Chapter V

“True Fatal Strike: 2% chance of inflicting a fatal blow on the enemy, regardless of the enemy’s strength, once triggered, nine days and ten lands, ten deaths!! If the host has no killing intent, it can cancel itself. ”

The effect of this passive skill really scared Lin Feng, you must know that the Marvel Universe is very large, according to the description of this skill, it seems that even if it is with the Infinity Gauntlet, the purple potato face that gathers the Infinity Stones is a dish in front of this skill.

However, just when Lin Feng thought of this, the voice of the system also confirmed Lin Feng’s thoughts.

“The system must be a boutique!! The skills produced by the system directly ignore all the strength gaps!! ”

The strength of this skill is really amazing to Lin Feng, although the flaws of this skill are also obvious, that is, the probability of 2%, this probability can be said to be pitiful, once the character is not good, this skill is the same as nothing.

It was also with the thought of this, Lin Feng’s fiery heart was also temporarily calmed down.

“Good luck, one more skill that can turn over Jedi.”

“Start the second extraction skill!!”

After Lin Feng calmed down his agitated mood, he immediately began to extract the second skill.


“Congratulations to the host…”

Hearing the word congratulations, Lin Feng’s originally calmed heart was also raised.

But after Lin Feng listened to the system’s words, the whole person immediately froze, and the corners of his eyes twitched continuously.

“Congratulations to the host for getting thank you for your patronage, accumulating lucky points +1!!”

Seeing that he didn’t draw anything, although Lin Feng might not be able to draw the psychological preparation for a long time, Lin Feng’s heart still had some loss.

It’s just that the statement of lucky value attracted Lin Feng’s attention, and then he asked the system.

“What is the lucky value?!”

“Lucky points are the number of points that will be obtained when the host draws thank you for your patronage, and when the host draws 100 points, you can randomly get a skill.”

After hearing the words of the system, Lin Feng suddenly fell into silence, because the words of the system made Lin Feng think of a very terrifying thing.

“So how likely is it to draw thank you for your patronage?!”


Hearing this, Lin Feng still doesn’t know what kind of medicine this is selling, just like some krypton gold games, there is a guaranteed reward, but the price of the guaranteed reward is that the probability of this one not winning is extremely terrifying.

This setting of drawing skills also made Lin Feng completely speechless, after all, a lottery costs 1,000 points, if you keep failing, to make up 100 points, you need a full 10W points, which is simply Lin Feng’s old life.

Lin Feng subconsciously planned to spray this system, after all, a gold finger that he crossed over was the same as the krypton gold mobile game, who can withstand this.

However, before Lin Feng could say anything, the system added another sentence, so that Lin Feng immediately suppressed his idea of wanting to export dirty.

“Host please don’t be discouraged, the rewards of 100 lucky points are extremely rich, and the rewards far exceed the passive skills that can be obtained by extracting.”

And this is already the case, Lin Feng’s expression is wasted no matter how entangled he is, coupled with such a comforting sentence with a system, Lin Feng can only expect himself to avoid this 100 lucky value as much as possible.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality again, and then began to extract his skills for the last time.

“Whew… System, start the third draw!! ”

“Skills are being extracted…..”

After learning the probability that the extraction skill may not be drawn, Lin Feng did not expect too many things, after all, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, it is better to calm down and extract.

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the passive skill – Tenacity!!”

This skill name made Lin Feng stunned suddenly, this passive skill name, although Lin Feng felt very familiar, but he couldn’t remember where it came from.

It’s just that Lin Feng didn’t bother to think about it, so he directly began to check it again, after all, after experiencing the situation that he couldn’t draw, Lin Feng felt very satisfied if he could draw a skill.

“Toughness: Obtain super self-healing ability, after system improvement, the ability can also be used in combat status, and the self-healing ability is tested by the host.”

(Gritude: Passive skill from LOL’s Demacia Power – Grass Bush).

This super self-healing ability surprised Lin Feng, after all, compared to the first real fatal blow drawn, the practical effect of this skill was much greater.

It’s just that what makes Lin Feng more curious is that the self-healing ability of this skill is stronger or weaker than that of Wolverine, and Deadpool.

But Lin Feng just thought about it, after all, Lin Feng couldn’t specifically look for Wolverine, Deadpool, these people, one person stabbed one to test.

“3 times drawn, draw two good skills, also good!! It’s just that where do I go to brush points in the future!!! ”

After using up all the draws, Lin Feng lay on top of the goddess statue’s head, looking at the sky helplessly.

But then Lin Feng seemed to think of something, took out a hand and began to calculate his skills.

“Rebound the thorny aura of damage, trigger the fatal blow that must be killed, increase the tenacity of the flesh…, I lean, does this Nima want me to turn from a mage to a warrior?!”

It’s just that Lin Feng just doesn’t know this one

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