals as Taisun, should I be loyal to Taisun!" "

"It's nature."

"Be loyal to the grandson, loyal to the grandson!"

"Then I didn't say, the grandson will definitely be my Daming Emperor in the future!"

"Whoever dares to disrespect his grandson in the future must first step over my corpse." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For a moment, everyone was screaming an oath of allegiance.

Xu Da and Lan Yu looked at each other and smiled slightly, while Lan Yu smiled lightly: "Taisun plans to select capable people with martial arts talents from the army to join Jinyiwei, but he suffers from the lack of manpower, so I hope you can recommend the competent people under him." "

"How to pick people? Jin Yiwei is a grandson, and I am the first to sign up! "

"I said Lao Hu, you are also a viscount, what is the fun, while going, General, I sign up!"

"Who said the viscount can't sign up? What a noble status is the grandson? I, the viscount, just can lead the horse to the grandson, and it is just right to be a brocade guard! "

"You have to give someone else a chance!"

At present, in order to compete for the opportunity to join Jinyiwei, everyone is anxious with their former colleagues, and the competition is fierce.

Soon, twenty-six viscounts, or even eight or nine counts, signed up there!

All have to be a brocade guard and go to work for Zhu Xiongying!

In order to compete for this opportunity, it is almost a fight.

They're not stupid either.

It's not just for the sake of cheats, you have to sign up for Jin Yiwei.

They saw very clearly, now Xu Da and Lan Yu stood together, and brought everyone here, obviously to stand on the side of Taisun.

Taisun has the support of Xu Da and Lan Yu, that is equivalent to having most of the military support, so what else to say?

In the future, Zhu Xiongying will not inherit the throne, which is simply unreasonable.

Who will pass up the opportunity to pledge allegiance to the future emperor in advance?

Not to mention, Taisun still values martial generals, and everyone must be loyal to Taisun...

In the future, it is natural to wait for the grandson to become the emperor and then give allegiance, but to be loyal to the grandson now is to become a minister of the dragon.

That status is not the same!

Everyone was scrambling, lest they miss this opportunity to become the minister of the dragon.

And Lan Yu was full of smiles: "Okay, everyone comes one by one, don't rush or grab, the grandson will not miss a talent." "

At that moment, he personally began to register those who signed up.

This registration, it's the end of the day...

When everyone dispersed and lit candles, Lan Yu rubbed her sore wrist and saw the list in her hand with satisfaction:

"The heroes of the world are all in the end."

This group of applicants is superior in terms of ability, status, and credibility.

"Xiongying will definitely be satisfied now, right?"

Thinking of this, he showed a smile full of expectation.

With such a group of people supporting, it is difficult for Zhu Xiongying not to be an emperor!

I did this thing myself, and I was really competent and beautiful.

Xiongying will definitely look at himself differently.

I really want to see Xiongying's expression when he sees this list.

When Xu Da saw this, he also sighed in his heart.

Jin Yiwei, that is Zhu Xiongying's concubine and diehard loyalist.

And in this moment, there were so many people with knighthoods, all signed up and willingly went to Zhu Xiongying as a thousand households.

This kind of appeal, in the entire court, I am afraid that only Zhu Yuanzhang can overwhelm it.

And after today, Jinyiwei must be able to become the Yamen with the highest average rank in the entire Daming, and there is no one!

In the future, no one dares to provoke Jinyiwei.

And Zhu Xiongying's power also officially surfaced for the first time in the entire court.

At this time, who dares to provoke Zhu Xiongying again, then it is completely a problem with his head.

The whole day to follow...

Everyone signed up for Jinyiwei there, and more generals with lower positions also got the news.

After reading the secret code, he was shocked and signed up to join Jinyiwei.

At present, the number of Jinyiwei has expanded rapidly.

So when the next day, Song Zhong came to the Yamen of Jinyiwei, sat on the Taishi chair, and saw the pile of files on the table, as well as the generals who had been waiting to report here early, he felt very surprised.

He suddenly asked with some doubt: "I see that your positions are not low, are you all willing to give up your original positions to participate in Jinyiwei?" "

"Of course!"

It was Guo Ying, who was arguing with his colleagues yesterday in order to sign up for Jinyiwei.

He directly threw down the enviable errand of being in charge of the palace guards, and came to Jinyiwei non-stop to report.

At this time, Song Zhongdu's face became strange, and he looked at the other three martial generals and asked, "You also want to be a brocade guard?" Isn't this going to bury you too much? "

He knew these three people, they were Tianshui County Bo Zhao Tianlin, Longxi County Bo Niu Hailong, and Anding County Bocheng Guosheng.

Although they are among the counts, they can only be regarded as middle and lower, and they are not comparable to the sincere uncle Liu Bowen and others 190.

But the villain is also a fierce general in the army, a count, and his status is much higher than his own.

But now, they actually have to come as their subordinates?

You can't make a mistake.

But Tianshui Junbo Zhao Tianlin patted his chest and said arrogantly: "What is the commander talking about?" Serving the grandson is the glory of my waiting, what is buried and not buried! "

Longxi County's Bo Niu Hailong also immediately said: "That's right, it's all glory for me to lead the horse to His Royal Highness!" I'll definitely join Jin Yiwei later! "

Anding County Bocheng Guosheng even said: "If I can't join Jinyiwei today, I'll stay here when I wait!" "

Song Zhong was a little funny when he saw it, but when he heard this, he also understood something.

Generally, the prince and grandson are indeed not qualified to let the three counts serve.

But where is His Royal Highness an ordinary prince!

These three are also right.

It is indeed their honor that they can serve His Highness.

But you can't really let the three of them lead the horse...

At that moment, he thought for a moment, and then said: "Then how about the three of you commanding the affairs for my Jinyiwei?" "

Commanding the affair is from the fourth product, and the power of Jinyiwei is great, and the fourth product of Jinyiwei is more different from the ordinary fourth product.

It's not a wronged person.

When the three heard this, they were overjoyed and immediately said: "I'll wait to obey the dispatch!" "

"Oh, good." Song Zhong smiled: "Then start the errand today, just today there is an errand to be sent..."

"Is it Lu's business?"

Niu Hailong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will wait for this to arrest the remaining clansmen of the Lu clan and give His Highness a blow." "

Between these words, although he had a higher rank than Song Zhong, he had already made his position clear and was quite deferential to Song Zhong.

This deference is not because of Song Zhong's face, but completely because of Zhu Xiongying...

Song Zhong was the commander of Jinyiwei, whom Zhu Xiongying personally appointed, and they did not dare to disrespect him.

And Song Zhong just smiled disdainfully: "What is the Lu clan, they have long been caught, and now they are a big fish." "


Niu Hailong and the others were slightly surprised.

Song Zhong threw the file to everyone and said lightly: "The criminal to be arrested this time is Hube Shilang, Guo Heng!" "


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Hubu is the second largest of the six ministries after the Yamen.

Hube Shangshu, known as Da Si Nong, was one of the nine Qings of the Three Dukes and Nine Qings in ancient times.

And Hube Shilang, also known as Shaoshi Nong, has a slightly inferior status to Hube Shangshu, but he is also a core figure among civil officials.

Not to mention, the current Hube Shangshu is Ru Taisu!

He is extremely tough, has always been-for-tat with the military generals, but also controls the financial power, the military generals have been helpless over the years, after all, they have to rely on others to allocate money.

And now... Jin Yiwei, this is actually Guo Heng, the right and left hand of Ru Taisu?

This is not just a big fish, this is going to turn the officialdom upside down.

Người mua: sabmado

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