"Okay, Xiaofeng can come, why can't you?"

Zhou Xuan hurriedly calmed down and left.

Lin Hai was also a little overwhelmed, but he still cared more about his wife. He told Lin Jue,

"Listen to your mother."

Then he went out to chase his wife.

Lin Jue gritted his teeth in hatred,

It was because of Lin Feng that he only had 3,000 a month now!

What can 3,000 do? Not even enough for him to have a meal!

Lin Feng returned to the dormitory, packed up his things, and lay down on the bed.

It was impossible to go to work now,

Lin Jue would never let him have an easy time, and would only intensify his targeting of him.

I now have 500,000 in my hand,

What should I do with it?

Suddenly, the roommate's mouse was smashed.

He cursed,

"What a useless teammate! Can you play?!"

Lin Feng looked out and saw his roommate pounding the table with a red face. The red failure on the computer screen looked terrible.

"Lost the game?"

Lin Feng thought it was a little funny.

It was the first time he saw someone so angry after losing a game that he smashed the mouse.

The roommate waved his hands and complained,

"I'm speechless. Now all kinds of monsters can play games..."

The roommate slumped in the chair and swiped his phone.

"It would be great if there was a casual and relaxing game. I can't play any games now!"

The roommate turned off his phone and scratched his head in annoyance.

"There's nothing to play in Doudou! So annoying! They're all the same!!!"

Lin Feng suddenly had an idea when he heard it.

Two years later, because people were under a lot of pressure, a series of quick application games became popular.

I remember that in my previous life, there was a casual game that was very popular for a while.

During that time, everyone was talking about that game.

It seemed to be called, "Awesome!"

Now, can I use the 500,000 yuan in my hand to develop the awesome game and seize the market!

Lin Feng contacted a small game development team in the city online and prepared to consult them about investment matters.

Lin Feng didn't know much about game development.

After all, he was just a wage earner in his previous life and died of cancer early.

He just liked to watch videos.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng typed and asked,

"How many hundreds of thousands does it cost to invest in you to develop a cartoon background elimination game?"

I don't know if the money is too much or not enough, the other party keeps showing that it is still inputting.

Lin Feng is thinking, is there something wrong with his question?

He really doesn't understand this market.

"Hundreds of thousands?"

The other party obviously hasn't seen such a big deal.

"We can make this kind of small game with only a few thousand yuan, because it doesn't require too much technical content or advanced equipment."

Lin Feng was also stunned.

It seems that the game that was popular in his previous life was still low-cost.

He thought that the cost was not high, but he didn't think it was so low.

"Then can we discuss the matter? I want to invest in you to make this game."

The other party replied quickly.

"We can do it, but it's better to provide us with a place to work, because our team is all students..."

Lin Feng understood that he chose this small team because they were all students.

Because students are young, they are more motivated.

"That's fine. Let's add a contact number first..."

Lin Feng didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

He has also thought about the work location.

Changhai University is very supportive of student entrepreneurship. All students can apply for the entrepreneurship incubation base.

Students can use it for free for one year to start a business.

After Lin Feng contacted the counselor to apply, he called the game team over.

They had discussed the specific game content on their mobile phones.

The other party also said that their team could definitely develop this small game perfectly.

Several students rushed to the base impatiently.

This was the first time they received an order to make a game. Before, they only made some plug-in small programs,

and they didn't make much money.

And this time there is a venue!

Changhai University is also very famous in the city. They wondered if their boss would be a teacher here.

According to the address, they pushed open the door.

A handsome boy sat at the round table, with a half-long hair hanging casually on his forehead.

There were wounds all over his slightly thin body.

The leading employee recognized Lin Feng,

"You are the son of the Lin family in the story of love search!!"

He widened his eyes,

The Lin family is a well-known wealthy family,

He didn't expect that the one who invested in him would be the son of the Lin family.

The other employees also suddenly realized,

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry,"I have nothing to do with the Lin family..."

He said this with a bitter tone,

"Let's discuss the game."

The employees sat down and talked to Lin Feng about their views on the game and the model that their team had just made.

"Boss, I think you can use your identity to promote the game!"

The headed employee was called Chen Hao, and they were all students of the same university.

For game promotion, they felt that Lin Feng's identity was very interesting and could be used to attract traffic.

After all, his episode of Love Search was very popular.

An orphan found his rich parents,

This matter itself is a hot topic

Lin Feng shook his head,

He no longer wanted to have any relationship with the Lin family,

Chen Hao nodded with some regret, but he still respected the boss's choice.

Looking at the boss's wounds again, it was indeed not easy for the rich to do so.

Lin Feng explained, handed the key to Chen Hao, and went downstairs.

Miss Cheng Sui wanted to take him to the hospital and asked him to wait here.

He sat on the stool bored, fiddling with his phone,

but was planning what to do next.

Suddenly, a figure blocked him. He looked up and saw Zhou Xuan.

She looked a little overwhelmed, her well-maintained hands tightly grasping the strap of her LV bag.

"Xiaofeng, Mommy just came to visit you..."

Lin Feng looked behind her,

"Mommy came alone!"

Before Lin Feng could speak, she hurriedly added.

Looking at the boy's thin body and the scars, Zhou Xuan felt full of guilt.

At the age when he should be carefree and carefree,

he was working alone to make a living,

at the age when he should be the strongest and healthiest, he was thin and pale.

She couldn't imagine how Lin Feng had been through all these years.

"About your brother..."

Lin Feng didn't want to hear her talk about Lin Jue at all.

He interrupted Zhou Xuan's words, his tone unquestionable,

"If you are here to make me and Lin Jue apologize, then please go back, I didn't do anything wrong!"

Zhou Xuan's face turned pale, and she hurriedly explained,

"No, no, mom didn't blame you for doing anything wrong,"

"It's your brother who is wrong. Mom is just worried about your injury and came to see you,"

She raised her hand to touch Lin Feng's head, but Lin Feng dodged without a trace,

She withdrew her hand in the air with some embarrassment,

"Mom will prepare more living expenses for you, okay?"

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