[Does anyone know where this scumbag's home is? I want to go and smash it! ! ]

[Don't be impulsive. The law will naturally punish him. Think twice! ]

[Has this Lin Hai been on the show before? He looks so familiar! ]

Originally, the comments were all condemning Lin Hai's crimes, but suddenly someone mentioned the previous incident.

Many insiders also jumped out.

[The last time he was on the show, he was forcing his own son to break off relations! ]

[? ? ? ]

[Yes, I remember that his son released the evidence and the cancer diagnosis, but he still refused to give in. I really cried at that time. His son was so pitiful. ]

[Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. This scumbag is really like that. He didn't let his own son go, and now he has killed his personal secretary. It's terrible...]

[He should go to hell! ! ! ]

At this time, a mother and son were squeezed in a small rental house, watching the report on TV.

Zhou Xuan felt that her eyes were dark and she was about to faint!

"Did Lin Hai really kill someone? How dare he do that!"

Zhou Xuan has always believed that Lin Hai could not kill anyone. He simply did not have the guts to do that.

When Lin Hai disappeared, she even suspected that someone had deliberately murdered him, but she never thought that he would kill someone and escape.

On TV, Lin Hai was covered in scars, all scratched by branches and weeds, and with purple and blue marks left when he was caught by villagers.

His eyes were dull and cloudy, and he looked muddy.

Lin Jue's face turned green with anger. If Zhou Xuan had not been brainwashing him that Lin Hai could not kill anyone,

he would have left Zhou Xuan and run away by himself!

"Is this what you said that Lin Hai could not kill anyone???"

After the Lin family's villa was auctioned, the mother and son were completely homeless.

Originally, Lin Hai and Lin Jue had some real estate under their names, but those were all seized.

Luxury cars and brand-name clothing were also confiscated to pay off debts.

Now the Lin family company is just an empty shell, with shareholders running away or jumping off buildings, and not many employees left.

Originally, Lin Jue was worried that if Lin Hai returned safely, he would blame him for abandoning Zhou Xuan,

so he took out his only remaining 30,000 cash and rented a small house to live with Zhou Xuan.

After several days of hardship, they finally got news from Lin Hai.

The result was not the news they expected,

Lin Hai actually killed someone!

He also hit and ran!

"Mom, don't blame me for being cruel, our family really has no money, and now there is no hope.

This house can still be lived in for three months, just consider it as my last filial piety to you as a son."

Lin Jue left after saying that, without even taking the only piece of clothing he had left.

"Xiao Jue——"

Zhou Xuan looked at the door that Lin Jue had slammed loudly, her eyes a little empty.

"How could this happen..."

She gradually slid down on the sofa, and she couldn't watch the content on TV at all.

The originally good family suddenly fell apart.

Zhou Xuan held her head and didn't know what to do.

She felt that too many things had happened during this period, so many that she couldn't react in time and it was irreversible.

At this moment, Lin Yinong, who was studying abroad, also received the news. It was Lin Zhuyan who called her to inform her.

"Yinong, you haven't spent the one million I gave you yet, right?"

Lin Yinong was sleeping at night at this time, and answered dazedly,

"No, I used the pocket money my father gave me after I came here..."

She paid all the tuition and other expenses for studying abroad at once.

However, Lin Zhuyan specifically told her not to transfer the money directly to other cards.

So Lin Yinong only spent some basic expenses.

"The money Lin Hai gave you, including the original money in your card, has been frozen. Now you should save the one million."

Lin Yinong lost all sleepiness when she heard the news.

"What does it mean? Why is it frozen?"

"The Lin family company was reported for tax evasion, and Lin Hai is suspected of intentional homicide."

Lin Zhuyan's tone was very calm, as if she was talking about something insignificant.

Lin Yinong was dumbfounded.

"Dad killed someone?"

How come so many things happened when she was abroad for half a month?

Because no one has contacted Lin Yinong, she doesn't know anything now.

"Who did he kill? How could he kill someone? What about Mom and Xiaojue?"

Lin Zhuyan didn't know what happened to Lin Jue and Zhou Xuan, but the Lin family's assets were all sold.

"I don't know about them, but the Lin family's villas have all been auctioned off, and they probably moved out."

"Lin Hai escaped for many days and was arrested today."

Lin Zhuyan rambled on and on before hanging up the phone, but Lin Yinong, who was far away overseas, was not so calm.

She was young and could not bear to be cruel. In addition, she was actually very loyal, so she naturally felt sorry for her family.

Lin Hai's previous ruthlessness and now murder have made their family homeless.

Lin Yinong suddenly felt a little sad.

She hesitated for a long time and finally called Lin Jue.


Lin Jue's tone was not very good, because he gave the house to Zhou Xuan and he didn't know where to go now.

It was windy outside, and Lin Jue received Lin Yinong's call.

"Xiao Jue, are you and mom okay now?"

Lin Jue sneered,

"Okay? It's so funny, homeless, now I can't even eat.

After we were kicked out, I took out my previous cash and rented a small house.

All assets were frozen. I thought there would be a turnaround, haha..."

I don't know if it was because of his complicated mood, Lin Jue rarely said so much.

"Forget it, it's useless to talk to you. I guess your life won't be much better. Haha, your card is frozen, right?"

Lin Jue twitched his lips, thinking that he was too boring to waste his breath here.

"Xiao Jue, I can transfer 500,000 yuan to you to settle your life first."

Lin Yinong still couldn't bear it after all, although Lin Zhuyan had repeatedly warned her to save money and not spend it recklessly.

But giving it to mom and brother is not considered reckless, right?

She believed that her elder sister would not let her mother and brother fend for themselves.

"Five hundred thousand?"

The five hundred thousand before was nothing to Lin Jue, but now it is life-saving money.

"Do you really have money?"

"Well, I still have one million. This is what my elder sister gave me for studying abroad..."

Lin Yinong didn't have any defense and directly said that it was given by Lin Zhuyan.

Lin Jue's face changed immediately after hearing this,

One million? !

"Why didn't Lin Zhuyan give us money? My mother and I can't make ends meet!"

Lin Jue was a little angry, thinking that Lin Zhuyan was too selfish. She had money but she deliberately didn't give it to him and Zhou Xuan?

Lin Yinong realized what she had just said and regretted it.

"No... This is what my elder sister gave me before..."

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