Li Guixiang fell asleep while thinking.

It was already noon the next day when she woke up, and now Lin Hai was taking care of her.

Lin Hai was busy in front of the bed, wiping Li Guixiang's body while telling people to warm the porridge.

Seeing his mother's frail appearance, his heart was broken.

He was relieved to see Li Guixiang finally wake up.

Seeing that Li Guixiang was still not awake, he thought that Li Guixiang was in a coma again. He was so anxious.

"Mom, are you hungry? I'll warm the porridge for you and send it to you later."

Lin Hai put down the things in his hand, bent down and asked Li Guixiang.

Li Guixiang nodded, and her heart was warmed when she looked at her meticulous son.

She also raised Lin Hai with great difficulty. Now she is in the hospital, and she is also very relieved that her son is so filial.

"Mom? Do you still remember me?"

Li Guixiang's appearance yesterday really scared Lin Hai, and he asked cautiously.

Li Guixiang nodded, "I remember, you are my son, Xiaohai!"

Lin Hai's eyes were red, and he quickly called Dr. Zhao. Dr. Zhao also asked a few questions, and then came to the conclusion,

"It may be the stress reaction of the old man just waking up. Now it seems that he has not lost his memory, but may be a little confused."

Lin Hai thanked Dr. Zhao, and just as the porridge was delivered, he sat down and fed Li Guixiang the porridge himself.

Lin Hai took off his usual fussy look, and now he looked like a filial son.

He talked to Li Guixiang about family matters, and he didn't look as high-handed and mean as usual.

"Mom, you've been in a coma for so long, you don't know how good Xiaojue is now."

Lin Hai was full of emotion,

"I used to think he was just a child who didn't know anything, but now I really find that he has grown up."

Lin Hai wiped Li Guixiang's mouth while feeding her,

"Xiaojue can handle the company's business very well, and I plan to hand over the company to him in a while, and then I will take you to travel together."

My mother has never been to any place in her life, and now I have the ability but no time.

When Lin Jue takes over the company's business, I will take my mother to travel around the world.

Li Guixiang's heart skipped a beat. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Lin Hai continue,

"Although Lin Feng is an honest child and very capable, it's a pity that he has a bad fate and won't live long."

Li Guixiang couldn't help but scold him when she heard this,

"You must not hand over the company to Lin Jue!"

She was a little too excited and started coughing.

Lin Hai was also a little panicked and patted her back quickly, not knowing what he said to make his mother unhappy.

Li Guixiang coughed for a long time before she recovered and continued,

"Even if the family property is not given to Lin Feng, it must be given to Lin Zhuyan!"

It must not be given to that beast who has no blood relationship with him!

Lin Hai was stunned when he heard this. Wasn't his mother crazy?

What's going on?

Lin Hai frowned and explained to Li Guixiang again,

"Now the family business is booming, it's not good to give it to a girl, she will get married sooner or later."

Lin Hai patiently analyzed for his mother,

"And even if it is not handed over to the heir in the future, Lin Jue will be with me at ordinary times."

Li Guixiang didn't want to hear so much, she really hated that ungrateful person now,


Lin Hai was also impatient, "Mom! The company can only be handed over to him! You are really old and confused!"

At this time, Lin Jue, who was worried and rushed over, also arrived and opened the door and stood at the door.

Hearing his father's excited words, he was stunned.

"What company? Dad, what are you talking about?"

Lin Jue was suspicious, walked in and sat down, and asked about his grandmother's situation.

"How is grandma now? Is she okay? I was scared to death yesterday."

Lin Hai frowned, not knowing whether to tell Lin Jue, but he felt that his mother was just confused because of old age, so she said the wrong thing, so he should not tell a younger generation.

"Your grandma is fine, she is just confused and her mind is not clear."

Lin Hai sighed, "You have to take good care of your grandma, she loves you so much."

Lin Jue smiled and nodded, and asked again, "What were you talking about just now, Dad, you are so excited."

Li Guixiang looked at Lin Jue's fake smile and was shocked. Thinking of his vicious heart, she felt chilled and scared.

She was afraid that Lin Hai would say what he said just now, so she pretended to be stupid and said,

"The company should be handed over to this grandson! It can't be handed over to Lin Jue! It must be handed over to him!"

Li Guixiang pointed at Lin Jue and looked a little angry.

Lin Hai frowned.The frown on his face relaxed, and he said to Lin Jue,

"Your grandma is so old and confused that she can't remember anyone!"

He comforted his excited mother and explained to her,

"Mom, this is Lin Jue, I think you are just old and confused!"

Li Guixiang turned her head away in a daze, still insisting,

"No, you can't give it to Lin Jue, you have to give it to my grandson!"

Lin Jue's doubts also dissipated, and he laughed dumbly.

"Grandma, I am Lin Jue..."

Seeing that his grandma was really confused, Lin Jue finally let go of his worry.

It seems that grandma really doesn't remember, so good!

Thinking of this, Lin Jue pretended to cry again, threw himself on Li Guixiang and cried, "Grandma, I've been so worried about you these days, I'm really afraid you won't want me anymore!" Lin Jue cried and hugged Li Guixiang's hand tightly, "I know grandma loves me the most, I really can't bear to see you leave me." "Fortunately, God has eyes and let grandma come back to me." Listening to Lin Jue's sentimental words, Lin Hai couldn't help wiping tears, and sighed with some fear, "Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life." "You raised me up alone, and I haven't brought you any happiness yet." Li Guixiang was very touched by her son's words, but Lin Jue's words only made her hair stand on end. If she hadn't discovered Lin Jue's true face, she would probably be very moved, but now she just felt sick. Why didn't she realize that Lin Jue was pretending like this before? Although she felt uncomfortable, Li Guixiang still hugged Lin Jue on the surface, looking touched.

"Xiao Jue... Xiao Jue, don't cry, grandma is with you."

Li Guixiang spoke intermittently, as if she suddenly remembered Lin Jue.

After hearing this, Lin Jue stood up, wiped his tears, and nodded heavily.

"Grandma, I will definitely be filial to you in the future!"

As long as you don't recover your memory, I am willing to spend some money to repay you.

Lin Jue curled his lips, with an ambiguous smile in his eyes.

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