It is also a great achievement.

"That's it." Zhu Yuanzhang said irritably: "Let him be in prison, reflect for three days, and you will take him home." "

"Weichen, thank you Your Majesty!" Li Wenzhong was overjoyed, quickly kowtowed again, followed but said cautiously: "Although Jing Long is not Xiaoxiao, he really wants to serve the country, do you think you want to let him join Jinyiwei and serve the country?" "

"You've got to go an inch, huh?"

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at him.

"Weichen doesn't dare."

Li Wenzhong was taken aback and quickly changed his words.

"You too, go home and take care of your son, don't let them annoy my eldest grandson."

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at the other two again, and said in an aggravated tone: "Also, don't bother us if you have nothing to do, we're very busy!" I don't have time to deal with you guys. "


"Okay, let's all get out, and." Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said:

"Later, we will ask our eldest grandson, if we can, we will let them join Jinyiwei."

"Weichen, thank you Your Majesty!"

The three of them were overjoyed and quickly thanked them.

After sending the three away, Zhu Yuanzhang had a headache: "What are we raising these people for." "

At this time, Ma Huang came in with a cup of ginseng soup and said with a smile: "Don't be so angry, just a little thing, take your time." "

"It's easy to say."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face was a little ugly: "Let's deal with state affairs, it's already troublesome enough, now we have to even manage their son, what time will there be to cultivate immortals in the future?" "

"Don't worry, I have already started on the road of cultivating immortals, and I can help you deal with some state affairs temporarily."

Empress Ma comforted that although Zhu Yuanzhang had established an iron law before, the harem could not interfere in politics.

But after cultivating immortals, this iron law at least did not work for Empress Ma!

Are you busy cultivating immortals, and do you care whether you do politics or not?

"Already started?" However, when Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was first overjoyed, followed by surprise: "When is it?" "

"Just today..." Empress Ma said, "My qualifications are still quite poor, Chang 'Zero Four Three' Clan started five days ago, and Biao'er started three days ago. "

"What? Co-authorship now we are left with ourselves? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.

The other day, we were still at a starting point.

As a result, now his son, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, and a large family have officially embarked on the line.

Only myself remained...

I'm still busy with government affairs all day.

No, you can't go on like this!

"Order, go and call the crown prince and concubine, by the way, call the crown prince with you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately gave an order, and the eunuchs waiting outside the hall hurriedly went down to deliver the decree.

Empress Ma saw that he was so anxious, and she was also amused: "What are you in a hurry, it's not just to get started, you can get started soon, it's useless to call them here." "

Zhu Yuanzhang had a black face: "What is soon, if it goes on like this, I don't say the entrance, I have long been drowned by government affairs." "

But looking at the world, how many people are qualified to handle government affairs?

There is only the prince!

He has been in charge of the country for many years, and his ability, experience, and prestige are enough, who will not care about him in this world?

And he will have time to cultivate immortals.

At the very least, get started first!

Soon, Zhu Biao, Chang Shi, and Zhu Xiongying entered the palace.

"Father, what is so urgent? I'm still busy cultivating immortals..."

Zhu Biao asked helplessly as soon as he entered the door.

Zhu Xiongying also yawned: "Grandpa Huang is good." "

"Good grandson come to grandma, grandma gives you good food."

Empress Ma quickly was loving, pulled Zhu Xiongying over, and smiled and asked the maid to take out the fruit that was paid tribute below, regardless of whether Zhu Xiongying was a god-man reincarnation, in the eyes of Empress Ma, the grandmother, she was a child who needed to be taken care of.

And Zhu Biao was not so lucky...

"You are an unfilial son, if we don't come to you, I'm afraid I won't see you, how long have you not come to say hello?" Zhu Yuanzhang said angrily.

"Huh?" Zhu Biao was puzzled for a while.

As for him, he was also very busy before, and the old man was not so angry...

Then Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him like this, and he was even more angry: "We are busy dealing with government affairs all day, and we don't have time to cultivate immortals, so you don't know to be considerate of us as a father?" "

"In the future, when you come to prison the country, we don't care about this mess!"

"Huh? Well, that's not appropriate. "

Zhu Biao suddenly realized, followed by a little scratching his head...

The old man is looking at himself and others to cultivate immortals, and he is so anxious if he has no progress.

But let me come...

I want to cultivate immortals too."

The emperor can't do this errand!

He hurriedly said: "Father, you are in full bloom in spring and autumn now, how can you completely let the crown prince handle the imperial government at this time." "

"Why not?" Zhu Yuanzhang snorted angrily: "It's a big deal, let's give you the Zen position, let's be the emperor ourselves, this is the virtue of Yao Shunyu Tang, I see who dares to say nothing." "

Zhu Biao's face suddenly turned dark.

What's wrong with this, the more you say it?

Zen position for me?

That's not worse!

He made a bitter face: "The qualifications of the children are already dull, and the road to cultivating immortals is so bumpy, there is really no time." "

"It's also a problem..."

Zhu Yuanzhang also frowned when he heard this, and this was also what he said, and he didn't want to see Zhu Biao delay his future.

Just don't use Zhu Biao, who else can you use?

This person must be able to trust himself and have sufficient ability...

How few such people?

Looking at Daming, there is only his own family.

"Then I don't care, you are our son, the son inherits the father's business, it is righteous, this world belongs to our family, you don't care who cares!"

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang directly played a scoundrel, Zhu Biao also cried and laughed and said: "Aren't you unreasonable? "

"What is unreasonable!" Zhu Yuanzhang glared: "Who made you our son?" Of course, this emperor should be you! "

"Who says a son has to... Well? Wait a minute? "

Zhu Biao was suddenly stunned.


Isn't it a son?

I have it too!

Immediately, his eyes suddenly looked at Zhu Xiongying, who was eating fruits in that boredom.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was also stunned, followed by abruptly, and his eyes also looked at Zhu Xiongying.

Zhu Xiongying was eating melons in Empress Ma's arms to watch a play.

This suddenly felt wrong.

Seeing that this family was looking at themselves, they immediately became vigilant: "No, do you look at me for what?" "

What else can be done?

Of course, I am looking for you to share the pressure...


Zhu Biao suddenly changed his face, and said with a pleasant face: "You see that I and your imperial grandfather are just starting to cultivate immortals, and they really don't have time to deal with state affairs, so..."

"Don't be so, don't talk!"

Zhu Xiongying directly refused: "I'm still a child. "


Zhu Biao was still smiling.

Are you lying to the devil?

If this is an ordinary child, it is not qualified to deal with state affairs.

But where is a child born like you?

When it comes to handling state affairs, you will definitely be able to handle them better than you can handle them yourself.

At that moment, he said seriously: "Xiongying, you don't want to see me and your imperial grandfather lagging behind on the road of cultivating immortals, right?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang also coughed, sighed and shook his head:

"Our old man has painstakingly raised his descendants all his life, and he can't think of old age, and none of them are considerate of us, alas..."

Zhu Biao persuaded with a sad face: "Father don't worry, isn't it the imperial throne?" Xiong Ying really didn't want to do it, and it was a big deal that the children would not take this road of immortality. "

"In the future, after you ascend to the immortals, don't forget to go to the prefecture to see me."

Looking at these two people, they sold miserably in that singing and singing.

Zhu Xiongying suddenly had a black line on his face.


You're a joker, right?

As for that?

He rubbed his head and suddenly had a headache: "I said..."

At this moment, both of them immediately looked at him expectantly.

"Stop acting, in fact, there is no other way..."

"Xiongying, you promised? Don't worry, it won't take long for you to wait for my father and me to cultivate immortals on the right track, and you can still take over the burden. "

Zhu Biao suddenly said in surprise.

Dumping the throne to Zhu Xiongying, it seems that he does not care about his son's future.

But in fact, in his heart, Zhu Xiongying will definitely become an immortal in the future.

Dealing with a little imperial politics for the time being now will not delay Zhu Xiongying's road to becoming an immortal.

That's why he dared to sell it boldly.

Otherwise, he would really prefer to be the emperor himself than waste Zhu Xiongying's time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And Empress Ma and others also understood this truth, so they also watched the father and son acting with a smile.

If not, I am afraid that Empress Ma will be the first to oppose Zhu Xiongying as emperor.

No matter what, she has to maintain her eldest grandson's cultivation path!

And at this time...

Zhu Xiongying said meaningfully: "Dad, in fact, you are not the only son of me, right? "


Zhu Biao was stunned for a moment.

He has three sons under his knees, in addition to Zhu Xiongying, that is, there is Zhu Yunxi and Zhu Yunjiang.

Zhu Yunjiang didn't have to think about it, and was directly excluded from his choice.

Although he is his own son, he is a son, and his feelings are weak, and the Lü family dares to assassinate Zhu Xiongying, which causes him to have extremely weak feelings for Zhu Yunjiang.

After Zhu Yunjiang was kicked out, he didn't go to see it once.

That is Zhu Yunxi?

Although Zhu Yunxi is only three years old and it is impossible to oversee the country, doesn't he have a good brother like Zhu Xiongying? Will definitely help Zhu Yunxi take care of it...


Zhu Biao thought about it for a long time, but he still felt inappropriate.

His three sons have been as delicate as porcelain dolls since they were young, and at the age of three they can read through Confucian works such as Analects, and their wisdom is born early, although Zhu Xiongying did not say anything about it.

But without thinking about it, Zhu Xiongying must have given him this brother and taken a lot of pills.

In the future, Zhu Yunxi will definitely be able to cultivate immortals...

Although Zhu Biao loves Zhu Xiongying's eldest son the most, he is also quite fond of his young son.

He also wants to become an immortal together as a family.

Let Zhu Yunxi oversee the country, he can't bear it.

That's a bit of a hassle.

So who else is it?

He frowned and thought hard, he had just a few sons, and there seemed to be no suitable candidate...

Wait a minute......


Who said that the prison country must use my son's?

His eyes immediately lit up, and he immediately looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Father, you don't just have a son like me, don't you just hand over the responsibility of overseeing the country to my other younger brothers?" "

That's right, give it to your own younger brothers!

Why let his son sacrifice time?

Of course, this kind of thing has to be pushed out0...

Zhu Biao has no psychological burden on this, but he has more than thirty younger brothers, where can he have any deep feelings?

Of course, his own son is more important.

And when Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was also stunned: "Your younger brothers? This...... Not suitable, right? "

He really didn't think about it.

Before cultivating immortals, the only heir in his heart was Zhu Biao, and the next one was Zhu Xiongying.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Zhu Biao is the son of Zhu Chongba.

The other sons are the sons of Zhu Yuanzhang.

It's such a simple difference, but behind it the treatment is very different.

The rest of the sons are princes, both sons and courtiers.

And Zhu Biao is simply the son of his wife and children!

Therefore, he was never salty to the other sons, and did not consider letting them encroach on the throne.

Zhu Biao made this suggestion, which caught him off guard.

Isn't it a bit ridiculous to do this?

However, Zhu Biao did not do it: "Father, why do you only consider our family and not others?" You are eccentric! "

"Am I biased?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was amused for a while, but he couldn't say anything with the feeling.

To say that before, it was good for them to let the Zhu Biao family be the emperor.

But now...

Compared with Xiu Immortal, the imperial throne is a burden.

After thinking about it immediately, he also nodded simply: "That's it, just according to what you say." "

"Father Emperor is wise!"

Zhu Biao was overjoyed all of a sudden, and then said to Zhu Xiongying excitedly: "Son, in the future, our father and son will not have to be emperors!" "

Zhu Xiongying also smiled and said, "Congratulations father." "

If outsiders listen to this conversation, they will definitely be stunned.

This father and son actually celebrated that they did not have to be emperors.

But now it makes sense.

As if he had unloaded a big burden, Zhu Biao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then we will go back if there is nothing to do, I will clean up my government affairs over there, and then directly send it to the next unlucky bastard... No, Crown Prince. "

He just couldn't wait to leave, but Zhu Yuanzhang glared: "Stop, how can it be so easy?" "


"We haven't considered other candidates before, so you can't propose a personal choice?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said irresponsibly: "This is your ass, you will wipe it yourself!" Today you have to mention a successor for you! "


The corners of Zhu Biao's mouth twitched: "Of course, you have to decide the important matters of the imperial throne personally." "

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at him: "Nonsense, how can we choose a good emperor in this hurry?" "

Choosing an emperor is a difficult job.

The emperor is related to the life of the world, if the talent is not enough, I am afraid that the whole world will suffer.

In the past, he even trained the princes in the direction of generals.

In a hurry, how can you find the right person?

"This is very troublesome..."

Zhu Biao also had a headache, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't do anything else, and he was not an immortal, how could he be sure of a person so quickly?

Wait a minute......


Isn't there a reincarnation of a god in front of his eyes?

He immediately looked directly at Zhu Xiongying, and said with a pleasant face: "Xiongying, do you have a suitable candidate?" "5.5

Empress Ma hurriedly said: "Your business, what are you doing involving Xiong Ying, he is still just a child!" "

She couldn't bear to involve her eldest grandson in such a troublesome matter.

In the future, if the emperor did not do a good job, wouldn't his eldest grandson still have to come out and clean up?

How can my eldest grandson have that time?


"This... There really is. "

"Oh? Say it! "

Zhu Xiongying smiled: "My fourth uncle Zhu Di, what do you think?" "


When Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao heard this, they immediately looked at each other and fell into thought.

"The fourth seems to... It's OK? "

Zhu Biao thought for a long time and said thoughtfully.

Zhu Yuanzhang also pondered, nodded and said: "To talk about talent, the fourth is indeed enough, but he mainly marches and fights well, but he has no achievements in governing the country." "

"That's why you don't give it a chance."

Zhu Xiongying smiled: "If you give him a chance, the fourth uncle will definitely be able to do a good job." "

"This one too..."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he also felt that it made sense, and immediately slapped the table and said: "Okay, then the fourth old!" "

As soon as Zhu Biao saw that he could decide on the candidate, he immediately nodded quickly without saying a word: "Yes, yes, I can see it." "

Between these three words, the next emperor of Daming was decided.

It looks childlike.

But Zhu Yuanzhang did not have much hesitation.

This is of course because after cultivating immortals, he has a long life, even if Zhu Di can't do it, it's a big deal to change another one, and the most important thing is...

This person was chosen by his eldest grandson.

What kind of character is his eldest grandson? How can the reincarnation of a god and man not even be able to see clearly?

The person he set must be the most suitable!

"Let's prepare for a few days, and then let the fourth come to take over."

After settling down, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that a big stone had been unloaded, and he was immediately relieved.

Người mua: sabmado

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