"At that time, what he was worried about was not that Taisun rebelled, but that he would worry that Taisun wore his dragon robe, whether it didn't fit well!"

"Huh? This, so exaggerated? "

Li Qi's mouth was wide open and he could stuff an egg.

And Li Shanchang said impatiently: "Nonsense! Now that Taisun has extensively recruited people in the army and entered Jinyiwei, he can dispose of heavy ministers at will without evidence. "

"Even Li Shimin back then did not have such power."

"Your Majesty is not stupid, these powers are all given by His Majesty himself, what do you say His Majesty's attitude towards his grandson?"

Hearing this, Li Qi swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty and said, "Is the grandson destined to be the emperor?" "


Li Shanchang looked at his son with complicated eyes, and said with a long sigh: "So you know how much mistake you made, right?" "


Li Qi was also suddenly lost in soul, did not stand at once, and directly fell to the ground.

His face turned extremely pale, and his eyes showed even more fear: "That... Am I dead? "


Li Shanchang sighed and shook his head.

This son of his own is really a talent.

Originally, he could stand on Zhu Xiongying's side, and in the future, Zhu Xiongying became emperor, at least to keep the Li family rich for a hundred years.

But the result was disturbed by him.

In the future, when Zhu Xiongying becomes emperor, what good can there be with the Li family?

"But the grandson has already offended the Manchu civil officials, maybe he will be taken down by the civil officials?"

And Li Qi was still there holding on to the last glimmer of hope and looked at Li Shanchang.

But Li Shanchang looked at him like an idiot: "Do you think that just Ru Taisu's gang can fight the grandson?" "

"Now they are difficult to protect themselves, I don't think it will be long before the Manchu Dynasty will be the people of the grandson."


Li Qi was suddenly stunned and lost his speech for a while.

Looking at his son's soulless appearance, Li Shanchang also couldn't bear it, in the end, it was his own son.

I have to wipe his ass with tears in my eyes.

He sighed and said: "It's just a big deal, tomorrow morning, I will go to His Majesty to intercede." "

"Can this be useful?"

Li Qi said tangledly.

Now it seems that Zhu Yuanzhang is extremely fond of his grandson, even if his father goes to intercede, Zhu Yuanzhang will not let go.

However, Li Shanchang said with a complicated face: "His Majesty 03 will not look at the past, you have to impress him with some benefits..."

"Benefits?" Li Qi was stunned: "What benefits can we give to Your Majesty?" "

You know, Zhu Yuanzhang is rich all over the world, and the whole world is his son of heaven, and even these titles of his own family are all given by Zhu Yuanzhang.

What can you do to impress Zhu Yuanzhang?

"Naturally, there is..." Li Shanchang sighed lightly: "Bring me that golden book and iron coupon." "

"Golden Book Iron Ticket? Isn't that what His Majesty gave us? Wait, are you going to go back? Dad, that's really not okay! "

Li Qi's whole person suddenly panicked.

The golden book and iron coupons were given by Zhu Yuanzhang to meritorious ministers at the time of the founding of the country, and a total of 34 were issued.

Once the meritorious person himself or his descendants commit a crime, as long as it is not a heinous crime such as rebellion, it can be saved from death.

This golden book iron ticket is the entrance ticket to the real noble house of Daming, without this golden book iron ticket, you don't say that you are the top powerful person in Daming.

This is a family heirloom, how can this thing be returned?

However, Li Shanchang said with a complicated face: "Otherwise, what else can I do?" Our family is the only one who can get hold of this..."

When the country was founded, Zhu Yuanzhang rewarded this golden book and iron coupon.

However, this death-free privilege is too big, so big that it is a constraint on the emperor.

But imperial power is supreme, how can it be restrained?

Zhu Yuanzhang is now afraid that he has long regretted the act of rewarding the golden book and iron coupons, he does not say anything, but he must want to take it back in his heart.

Now that he took out this golden book and iron coupon, it should make Zhu Yuanzhang move...

As long as you can ask for the forgiveness of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Xiongying, sacrificing a golden book and iron coupon is worth it!

"It's all because I'm too stupid, I shouldn't have offended my grandson in the first place."

Li Qi's face was full of regret, and he directly slapped his face, this is a golden book and iron coupon, and with a few words, he has to pay the golden book and iron coupon to atone for his sins.

The price of these words is too heavy.

But he also knows that this is the best way, who makes Zhu Xiongying's power too heavy...

After Li Shanchang's explanation, he really realized the horror of Zhu Xiongying...

Compared with Zhu Xiongying, he is a small shrimp.

People can choke themselves to death at will.

It's funny that he is still dancing his claws in that self-righteous way.

I'm afraid people have long regarded themselves as a joke.

"The matter has come to this, it is useless to say anything else, you must not offend the grandson in the future, tomorrow, I will go to ask Your Majesty..."

Li Shan said with a long sigh.



The next day.

After Li Shanchang was full of complicated hearts, he found that it seemed that he was in a bad mood, not only himself, but also the courtiers in the court were in a sluggish atmosphere.

Nonsense, of course sluggish.

During this day, the civil servants were choked enough.

The civil servants who used to be high up all walked to the Jinyiwei yesterday.

Then, the number of people in the upper dynasty the next day was directly one-fifth less.

Those who were few were all found to have problems by Jinyiwei, and they were directly left in the Jinyiwei Yamen to continue to interrogate...

"Li Gong, I heard that yesterday Ling Gongzi went to the grandson to ask for justice?"

Li Shanchang was in place, and Ru Taisu came over with admiration: "Ling Gongzi is really brave and knowledgeable, and actually dares to go to the grandson, I can't do it, it seems that I misunderstood Li Gong before." "

"I thought that Li Gong was afraid of his grandson, it seems that Li Gong is still thinking ahead, and let the young reader go to the grandson to ask for justice, the grandson cares about his reputation, and it is not good to target the young man, this hand is really clever."

Li Shanchang was there full of heavy hearts, thinking about how to beg Zhu Yuanzhang for mercy later, but he heard this.

That suddenly his face turned dark: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I don't." "

But I came today to ask for forgiveness.

You still come up and say I'm smart?

How many do you mean? I'm afraid I'm not miserable enough now, right?

If he wants to provoke Zhu Xiongying himself, don't drag me to death, okay?

I still want to live well.

As a result, Ru Taisu looked at it, but he was stunned, and then he seemed to understand something, and suddenly said:

"Li Gong is too low-key, and he doesn't want me to wait for publicity when he did this."

The rest of the Wen Chen, seeing this, also exclaimed in unison with excitement: "Li Gong is worthy of being the leader of Wen Chen such as me, and he will maintain the Taoist system of Wen Chen and other Wen Chen at the critical time." "

"Li Gong Gaoyi."

Everyone was suppressed enough, and they targeted Zhu Xiongying several times, but they put themselves in ashes.

But now he saw Li Shanchang stand up.

It was all excited, and they all praised,

Li Shanchang saw that everyone was making up for it, and his face suddenly turned dark, and he didn't bother to deal with them again.

It's funny that he still wanted to be a civilian leader before.

As far as this group of brain-browsed Wen Chen, they are leaders because they don't think they will die fast enough.

No, you have to cut ties with them in the future, but you can't be with them.

Otherwise, they will kill one day.

Just as he was thinking about this...

I only saw that Zhu Yuanzhang came over, and as soon as he sat on the throne, he immediately said: "You Ai Qing have something to do, and nothing to retreat." "

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen has something to do."


"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is here to ask for sin."

Li Shanchang said with a sincere face.


Zhu Yuanzhang was suddenly a little puzzled, and glanced at Li Shanchang and said, "Why is Ai Qing guilty?" "

"It's not Weichen, it's Weichen's dog..."

Speaking of this, Li Shanchang said with a heartbroken look:

"Weichen dog, Jing spoke ill of His Royal Highness, Weichen knew that he was deeply sinful, and he was no longer worthy of the grace given by His Majesty."

"Today, I will return the golden book and iron coupons given by His Majesty to His Majesty, and Wei Chen also wants to return to his hometown."


When these words fell, all the Wen Chen looked at Li Shanchang with shocked faces.

They wondered if they had heard it wrong!

What's going on? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Didn't Li Shanchang want to speak fairly to the Wen Chen on behalf of the Wen Chen?

As a result, he actually confessed his mistake directly to the emperor now!

Do you want to return the golden book and iron coupons?

What the.

Ru Taisu looked at Li Shanchang incredulously, and he was immediately put in order.

I also count on you to speak to everyone.

As a result, you threw yourself at the enemy first?

Li Gong, you have betrayed everyone with thick eyebrows?

Even Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly stunned, and then showed a smile: "Ai Qing understands the great righteousness, your son is still young, the mistakes he made, how can we calculate with you." "

It turned out to be here to beg for mercy...

I actually took out the golden book and iron coupons...

The cost is big enough...

You know, after issuing the Golden Book Iron Coupon, he has always wanted to take it back.

After all, if he really wants to dispose of some minister who has a golden book and iron ticket in the future.

When the other party takes out the golden book and iron coupon, he will also be a little restrained.

But now this Li Shanchang is very sensible, and directly handed over the golden book and iron coupon...

Li Shanchang is so sensible, but he can also let him go.

At the moment, he smiled and said: "Your son is too young, and treasures such as gold books and iron coupons are in his hands, I am afraid that they will not be properly used, so we will keep one or two for him first, and when he makes some merit in the future, we will return it to him." "

"As for your return to the countryside, don't mention it again, Ai Qing is our Xiao He, if you withdraw from the court, we have no one to use."

Li Shanchang knew that this was just Zhu Yuanzhang's polite words, and when he said this, even if he reached a deal with himself.

Suddenly, he looked grateful and said, "Weichen doesn't dare." "

"Hehe, you and I are very good, you don't have to be so polite." Zhu Yuanzhang was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Also, recently, our eldest grandson wants to resume martial arts, you have presided over many imperial examinations, you have rich experience, you can work with Xu Da Lanyu to help our eldest grandson arrange martial arts." "

"In the future, my Daming martial arts and imperial examinations are equally important, and Wu Zhuangyuan and Wen Zhuangyuan have equal status, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

When these words fell, the faces of the ministers changed greatly.

"Your Majesty, the matter of martial arts still has to be considered in the long run, how can Wu Zhuangyuan be on an equal footing with Wen Zhuangyuan?"

The civil servants were immediately shocked.

The imperial examination is the lifeblood of the civil servants, and the champion is even rumored by the people as a figure like a literary song.

The imperial examination has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and it has long had a certain deification color, and this imperial examination is the most valued round talent festival under the heavens.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Xiongying actually want to make Wen Wu Yuan equal?

How can this work!

How can those rude martial artists be compared with the saints?

However, Zhu Yuanzhang said with a cold face: "This is a decision made by our eldest grandson, what are you waiting for?" Do you think our eldest grandchildren will be wrong? "


As soon as these words came out, the Wen Chen were suddenly as uncomfortable as if they had swallowed a fly.

Not again......

But all the policies proposed by Zhu Xiongying are flawless in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes.

When others questioned, they would be seen by Zhu Yuanzhang as questioning his eldest grandson's ability, that is, a damned traitor who was unfaithful and unfilial.

How the fuck can you discuss things?

The Guo Heng case was like this last time, and this time it is like this again...

And the military generals were overjoyed when they heard this: "Your Majesty Shengming! "

"His Royal Highness Taisun's move is really clever, so that I can fully receive the heart of the world's martial artist."

Lan Yu said with a smile.

Xu Da was also overjoyed, and said solemnly: "Weichen and others will definitely do their best to handle this matter." "

I'm not on the wrong team!

Now that Zhu Xiongying actually does martial arts again, the military attachés who come in through martial arts in the future will be Zhu Xiongying's protégés, and in a few years, Zhu Xiongying's power will expand rapidly.

He now feels that his bets on Zhu Xiongying are not heavy enough...

It looks like I have to press something more.

And unlike the mood of the military generals, the civil servants all looked at Li Shanchang with a tight face, hoping that he would refuse the matter.

It is absolutely impossible to resume martial arts.


Li Shanchang said with a grateful look: "Weichen thank you for your trust!" "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction: "Good chief is indeed the humerus of the country." "

Li Shanchang heard Zhu Yuanzhang call him so kindly, and immediately smiled: "Weichen must do his best for His Majesty and His Highness." "

Over there, Ru Taisu and the others' teeth are going to be crushed.

Soon the meeting dispersed.

When Li Shanchang went down, it could be called a proud spring breeze, and today this pass was passed safely, and then he only needed to continue to stand on the side of his grandson.

It will be able to keep the Li family worry-free for a hundred years.

As a result, at this time, Ru Taisu passed by with a group of civil officials, but it was a card lady with a somewhat ugly face, and Li Shanchang said: "What does Li Gong mean?" "

"Huh? What does Lord Ru mean by this? "

Li Shanchang said without salt.

"Li Gong is still pretending to be confused!" Ru Taisu said angrily, "How can Wuju be on an equal footing with Keju? As the leader of the Wen Chen, Li Gong should maintain his status for our readers, how can he obey His Majesty and open any martial arts! "

Li Shanchang sneered.

After looking at Ru Taisu for a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "I said Master Ru, did you forget something?" "


"This world is His Majesty's world, not His Majesty's world!" Li Shanchang said in a loud voice: "As a courtier, I should do my duty as a courtier, what does His Majesty say to His Highness, let's do what we do, where do you get so much nonsense?" "

As soon as these words came out, Ru Taisu immediately said angrily: "What is the reason? I am a disciple of a saint, and I am in a high position, and I should be righteous of the gains and losses of the master! "

"In a high position?"

Li Shanchang glanced at him with a mocking gaze: "With all due respect, your high position, in the eyes of His Highness, is not even as good as an ant!" "


Ru Taisu's face turned red with anger suddenly, and these words directly made him break his defense.

The position of Shangshu of Hubu is the foundation of his life, which makes him extremely proud.

That's right, this position is indeed worthless in Zhu Xiongying's eyes.

But who will say it bluntly in front of him?

Li Shanchang directly pierced this layer of window paper, which was simply overturned by Ru Taisu.

What else does he have to say.

Li Shanchang said lightly: "Okay, the old man still has to arrange martial arts, and there is no time to chat with you." "

After that, he turned around and left.

And after seeing Li Shanchang leave, Ru Taisu's face turned blue and white for a while.

The civil official next to him said carefully: "Brother Ru, what should we do now?" "

Now even Li Shanchang, the leader of the civil service, is directly against the water, which is a major blow to them.

Everyone was at a loss for a moment.

Ru Taisu, on the other hand, said with an ugly face: "What else can I do?" The gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not a night! Let's continue to use Confucian scriptures to teach the second emperor and grandson, and when he becomes an adult, it will be the opportunity I am waiting for. "

"This..." Speaking of this, the civil official hesitated a little and said: "But these days, the progress of the second emperor and grandson's studies is really a little slow." "

This is even more bad news.

Người mua: sabmado

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