Zhou Xuan stayed at home all day in a daze, and her spirit was not good. Whenever she heard that her family was angry about Lin Jue, she would think of Lin Feng.

She knew in her heart that although everyone was furious about Lin Jue's disappearance, as long as he came back, he would still be the favored young master.

But what about her own son Lin Feng?

His way back was more tortuous, and it was a miracle that he could grow up so big and be so outstanding.

If he hadn't come back, he would definitely be happier, after all, this family brought him only bad memories.

Why is it like this?

Zhou Xuan felt painful and blamed herself.

Sister Li had been staying in the Lin family to take care of Zhou Xuan since she gave birth to the young master, and she also had some true feelings for Zhou Xuan.

Seeing the lady's appearance, he didn't think it was a big deal, so he knocked on Zhou Xuan's door with courage,

"Madam, how about I go shopping with you to relax."

Zhou Xuan looked at the warm sunshine outside and closed her eyes tiredly.

"I don't want to go..."

Sister Li opened the window, and the wind with a bit of late autumn breath blew in, which blew away some of the haze in Zhou Xuan's heart.

"Madam, you look dead if you don't go out for a walk. It will be bad if the young master comes and sees you like this."

Hearing this, Zhou Xuan got up and sat in front of the makeup mirror. Looking at her lonely and haggard appearance, she was a little surprised.

"I have been bored for too long..."

I can't let Xiaofeng see me like this.

Although Sister Li was talking about Young Master Lin Jue, Zhou Xuan directly brought up Lin Feng.

Zhou Xuan rarely changed into a young-looking dress and put on makeup before going out.

Sister Li saw that Zhou Xuan was obviously more energetic, and she was relieved.

In fact, she had taken care of Li Guixiang for a longer time, but the old lady finally agreed to come back last time, but she made a fuss about going to the sanatorium soon after she got home.

I don't know what's wrong with the old lady. She would rather stay in the sanatorium than go home.

Now there is only this mistress in the family, and Mrs. Li is still worried.

"Madam, your health is more important than anything else. It is not good for your health to always be depressed."

"The old lady is not in charge of things now. You are the pillar of this family. You can't fall down."

Zhou Xuan smiled, but her heart was bitter.

What did she manage well?

The biological son suffered, and the adopted son disappeared.

In the big shopping mall in the city center,

the counters on the first floor are all luxury brands.

Zhou Xuan hasn't been out shopping for a long time, and has been busy with family affairs.

Lin Hai doesn't care about anything except the company and Li Guixiang, and throws everything to Zhou Xuan.

She is exhausted during this period.

The salesgirls have done their homework and are familiar with the ladies in Changhai City. They recognized Zhou Xuan at a glance.

"Oh, Madam Lin! You haven't been here for a long time!"

The salesgirl's enthusiastic attitude made Zhou Xuan satisfied.

"Mrs. Lin, our store has received a lot of cosmetics recently. I think they are all very good. I'll bring them over for you to take a look."

After saying that, she ran back to the counter and took out a lot of cosmetics.

Zhou Xuan was quite satisfied after trying the colors. She picked the ones she liked and handed over the card.

"Pack all these and send them to the Lin family."

The salesgirl smiled. She was right. This Mrs. Lin was very generous.

After swiping the card, Zhou Xuan felt much better. It turned out that spending could relax her mood.

"Sister Li, let's go and have a look at something else."

Zhou Xuan had been to Xiaoxiang's many times before, and the salesgirl knew her.

"Mrs. Lin is here. Come and sit down! We'll pour you a cup of tea!"

Zhou Xuan waved her hand, "No need to be so troublesome. I'll come and take a look."

"Okay, okay, Madam, do you want to see our new bags? Our new products are very good!"

Zhou Xuan followed the salesgirl to the counter and sat down.

"Mrs. Lin, look at this small bag, it's exquisite and small, it's limited edition worldwide, I took it out specially because Mrs. Lin is here."

Zhou Xuan took the bag and looked at it, it was indeed very beautiful, and the feel was a little different from her other bags.

She didn't bother to ask the price, she just handed over the card,

"Swipe the card and send it to the Lin family for me."

After that, she pointed to the bags next to her,

"Send these over too."

Mrs. Li felt a little strange,

"Madam, those styles are not new, why did you buy them?"

Zhou Xuan smiled, fine lines appeared at the corners of her eyes,

"This is my gift to you, you can take it and divide it among you when the time comes."

Although Mrs. Li is loyal to her family, it doesn't mean she is unwilling to accept benefits. She immediately thanked Zhou Xuan happily,

"Madam is so kindHow can we afford to buy it!"

"There are a lot of things going on at home recently." Zhou Xuan smiled, "Just take what's given to you."

After paying, she suddenly felt a little guilty. She was so extravagant, but she was so stingy with Xiaofeng's living expenses.

Zhou Xuan's face darkened, and she felt embarrassed.

Now, she had no intention of shopping.

"Go back."

When going downstairs, Mrs. Li suddenly saw a familiar figure.

She was stunned.

--It turned out to be Huang Ye, the nanny of the Lin family before!

"That is..."

Huang Ye is now wearing famous brands, and it seems that she is living a good life.

Mrs. Li pointed at Huang Ye and told Zhou Xuan, "That is Huang Ye, madam! "

Zhou Xuan didn't expect to meet her nanny from many years ago here.

She pulled Sister Li and planned to go over to say hello.

Who knew that before they could say anything, Huang Ye ran away immediately as if she had seen a ghost.

Zhou Xuan's raised hand was still hanging in the air. She couldn't react for a while and was a little confused.

"Why did Huang Ye run away when she saw me?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. She was very good to Huang Ye, so why did she lose contact with him for so many years?

Could it be that she had released her nanny and now felt embarrassed because she had made a fortune?

Huang Ye was still a little scared when she got in the car.

God knows how scared she was just now!

"Oh my God, it's really..."

Huang Ye originally planned to buy a new bag today, but when she arrived, she felt someone looking at her from behind. She turned her head and was scared to death.

She actually saw Zhou Xuan!!

Ever since she quit her job as a nanny, Huang Ye deliberately stayed away from the Lin family and avoided Zhou Xuan.

She has been in the car for twenty years. She had worked as a maid in the Lin family before, and the lady had always been very nice to her and had never made things difficult for her.

She had a much better temper than most of the noble ladies she had met.

So Huang Ye liked this lady very much, and took good care of her in the Lin family.

She always remembered the night when the lady gave birth to the young master.

At that time, the young master was sent to the incubator as soon as he was born, and the lady fainted because she was too tired.

The hospital was much quieter in the middle of the night, and the facilities and security were not as good as they are now.

She was exhausted after taking care of the lady in the middle of the night, and when she returned, she suddenly saw a sneaky woman outside the baby room.

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