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Chapter 138

Being yelled at by Lin Feng like this, Pierce and others basically did not dare to say a word, and they didn’t even dare to look at Lin Feng.

Because at this time, some bullets and shells that were blocked by the protective shield formed by the power of space now all turned their heads towards them.

Their group of soldiers is not the Hulk Hulk, or Captain America’s kind that can slightly ignore the existence of bullets, if this wave of bullets, shells are blasted back, their group of people staying in the building are absolutely dead.

It’s just that as Lin Feng’s words fell, the already pitted iron wall also slowly opened, directly revealing Nick Fury and Steve.

As the two of them walked out from behind the iron wall, they naturally saw the scene behind Lin Feng, a large number of bullets, shells suspended in the air, and they all turned around and aimed at Pierce and the others.

Nick Fury is okay, after all, he is the one who has personally experienced Lin Feng’s teleportation, plus Nick Fury also knows that Lin Feng is a mage of the Holy Place.

So Nick Fury was not too surprised that Lin Feng could do this.

But Steve who had just come out of the frozen state was different, Steve really didn’t think that Lin Feng’s ability could do this, and even bullets and shells could stand still.

If this ability was placed on the battlefield, then Lin Feng would become the most important existence in a war.

It’s just that Steve didn’t ask more, but after seeing such a situation, he was surprised, and the whole person relaxed slightly.

“General Counsel!! You came in time, and if you get a little late, maybe I’ll go to sleep again, or the permanent one. ”

For Steve’s self-deprecating praise, Lin Feng naturally did not give any face, but glanced behind him.

“I can’t even cover this little scene, go back and improve your strength!!”

Lin Feng said Steve very directly, which made Steve almost vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

Steve really didn’t expect to be bombarded by heavy firepower into Lin Feng’s mouth, and it directly became a small scene.

If the person who said this was Tony the Iron Man, he would directly push it back without hesitation.

But at this time, Feng who said this, and Lin Feng also proved to Steve with his own actions that this is a “small scene”

This allowed Steve to only be aimed at by bullets, and did not dare to move the soldier at all, Steve silently gestured towards Lin Feng.

“Don’t compare me to a pervert like you!!”

For Steve’s rebuttal, Lin Feng did not pay attention to it, but looked directly at Nick Fury, who was holding a file bag at this time and looked prostrate.

“Gee, when the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. comes to you, he is also a strange news, and he was actually bombed by his own soldiers on his own territory?!”

Seeing Nick Fury, who looked prostrate at this time, Lin Feng teased jokingly.

In the face of Lin Feng’s ridicule, Nick Fury did not have the extra strength to make other rebuttals, but took a deep breath and directly took out the file bag in his hand.

“Maybe, I’ll leave it to you!! Information you need!! The authorities have been doing it for a long time, they haven’t done high-intensity exercise for too long, it seems that they will still have to exercise a little in the future!! ”

For Nick Fury, who has reached a certain age, even if he was a secret agent before, his body is far superior to ordinary people in all aspects, but now after such a fierce chase battle, the kind that will die if he is not careful, Nick Fury is still a little unbearable.

Lin Feng took the file bag in Nick Fury’s hand, and looked at the big words Scarlet Witch written on the file bag, Lin Feng was also slightly relieved.

After all, Magneto’s side has always been a small trouble, and the relationship between Wanda and Magneto is a problem that has troubled Lin Feng for a long time.

After all, for Lin Feng, similar to the Brotherhood, a potential threat at this level of Magneto, the best way is to directly erase it to avoid harm to the people around him.

However, just when Lin Feng was about to confirm the authenticity of this information, Pierce, who was still in silence, directly yelled at his soldiers.

“Did you see that?! This is the deal that Nick Fury made with others!! Even the archives of state secrets were handed over to someone else !! Start now!! The three people in front of him are wanted criminals!! Among them, Nick Fury committed the crime of stealing state secrets and treason!! All three can be killed on the spot!! ”

At the moment when Lin Feng took that piece of information, Pierce, who had quietly retreated to the back, shouted directly at the soldiers, trying to completely confirm the charges of the three people in front of him.

Hearing Pierce’s shout, Lin Feng couldn’t help frowning, and looked at Pierce, who was hiding at the back of the crowd, with a displeased expression.

“Bald Director, don’t mind if I help you clean up some garbage, right?!”

“Ahem!! Alas….. You feel free…” _

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