
The guards looked at each other.

I haven't seen you like your third nephew so much before, why are you suddenly so affectionate...

Zhu Di was a little impatient: "Where is Yun Xi now~er?" "

"The Third Highness is studying in the backyard-study..."

"Grind chirp." Zhu Di didn't care so much, and went straight inside.

When he came to this Taisun Mansion, he was more familiar than home, and he didn't need anyone to lead the way, and soon passed through several courtyards and arrived at the backyard study...

When he entered, he heard the childish sound of reading aloud.

Immediately, he pushed the door in, his face was full of loving smiles, and his voice was so tired that people panicked: "Yunxi, your fourth uncle has come to see you." "

"Fourth Uncle?"

Zhu Yunxi was wrinkling his little face, studying in that bitter way, and suddenly saw Zhu Di coming, and suddenly became surprised: "Why are you here?" "

"Silly child, of course, because your fourth uncle missed you."

Zhu Di smiled and touched Zhu Yunxi's head: "Yunxi's face is not very good-looking, tell the fourth uncle, have you been worried about anything recently?" "

"There are troubles..." Zhu Yunxi frowned and said pitifully:

"I have to read and write all day, I have to write 30,000 large characters every day, and I can't sleep after writing."

"What? Which gentleman is so inhumane? Zhu Di immediately became furious, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Call him out for me, and the fourth uncle will teach him a good lesson and give you a blow." "

"Fourth Uncle is so powerful!"

Zhu Yunxi suddenly starred and said with adoration.

"Oh, a trifle."

Zhu Di smiled proudly, a child is a child, really fooled, his own little trick, and he got closer to him.

What's next?

He waved his hand and said loudly: "Say, who is it, I made him regret why he was born today!" "

"It's my big brother!"



There was silence in the room.

"Fourth Uncle?"

"Fourth Uncle, why don't you talk?"


Zhu Di's face turned slightly red and coughed, slowly put down his sleeves and said: "What your eldest brother said, you still have to listen, the eldest brother is like a father..."


Zhu Yunxi was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but look at Zhu Di with skeptical little eyes and said, "Fourth Uncle, you won't be as afraid of my eldest brother as I am, right?" "

"What is afraid! You remember, there are no uncles in the world who are afraid of nephews, only uncles who love and care for nephews! I love and care for your brother! How could you hit him casually? "

Zhu Di blushed and forcibly defended.


Zhu Yunxi looked at Zhu Di suspiciously.

"Of course it is!" Zhu Di quickly changed the topic: "Then is there anything else, such as is there anyone else who makes you unhappy?" "

"This..." Zhu Yunxi bit the tip of his pen, pondered for a while and hesitated and said, "Yes, there is." "

"Say it quickly, who is it?"

Zhu Di said busily.

"It's Grandma Huang!" Zhu Yunxi said with a bitter face:

"Grandma Huang always feeds me, I obviously can't eat it, grandma wants me to eat another bite, I can hold on."


"Fourth Uncle?"

"Fourth Uncle, why don't you talk again?"

Zhu Di took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Yun Xi..."


"Listen to me, we royal people, we must be harmonious and reasonable, but you can't just move your hands and feet casually, that's not good."

"But didn't you just say..."

"Ahem, I didn't say anything just now Fourth Uncle, you misunderstood." Zhu Di said busily.

"Huh?" Zhu Yunxi's face was full of doubts.

Zhu Di said with a straight face: "Do you read more words or do you have more words than your fourth uncle?" "

"The fourth uncle knows a lot..."

"Isn't that it? If you don't have a culture, why are you still talking back to the fourth uncle? Zhu Di learned a serious lesson.


"I look at you, it's just a loss of no culture, forget it, who made me your fourth uncle, I'll teach you."

Zhu Di said seriously, took out a few recitals from his arms and said: "Come, the fourth uncle will teach you to review the recitals!" "

"From now on, you will have to review ten recitals with your fourth uncle every day, and you will not be allowed to eat if you can't finish the review!"

"Isn't that still going to be written?" Zhu Yunxi said in shock.

"I'm for your good!"

"My eldest brother also said so, why are you all like this, I don't want to write, and I don't want to approve the recital!"

Zhu Yunxi was as if he had been struck by lightning and cried.

It's definitely going to cry.

Zhu Yunxi originally asked for 30,000 more at home every day, which was miserable enough, and today he was writing bitterly at home.

But Zhu Di suddenly came to him again to review the recital.

This simply caused serious trauma to Zhu Yunxi's young heart.

Let yourself learn to review the recitals?

That's dead and can't do it.


Zhu Di smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, you were still saying bad things about your eldest brother just now, saying that because he forced you to write, you were very dissatisfied with him, right?" "

"Yes, Fourth Uncle, you..." Zhu Yunxi suddenly had a bad premonition.

Zhu Di suddenly sneered, revealing his hideous minions: "You don't want your eldest brother to know about this either, right?" "

"You want to sue..." The silly child Zhu Yunxi instantly understood, and even looked at Zhu Di with incredible eyes.

And Zhu Di was ruthless: "If you don't obey, don't blame me for telling your eldest brother!" "

"Fourth Uncle, you can't do this!"

Zhu Yunxi was stupid for a while, and suddenly cried, and even tried to use the fourth uncle to arouse Zhu Di's family affection.

However, Zhu Di, who had no humanity, was obviously not moved by this cry.

Originally, I wanted to salute you first and then soldier.

Who knows if you toast and don't eat and punish wine.

Then I have to use it strongly.

With a straight face, he pointed to the recitals and said: "It's useless to cry, now review the recitals with me, and you are not allowed to eat if you can't finish the approval!" "


So in Zhu Yunxi's burst of crying, Zhu Di couldn't wait to hold Zhu Xiongying's hand.

With a brush dipped in cinnabar, read the next passage after paragraph on that movement.

While reviewing, he also chattered about the reasoning.

As soon as Zhu Yunxi resisted, Zhu Di made him honest with a complaint...

This music was reviewed for a whole day.

When it was evening, Zhu Di left satisfied.

And Zhu Yunxi was like a collapse, lying on the table while crying bitterly while making up for the homework assigned by Zhu Xiongying.

At night, Zhu Yunxi said that he would not live in the Prince's Mansion for anything, crying and making a fuss about going back to the Prince's Mansion.

No way, although he likes his eldest brother very much.

But at the end of today's day, he really can't stand it, and the only solution he can think of in his little head is to defect to his wife.

Trying to arouse the maternal love of her old mother and save her poor young son.

After Zhu Xiongying returned from the Celestial Temple, he was busy cultivating immortals, and he couldn't take care of him.

And Zhu Yunxi took this opportunity to run away overnight under the escort of the guards.

It can only be said that the child's young mind has suffered severe trauma.


"Dad, mother, save me, I don't want to read or write." As soon as he returned home, Zhu Yunxi threw himself into the arms of his father and wife, crying bitterly.

"You kid is really not like words!"

However, Chang Shi pulled him away, frowned and reprimanded: "Your eldest brother taught you strictly, for your own good, you actually disliked it!" "

Zhu Biao also said with a black face: "How many people want to be taught a lesson by your brother, and this opportunity is returned, you bear child, you actually dislike it!" "

While training, Zhu Biao also hated iron for a while.

Xiongying is an immortal!

How many people wanted to ask him for guidance on cultivating immortals, but there was no such way.

And Zhu Yunxi? But he can stay by Zhu Xiongying's side at all times, receive guidance, and be able to cultivate immortals since he was a child.

This blessing is not ordinary and profound. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a result, this kid is good, not only does he not know to cherish it, but he actually dares to dislike it!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and immediately picked up the sole of his shoe and said: "Lie down for me, see if I don't kill you!" "

"Woo-hoo, dad, I, I don't dislike big brother." When Zhu Yunxi saw it, he was immediately scared and cried: "I have completed the homework assigned by my eldest brother, it is the fourth uncle, and the fourth uncle wrote the homework to me, I really can't finish writing." "


When Zhu Biao heard this, he was stunned.

"Why did the fourth man suddenly come to manage Yunxi's schoolwork?"

Chang Shi was also puzzled.

Although Zhu Di always likes to visit the Taisun Mansion on weekdays, it is also to visit Xiongying.

Why did he suddenly take care of his little son today?

Chang Shi said with some doubt: "You didn't lie? "

Zhu Yunxi wiped his snot and tears pitifully: "If you don't believe it, you can ask the guards, they all saw the fourth uncle come in, by the way, this is tomorrow's homework arranged by the fourth uncle." "

Saying that, he turned out a few recitals from his unopened baggage.

Chang Shi quickly looked at it, and suddenly his face changed, followed by his face was furious, and said to Zhu Biao:

"Look, what is the heart of your fourth brother An? He dared to give the recital to Yun Xi for approval! "

Zhu Biao also looked at the music there for a while, and after a while, he put the music down, and his face became gloomy.

Looking at Zhu Yunxi, he said, "Your fourth uncle taught you to review the recital?" "


Zhu Yunxi cried and said: "The fourth uncle also said that in the future, let me review ten copies every day, approve it or not play, and not eat, and in the future, he will also want me to be the emperor, saying that he will criticize every day." "

"Dad, I don't want to be the emperor, I don't want to criticize, woo-woo..."


Zhu Biao was furious, and slammed the piece on the ground: "This old fourth, have you put my eldest brother in your eyes?" "

Zhu Di This is Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone on the road knows it.

Let your child be the emperor, so that he will have the opportunity to continue to befriend Zhu Xiongying and take him to cultivate immortals, right?

Zhu Di wanted to cultivate immortals, he had already learned from Zhu Xiongying's mouth, but he didn't care much.

Or that sentence, the royal family affection is weak, whether in the eyes of Zhu Biao or Zhu Yuanzhang, only the prince's mansion plus Zhu Yuanzhang's old two are the real family of the wife and children.

0 ask for flowers

Even a son like Zhu Yunjiang is not a family, and as for Zhu Di and the others, they can only be regarded as a son who is closer to the courtier.

Therefore, they did not care too much about whether Zhu Di could cultivate immortals.

If Zhu Di can really impress Zhu Xiongying to take him to cultivate immortals, it can also be regarded as Zhu Di's own ability.

And now.

In order to cultivate immortals, this Zhu Di actually hit his own son with his idea.

His son still has to cultivate immortals, and the family will live forever in the future.

How can you be dragged into the water and become some emperor!

"Prepare me a horse!"

Zhu Biao calmed his face and walked straight out.

It was late at night and a curfew was in the city.

But apparently, the prince is not among the curfews.

Patrolling the city, seeing the prince with a large group of guards, and the momentum was fierce, none of them dared to stop it, they all quickly avoided it.

A group of people soon arrived at Zhu Di's mansion.

The guards of the Yan King Mansion didn't even have time to come forward to greet them, so they were driven away by the guards.

When Zhu Di heard the news, he also hurriedly put on his clothes, lit candles in the hall and welcomed Zhu Biao in.

"Big brother, what are you?"

When Zhu Di saw Zhu Biao's cold face, he suddenly felt wrong in his heart.


The next moment, Zhu Biao threw the music on the table, and asked head-on: "This is the music you asked Yun Xi to review?" "

Zhu Diqiang smiled and said, "Big brother, you listen to my explanation, I am also for the sake of Yun Xi well..."

"What a fart!" Zhu Biao was immediately furious, pointed at his nose and scolded:

"The heavy responsibility of overseeing the country was entrusted to you by me and the emperor, how dare you be so unenterprising and throw it to a child, what should you do?"

As soon as these words came out, the people below suddenly fell silent and silent.

Zhu Di also did not dare to squeak.

This is the majesty of Zhu Biao, the prince.

Don't look at his gentle and elegant weekdays, but in fact, he has also guarded the city on the battlefield and seen blood.

He is also the eldest brother of the princes, and he has been responsible for teaching the younger brothers since he was a child.

In the hearts of the princes, he is like Zhu Yuanzhang, who is one little one.

If you don't get angry, once you get angry, it's full of majesty, and even Zhu Di doesn't dare to refute it, so he can only obediently bow his head and listen to the training.

And Zhu Biao was also really angered, sitting on the main seat, looking at Zhu Di who was listening to the training with his head bowed, and said coldly: "Speak!" I'd rather see what you have to explain! "

Zhu Di was silent for a long time.

Suddenly, Zhu Di suddenly raised his hand and actually took off his clothes.

I only saw that after Zhu Di undressed, the muscular body was actually scarred.

Large and small, deep or shallow, there are at least a dozen scars.

Zhu Biao just looked at him coldly.

And Zhu Di pointed to a centipede-like scar on his stomach and said:

"This scar is my soldier of Tudu Mountain, who took advantage of the snowy night to attack the Yuan army, was injured by the Yuan army, and almost died."

"This scar was an arrow wound I received when I was attacking the remnants of the Northern Yuan army that came to fight the grass valley in the eighth year of Hongwu!"

"This Dao is the Hongwu Decade."

"This Dao, Hongwu eleven years!"

"This way, Hongwu thirteen years!"

Zhu Biao listened quietly, and said expressionlessly: "Why, do you want to complain or show merit?" To talk about suffering, which Sai king has not been injured, to say merit, this Manchu dynasty is civilized and martial, which has heroic merit! "

"It's not a complaint, it's not a show, I just can't figure it out."

Zhu Di took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and Huo Ran looked up and said: "Big brother, my scar is for the country and for the great cause of my father, I have never complained, and I have never invited credit for this!" "

"But I can't figure it out, I just don't want to be the emperor, why does the eldest brother and the father and the emperor just not agree, they must force each other hard?"

"The eldest brother wants to make a stall, but why dump me? The same is the father and the emperor, why can the eldest brother be the emperor, I must be proper? "

"I have no regrets for my father's emperor, for my eldest brother, and I have never asked for anything, but I just don't want to be the emperor, just this time, why can't the eldest brother and the father emperor let me go?"

"I am also a human being, I am also the flesh and blood of my father, even if the eldest brother does not regard me as a younger brother, only for the sake of my true loyalty to the country, I beg the eldest brother to take back his life!"

Speaking of which.

Zhu Di snorted, knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times in a row, his forehead was bleeding, but he gritted his teeth and lowered his head, without saying a word.

In the hall, there was silence.

Those who are under have long been screened.

At this time, only the two brothers were left in the hall.

The candle shadow fluttered, reflecting on Zhu Di and Zhu Biao's face, floating erratically.

Looking at the scars on Zhu Di's body, after a long while, Zhu Biao's face like ice gradually melted.

I wanted to say something, but in the end, I turned into a light sigh and said: "Prince Tangtang is wearing clothes in this naked body." "

Zhu Di got dressed, moved his lips and said, "Big brother, I..."

"Needless to say, this matter will be over today." Zhu Biao shook his head, and his heart was a little unbearable.

He also watched Zhu Di grow up little by little.

Now seeing what Zhu Di said so miserable, he also felt a little bad in his heart.

It's also his own brother... Long....

Người mua: sabmado

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