Chapter Seventy-Four

“So there is such a convenient thing now?!”

In Tony’s plane, Captain America looked curiously at the web page displayed on the computer in Tony’s hand.

Facing the same Captain America as a curious baby, Tony also slowly informed Captain America of the Internet, computers, mobile phones and other things.

Because when Captain America embarked on Tony, an aircraft that was extremely advanced in all aspects of technology and far surpassed the fighters of World War II, Captain America already knew that he might really have been frozen for 70 years.

And the thought that the person who took himself out of the glacier and helped him thaw was S.H.I.E.L.D. belonging to his country, which also made the captain of the United States feel a little relieved.

It even made the captain of the United States feel an inexplicable excitement, because in the view of the captain of the United States, since he has been rescued by the country, then he can definitely go to the battlefield, defend the country on the frontiers of the motherland, and dedicate everything to his military cause.

On the plane, after almost 30 minutes, the computer that was originally in Tony’s hand had already reached the hands of Captain America, who was like a child who had just come into contact with the new world. Crazy to absorb the knowledge of this new world, although this child looks a little exaggerated.

I saw that the captain of the United States was still frantically querying the information on the Internet about the changes in the past 70 years, and recorded them one by one in the small book he had just obtained.

However, at this moment, Nick Fury, who was sitting on the side, calmly took out two documents from his backpack and handed them to the captain of the United States.

“Take a look!! If you are still willing to serve your country now, then you can take a look at these two documents. ”

Hearing that Nick Fury directly pulled to the national level, Captain America did not relax in the slightest, but hurriedly put down the computer in his hand, but when Captain America put down the computer, it was like a child putting down his favorite toy, and his eyes glanced at the computer from time to time.

This made Lin Feng and Tony couldn’t help but smile at each other, after all, with the figure of the captain of the United States, who is strong enough to be a Mr. Bodybuilder, he put on a childlike posture, which is really handsome.

It’s just that the captain of the United States still ignored the smiles of Lin Feng and Tony, but took Nick Fury’s information with a straight face, and began to check it.

And these two materials are not ordinary information, but a primary report on the Avengers, and another information about the history of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Captain America saw the first information about the Avengers’ primary report, he nodded gladly.

Obviously, for Captain America, this Avengers information is indeed good, especially when he saw Lin Feng’s photo in the position of the chief counsel, Captain America showed an unprecedented look of approval.

“Emmmmm, the Avengers?! This is indeed a good organization, and during World War II, there were also some mutants, and it really needed to be regulated by the organization. ”

Speaking of this, Captain America suddenly looked up at Nick Fury and pointed towards Lin Feng.

“What about him?! Only one general counsel position?! With his ability, being the captain of this Avengers squad is enough, right?! ”

Captain America also did not hesitate to praise Lin Feng, because in Captain America’s opinion, people who can suppress themselves at will definitely have the capital to serve as the leader of this superhero grouped organization.

However, before Nick Fury could answer, Lin Feng, who was sitting on the side with his eyes closed, directly answered the doubts of the captain of the United States first.

“Me?! I’m sorry, I still have to maintain world peace, I don’t have time to take care of your small organization, it’s good to stay as a general counsel, you better take a good look at your own information~~”

Nick Fury and Tony almost spewed out what they drank after hearing Lin Feng’s words.

The next moment, Nick Fury and Tony both had a sentence in their hearts at the same time.

“Just you?! You say you want to maintain world peace ?! What about scammers?! ”

Even Tony, who knew some of the truth, didn’t believe Lin Feng’s nonsense, although he knew Lin Feng’s identity as the guardian of the Holy Sanctuary, and he was really maintaining world peace, but Lin Feng’s person was really not the material who would honestly maintain world peace.

Nick Fury, on the side, was also speechless when he heard Lin Feng say that the organization united by this superhero was a small organization.

But for Lin Feng, who had all the mages standing behind the Supreme Mage’s lineage, the Avengers at this stage was indeed an organization that could not be smaller.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, the captain of the United States originally planned to use his patriotism to educate Lin Feng well.

But with Captain America discovering that Lin Feng is a yellow race, plus seeing the strange looks of Tony and Nick Fury, Captain America does not plan to instill his patriotism like Lin Feng.

Then he saw the captain of the United States continue to look at the next information, and as the captain of the United States turned the first page, the captain of the United States was stunned by one of the old black and white photos inside.


I saw the captain of the United States exclaim, and his eyes flashed with disbelief, and then he accelerated his browsing speed for this information.

Soon, this thirty-page document was read by Captain America in just fifteen minutes, and the things about a person in this document were firmly remembered by Captain America.

Then he saw the captain of the United States slowly close his eyes and began to sort out the information in his mind.

After a while, I saw that the captain of the United States slowly opened his eyes and looked at Nick Fury with a straight face.

“I’m going to join S.H.I.E.L.D.!! The Avengers can also join along!! ”

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