Zhou Xuan suddenly calmed down, and it seemed that she had calmed down a little.

Lin Zhuyan didn't know what she wanted to do. This was the first time she had seen Zhou Xuan like this, and she really couldn't handle it.

"Zhu Yan, let's go in and talk first. It's in public outside. Mom must have embarrassed you just now..."

Lin Zhuyan frowned after hearing this. She didn't doubt that there was anything wrong with Zhou Xuan's words, because Zhou Xuan was a wife of a wealthy family after all, and she cared about her face.

But Lin Zhuyan always felt that her purpose was not just this.

"This is not appropriate."

Lin Zhuyan shook her head and rejected Zhou Xuan, and the security guard agreed after hearing it,

"We don't allow outsiders to enter here, only employees who have recorded their faces can."

In fact, it is also possible to bring people in, but this auntie -

The security guard shook his head secretly in his heart,

If she ran in and made trouble, he might lose his job.

"Zhu Yan, Mom was just too anxious, so..."

Zhou Xuan looked a little anxious, and wanted to explain, but couldn't make it clear.

She naturally knew that Lin Zhuyan was worried that she would go inside to make trouble because of her previous tantrum.

But Zhou Xuan was going to make trouble anyway, only in this way would Lin Zhuyan give her money.

The power of public opinion is still very strong, and she doesn't believe that Lin Zhuyan can be calm and refuse to take the money after being accused by so many people.

"I don't mean anything else. I was just too anxious. Your brother is sick, and we really don't have money now...

So I--"

Speaking of this, Zhou Xuan sighed heavily and lowered her head.

"You also know that your father has been arrested, and the trial will be held in a few days. Who knows how much compensation the victim will be sentenced to."

Zhou Xuan recalled the hard life these days and felt a little sad.

She used to be a well-known rich lady in the whole Changhai City. She didn't do anything and had servants for everything.

What about now?

"Xiao Jue and I spent our last money to rent a two-bedroom apartment. The neighborhood was dirty and messy...

I had to wash dishes and clothes every day, and Xiao Jue didn't know how to do these things."

If Lin Jue hadn't brought 30,000 yuan, they would have been homeless.

Zhou Xuan said so much. If Lin Zhuyan was willing to give her money, she wouldn't have to make trouble.

If Lin Zhuyan didn't give her money, she would first gain sympathy, and then make trouble and threaten her, saying that if she didn't give her money, she would ruin her reputation.

"Where are your watches and jewelry?"

Aren't those things that are easy to take out secretly easy to sell and valuable?

"It won't work. Someone came to our house in advance and counted all those things to pay off the debt."

Lin Zhuyan moved her mouth, but still didn't say anything.

"It's impossible to go in. I can't break the company's rules. Please understand me."

She could guess with her toes that letting Zhou Xuan in would definitely not be a good thing.

Especially since she was working in Lin Feng's studio now, if Zhou Xuan knew about it, she might harass Lin Feng again.

Lin Zhuyan had already let Lin Feng down. If she brought him trouble again, Lin Zhuyan would really have no face to stay here.

"Then can you help your brother? He's really uncomfortable. He has been having a fever at night and the medicine doesn't work."

Just listening to these people talking, Lin Zhuyan is the supervisor, why can't he bring someone?

"How much money do you want?"

Lin Zhuyan got straight to the point. Anyway, Zhou Xuan's purpose of coming here is money.

She didn't believe Zhou Xuan's words. If Lin Jue was really sick, how could she still waste time here for so long?

Zhou Xuan's face lit up,

"It doesn't take much, I know you are the most sensible child in the family..."

The assistant tugged at Lin Zhuyan's arm, a little anxious,


She shook her head frantically,

This person is obviously here to ask for money, maybe the reasons are all made up, and he will definitely ask for a lot.

"Zhu Yan, you gave one million to your third sister, so give me and your brother one million each."

As soon as the voice fell, the assistant exploded,

"Why don't you go and grab it! One million? How can you say that!

Didn't you just say you want to treat the disease? What disease needs one million? And you look only in your forties or fifties now, you are not old enough to need pension money, right?

You have hands and feet but don't work, so you come to commit fraud?"

She usually has a good relationship with Lin Zhuyan. This boss is considerate and has no airs.

The assistant has long regarded her as a close friend.

"Lin Zhuyan! I'm your mother. If you don't give me money, do you have a conscience?"

Zhou Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to the assistant and talked to Lin Zhuyan on her own.

"I gave birth to you and raised you for so many years. How can you be filial to me now?What happened?"

Lin Zhuyan's expression did not change. She had expected Zhou Xuan to ask for a high price.

But she was not a saint. How could she agree?

"Mom, this is the last time I call you like this. I'll tell you the truth."

Lin Zhuyan patted the assistant's hand to reassure her.

"I don't have a penny for you. After all, the five hundred million is what I owe to Gu Shijie. I have to pay it back.

And the one million for Lin Yinong was also borrowed by me. I have to pay it back."

Zhou Xuan gritted her teeth when she heard this.

"You are a supervisor. Isn't your salary also very high? !"

What can a supervisor do? Isn't he also an employee?

Lin Zhuyan smiled.

"Putting aside my salary, let's talk about the obligation.

First, Lin Jue is just a brother without blood relationship, and he is an adult. Even if he has a terminal illness, it has nothing to do with me.

Second, you are only 47 years old. When you reach retirement age, I will naturally provide you with maintenance. "

Now that she has seen the true face of the Lin family, she will not be stupid enough to work as a servant for them again.

She has to pay off Gu Shijie's debt with the money she earns, so how can she have the mood to help these two people?

However, Lin Zhuyan was relieved that Lin Hai was in jail.

It's not that she hates Lin Hai so much that she must kill him, but she doesn't want to face the disappointment and complicated emotions in her heart towards Lin Hai.

It's good to be in jail, so that no one will restrict her freedom.

"Lin Zhuyan! Do you have to be so cold-blooded? ! "

Zhou Xuan's voice was sharp, her face was full of anger.

She really didn't expect Lin Zhuyan to refuse so straightforwardly.

Hasn't she always been the most sensible and the one who hates to see her family suffer?

Since she won't take the soft approach, she will use the hard approach!

Lin Jue had specifically instructed Zhou Xuan when she came.

As long as she stood on the moral high ground to accuse Lin Zhuyan and incited the masses to despise and accuse her together, Lin Zhuyan would definitely give her the money under pressure.

And she had already given it to Lin Yinong, so there was no reason for her to ignore her biological mother and brother!

"I think you are the one who is cold-blooded and ruthless."

A calm voice sounded.

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