Lin Feng's body froze, and she dared not move.

The little hands suddenly grabbed Lin Feng's hands and put them on her waist.

"Hold me tight, I'm so cold, Lin Feng."

Cheng Sui muttered, sounding like she was half asleep and half awake.

Hearing this, Lin Feng hugged her tightly.

It was very cold in the countryside at night, but Cheng Sui slept very comfortably.

When she woke up again, it was already past seven in the morning.

To be precise, she was awakened by the cold, and when she woke up, Lin Feng was no longer beside her.


Lin Feng's deafening sneeze came from outside the house, startling Cheng Sui to wake up a little.

He caught a cold? !

The altitude of Wang Qiangjun Village is indeed relatively high. It was foggy in the early morning, and the water vapor hit her face and it was painful.

Cheng Sui wore a thin coat when she came, and now she finally knew why Lin Feng sneezed.

She also started to have a runny nose.

"Lin Feng!! I'm so cold!"

At this time, Lin Feng was stewing chicken soup in the house. The soup made from the freshly killed free-range old hens was golden and looked very appetizing.

"Sui Sui, do you want to drink some soup to warm yourself up?"

Lin Feng was wearing an extremely simple floral apron, his hair was a little messy, and he was holding a spoon in his hand.

Looking at him like this, he suddenly felt like a rural househusband.

"Hahahaha Lin Feng, you look so funny!"

Cheng Sui held the kitchen door and laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist.

Lin Feng touched his nose in confusion, then looked down at the really ugly apron, and couldn't help laughing.

He took out a bowl and filled it with a small bowl of chicken soup and handed it to Cheng Sui,

"How does it taste? Will grandpa like it?"

Lin Feng looked at Cheng Sui expectantly.

Cheng Sui took the bowl, blew on it several times before taking a sip carefully,

but he was still scalded.

"Hiss, it's so hot!"

Her face was a little distorted, but the delicious taste of the chicken soup made her swallow it despite the heat.

"It tastes so good!"

The chicken they bought in the supermarket before was frozen, so it was not so delicious after stewing.

And the warm chicken soup dispelled the coldness in the early morning and made people feel warm all over.

"It's good if you like it. Drink slowly. There is still a lot here."

Wang Qiangjun couldn't finish so much by himself, so the two of them also had chicken for breakfast.

Cheng Sui was starving and ate two bowls of rice before he stopped.

"Your cooking skills are like this!" Cheng Sui praised Lin Feng with a thumbs up.

When the two packed up and took them to the hospital, Wang Qiangjun had been awake for a while.

The heating in the hospital was turned on very well, and Lin Feng felt a little hot when he entered.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat."

Considering that he had just had surgery, Lin Feng also skimmed off the oil from the chicken soup.

So Wang Qiangjun asked with a dark face,

"Why is there no oil in this chicken?"

Cheng Sui scooped out the chicken soup and fed him with a spoon,

"Can you drink oil in this state?"


After taking care of grandpa, Cheng Sui and Lin Feng went to the town for a stroll.

The town was also very small, with few clothing stores, so the two simply went to the market, where many vendors were setting up stalls to sell things.

The stalls were densely hung with clothes that met the aesthetics of the elderly.

The coats were very thick, but without exception, they were all old-fashioned colors.

Fortunately, there were styles for both men and women.

"Handsome men and beautiful women, do you want to buy clothes? Take a look, you can try them on! We have very new styles here!"

The vendor's words shocked Cheng Sui,

"New styles?!"

"Yes, we have the latest winter styles..."

Looking at the admiring eyes of the elderly coming and going, Cheng Sui realized.

It is indeed the latest style, but the target audience is the elderly.

Lin Feng picked out two thick coats,

"How much?"

The vendor smiled,

"You are really good at choosing, these are not inferior to big brands...

Two pieces are worth one thousand."

Touching the coat in his hand, which is thick but made of rough and low-quality fabric, Lin Feng smiled and stopped Cheng Sui who wanted to pay.

"One thousand is too expensive."

The vendor's expression remained unchanged, and he asked,

"How much do you think is appropriate?"

Lin Feng stretched out a finger and slowly uttered two words,

"One hundred."

"What?! No, no, this cost is not enough! Eight hundred!"

The vendor was shocked and waved his hands at Lin Feng.

"One hundred!" Lin Feng continued.

The vendor's expression was a little bad, but he still said no.

"How about this, I see that you are honest, 500 for two pieces!"

Lin Feng did not waver, "Then 200."


Seeing that the vendor was really unwilling to give in, Cheng Sui couldn't help but pay.

Only five hundred yuan.

Who knew that Lin Feng would only take Cheng Sui aroundand left.

"Why are you leaving? Aren't you going to buy anything?"

"Wait a minute." Lin Feng asked mysteriously.

Just when Cheng Sui was puzzled, the vendor suddenly called them.

"Okay, okay! Two hundred is two hundred, handsome guy!"

Lin Feng smiled and turned back,

"Boss, do you agree?"

The vendor nodded painfully, wrapped the clothes and handed them to Lin Feng.

"I'll just consider it a favor for you because you're so handsome! Remember to buy from me next time!"

Lin Feng nodded hurriedly and agreed, "That's for sure!"

It was the first time that Cheng Sui saw someone bargaining, and his mouth opened into an "o" shape in surprise.

He smiled and glanced at Cheng Sui, explaining,

"The clothes here are of very poor quality, but they are priced sky-high. I don't want to be a sucker."

Cheng Sui nodded thoughtfully, as if she had realized something.

When they went to the underwear stall, she took the initiative to bargain.

"Two hundred for this underwear?!"

Cheng Sui frowned at the extremely cheap underwear in his hand, and then slowly said,

"Twenty, no more."

"Girl, underwear is all this price, you can't sell it."

The old lady was anxious, pinching the label,

"These are all branded goods, clearly marked with prices, can't be bargained!"

Cheng Sui shook his head, "I haven't seen your brand before, you can't cheat me just because I'm young!"

"Then 180! Okay!"

Cheng Sui shook his head, "Forty!"

"No, no, go away, I don't want to do business with you anymore!"

The old lady waved her hand to let Cheng Sui go, and Cheng Sui really took Lin Feng away. She even deliberately slowed down her pace, but the old lady didn't stop her.

Cheng Sui frowned and pouted, looking a little unhappy.

"Why didn't she call me?"

Lin Feng laughed dumbly and rubbed Cheng Sui's head.

"That lady must be ungrateful! Let's go to another store!"

In fact, it was because Cheng Sui bargained too hard. The underwear was indeed more expensive, but two hundred yuan was still too much.


It was really cute to see the young lady with her hands on her hips bargaining with others.

When did Cheng Sui become more and more worldly?

Lin Feng stood not far behind her, staring at her back with burning eyes.

He liked Cheng Sui more and more. Whether it was the arrogant and domineering young lady, or the aggrieved look of bargaining with the atmosphere of the market, Lin Feng liked them all.

No, as long as it was Cheng Sui, Lin Feng liked it.

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