"Lin Feng, can you accompany me back to my hometown?"

Cheng Sui's tone was a little anxious, and it sounded like he was driving.

"Yes... but Ling'er is still here with me."

Lin Feng agreed to Cheng Sui without hesitation, but if he left, Lin Ling'er would have to go back to the Lin family.

Lin Ling'er also put down the game after hearing this, and said sensibly,

"Brother, it's okay, Ling'er can go back to the Lin family! I just miss my sisters a little bit!"

Lin Feng pursed his lips and nodded in agreement.

"Sui Sui, how long will it take you to get to me?"

"There's still half an hour left, and there's a little traffic jam..."

The horns on Cheng Sui's side kept coming and going, and there were a few shouts from time to time.

This place is still a little far from the Lin family, and it's too late for Lin Feng to send Lin Ling'er there.

I had to call Lin Zhuyan to ask her to pick her up.

"Ling'er, my elder sister will call you outside the door when she comes later. Don't open the door to strangers!"

Lin Ling'er stared at the game in her hand without raising her head.

"Brother, I know! You and sister Sui Sui rest safely!"

Lin Feng smiled and rubbed her head.

Fortunately, the traffic jam was not serious and it didn't take long.

Cheng Sui was not driving a luxury sports car today, but a Mercedes-Benz G. It seemed that the road to the place he was going was not very good.

"Lin Feng, get in the car."

The SUV stopped in front of Lin Feng with a "sizzle". Cheng Sui's eyebrows were a little anxious.

After Lin Feng got in the car, she explained.

"My grandpa is sick."

It turned out that Cheng Sui's family had another grandpa left in the countryside. Because he was used to rural life, he refused to go to Beijing.

So the Cheng family kept sending him money. Just now, they suddenly received a call saying that the old man fell at night and was sent to the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage.

Cheng Sui then hurriedly asked Lin Feng to go with her.

"My grandpa and I have a good relationship. When I was a kid, I always went to his place for summer vacation."

"I keep in touch with him now, but I didn't expect him to fall down suddenly."

Cheng Sui's tone was filled with deep sadness, and Lin Feng didn't know how to comfort him.

After all, he had never experienced the feeling of a close relative being seriously ill.

But if Cheng Sui got sick, he would definitely be worried to death!

"Sui Sui, grandpa will be fine."

Cheng Sui said "hmm" sullenly, and he didn't dare to be distracted while driving.

Fortunately, Cheng Sui's grandpa's hometown is not far away, and it only takes more than two hours to drive there.

Grandpa was hospitalized in the town hospital, and it was the neighbors who helped to send him here, and now it is also the neighbors who are taking care of the old man.

Cheng Sui went to the hospital according to the address on the phone, and asked several times before finding the ward.

The town hospital is small, and the wards are very cramped.

But it is clean and full of the smell of disinfectant.

Cheng Sui stood at the door of the ward, looking at the pale old man with tubes inserted on the bed and couldn't help crying.

Why is it that my grandfather, like my mother, is tortured by illness?

"Sui Sui is here, your grandpa..."

The neighbor uncle didn't know how to describe the illness, scratching his head anxiously,

It was his wife who slapped him and answered first,

"Your grandpa suddenly fell in the yard last night. Fortunately, your uncle and I saw it. We walked over and found that the old man was motionless, so we immediately sent him to the hospital."

"The doctor said it was a cerebral hemorrhage. Seeing that the old man was unconscious, he said he needed rescue. The situation was urgent at the time, so we didn't think too much and rescued him directly."

The aunt still had some lingering fears when she said this,

"The doctor said it was fortunate that he was sent in time, otherwise he might not be able to be saved later."

Cheng Sui nodded, remembered something, and asked again,

"Aunt, how much is the operation fee?"

The aunt shook her head, "The hospital is relatively humane. The doctor took the man to emergency treatment without saying a word. We didn't pay the operation fee!"

Cheng Sui opened his mouth in shock. There are very few hospitals willing to perform operations without charging.

"Grandpa is very lucky." Lin Feng hugged Cheng Sui's shoulders to comfort him.

At this time, the attending doctor of Cheng Sui's grandfather also came. He was stunned when he saw Cheng Sui.

"You are the family member of the patient Wang Qiangjun, right?"

Cheng Sui nodded, "He is my grandpa, thanks to your kindness, doctor."

If he hadn't rescued him in time, grandpa would probably be in danger.

The doctor smiled,

"The surgery fee is very expensive, you should go and make up the arrears."

Lin Feng volunteered to go, leaving the doctor and Cheng Sui in the ward.

"How is my grandpa?"

Cheng Sui was a little worried.

"The operation was very successful, but most cerebral hemorrhages will have sequelae. It is recommended that the patient be well taken care of and not work."

"Your grandpa will probably wake up 12 to 24 hours after the operation. You can prepare for him.Some light meals. "

Cheng Sui nodded, wrote down what the doctor said one by one, and asked,

"When can my grandpa be discharged from the hospital?"

"If the recovery is good, he can be discharged in half a month."

Cheng Sui asked some precautions again, and Lin Feng came back.

"How is grandpa? Do you need to be transferred to another hospital?" Lin Feng also had a few snacks in his hand, which he had just bought at the entrance of the hospital.

He and Cheng Sui came in a hurry and didn't have lunch. It was already afternoon.

"The doctor said the operation was successful and we need to observe it later."

As for whether to transfer to a hospital in Changhai City, Cheng Sui thought about it and shook his head.

First of all, this hospital is very responsible and humane, and it's good to stay here.

Secondly, grandpa must still be thinking about the poultry and land at home, and he would not feel at ease if he went to Changhai City.

The two of them ate a little, and when they were about to call Cheng Liang to talk, they heard a faint voice.

"Is it... Sui Sui? "

Wang Qiangjun didn't know when he woke up, and now he was trying to get up.

Cheng Sui turned his head and saw the loving eyes of his grandfather, and even stood up to help him,

"Grandpa! You lie down well!"

"Okay, okay... Sui Sui, grandpa is old and useless, this time I trouble you again..."

Wang Qiangjun was a little depressed, hating that his body was not as good as before, and he had to trouble his granddaughter.

"What are you talking about! I was always sick when I was a child, and you took care of me without closing your eyes."


Wang Qiangjun laughed when he heard it, and his face was much rosier. He looked at Lin Feng who was silent behind Cheng Sui, and had some guesses in his heart,

"Who is this young man?"

Lin Feng smiled shyly,

"Hello, grandpa! My name is Lin Feng..."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Cheng Sui grabbed his hand. She raised the rings on both of their hands,

"He is my boyfriend, and he specially came with me to see you!"

"Hahaha!" Wang Qiangjun laughed out loud at Cheng Sui's teasing, but he also grimaced because of the pain in his nerves due to the recovery.

"You're protecting me before I even get married?"

Cheng Sui was afraid that his grandfather would deliberately make things difficult for him, so he introduced Lin Feng's identity first.

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