Beautiful Campus (5)

A CF model contract offer came in.

It was a group image model advertisement for a conglomerate in the top 3 in Korea.

“I would like to ask you not to advertise for a specific product, but to act as a model for the entire group image.”

Even commercial officials came to Jeong Seo-hoon for a contract. His name was Choi Sang-ho.

“The first contract period is 3 years, and thereafter it is renewed in increments of 3 years.”

The demands were really high.

Since the image of the entire group is important, it was basic to maintain dignity within the contract period.

The problem was the fact that the detailed rules that had to be followed to maintain dignity were filled in like a law code.

Ha Tae-soo trembled from the side and put in a choo-im-sae.

“This would be a task just by memorizing all the decency clauses. Are there celebrities who memorize all of these things and keep them?”

“It looks complicated at first glance, but in the end, I would appreciate it if you would understand that I ask you to manage the image that is reflected externally in a positive way.”

In front of Jeong Seo-hoon and Ha Tae-soo, who were the same age as their sons, the managing director in his 50s acted politely without the slightest hint of arrogance.

How important the company attaches to this model contract is evident in its meticulous attitude.

Jeong Seo-hoon looked over everything and asked.

“By the way, there is no clause prohibiting dating.”

“It’s not even an idol trainee contract, so why would you include such a clause? These are provisions that only contain the desire to maintain a good external image.”

“is that so. Did your company evaluate that I would not be able to date because I was busy with work and acting for three years? I heard that thought first.”

“hahahaha, I can’t say that there was no calculation like that.”

conditions were fine.

For three years, only the basic model fee paid every year is worth billions of won.

In addition, a model fee of over 1 billion won is paid separately for each CF filmed.

I can feel Ha Tae-soo muttering to himself, ‘I have to accept this contract unconditionally’ as he swallows his saliva.

There was even a special contract with blatant intentions.

“If you win an award at a prestigious international event, a separate incentive is paid? What is this clause?”

“Ah, that provision was made with things like the Academy Awards and the Cannes Film Festival in mind. Wouldn’t it help our group’s image if actor Jeong Seo-hoon won such an honorable award? I put it in to inspire activity.”

A clause stipulating that if Seo-Hoon Jeong wins an award with certain international authority, he or she will be paid an incentive performance fee accordingly.

It was very complicated to calculate the exact amount, but it was felt that they were considerate of this side as much as possible.

“Does it include things like the Fields Medal?”

“Are you preparing to participate?”

Rather, as if he had waited, he asked with anticipation.

Jeong Seo-hoon realized that the person in front of him ordered the insertion of this clause.

“well. Maybe someday I’ll be involved. However, this special clause does not specify the name of a specific award ceremony like the Cannes Film Festival or the Academy Awards. So I asked.”

“Actor Jeong Seo-hoon is highly sought after as a science student, isn’t he? We thought that image was also important, so we pursued this model contract.”

Actor Jeong Seo-hoon and scientist Jeong Seo-hoon are singular, not plural.

“Then, the sub-clauses (e) and (f) here must have been created with the assumption of publication in scientific journals.”

“hahahaha, that’s right.”

“By the way, there are no detailed provisions regarding the award of the Nobel Prize, right? Oh right. It was a three-year contract.”

Could that happen in 3 years? Because that’s a normal way of thinking.

“hahahaha, I will put that clause in separately at the time of renewal.”

Managing Director Choi Sang-ho smiled without losing his composure and continued.

“This is not something to be included in the contract, but in the first image CF, Yoo Jung-ah, Chae Ji-hyun, Han Seo-hee, Lee Seo-hyun, and Lim Seo-rin, these five actresses will co-star. Six people, including actor Jeong Seo-hoon, will be filming their first image commercial.”

The intention was clear.

It means that the bright and positive atmosphere of <Beautiful Campus>, which is riding a tailwind right now, will be inserted into the CF.

“Of course, they are one-time contracts. I am not a model for a group image like actor Jeong Seo-hoon.”

“But no matter how much I think about it, the appearance fee seems too high.”

“There are never too many. Celebrities and sports stars who have built global brands are also offered these conditions.”

“Still, there are too many conditions than I know. Maybe I shouldn’t even look at the line, right?”

At those words, Choi Sang-ho’s face stiffened a little, but then relaxed again.

It was a very short change, but it was a gap in the heart that was easily revealed to the extent that Ha Tae-soo did not miss it.

“It’s good. What are you saying… … .”

“If you are willing to arrange such an event later, please withdraw your offer now. I will also forget about it because it never happened in the first place.”

“… … .”

Choi Sang-ho’s face shows a little more emotion.

As if he has nothing to hide now, his slightly embarrassing feelings are revealed, and he laughs out loud.

“You are as clever as I have heard. How did you know?”

“I don’t know yet. The conditions were too generous, so I just poked at it just in case.”

“this. I was too complacent.”

“I was puzzled that a member of the owner came directly to the image model contract.”

Ha Tae-soo was surprised at those words and looked at Jeong Seo-hoon and Choi Sang-ho alternately.

Choi Sang-ho smiled, half bitter and half happy, as if he had nothing to hide.

“I’m not that famous, so how did you recognize me right away?”

“When you work in a graduate school research lab, you always become familiar with the family tree of chaebol companies. When conducting an industry-academy cooperation project, the owner never knows when and where people will go undercover. I didn’t even know his face.”

The bitterness disappeared from Choi Sang-ho’s laughter, and joy instead increased the share.

“I see, my father deserves covetousness.”

“Are you talking about President Choi Joong-hoo?”

“Yes. In fact, this model contract is a gift that I carefully planned because I wanted to look good for actor Jeong Seo-hoon.”

He’s still smiling, but it’s all different from the first time.

It is because the intention of bringing the present was completely understood.

“As actor Jeong Seo-hoon knows, there are many wives and young children in the business world who are anxious to have him as their son-in-law or husband.”

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

Choi Sang-ho’s face almost collapsed, but he endured with the experience accumulated over 50 years.

“My father wants actor Jeong Seo-hoon to be his granddaughter-in-law. So, this is a gift prepared to build a friendly relationship with our group. It’s a long-term project.”

“Long term project… … .”

“Because my cousin and nephew are not at the age to promote marriage right away. Isn’t it the same for actor Jeong Seo-hoon? Let’s just preoccupy it so that others don’t snatch it, and that was the biggest intention.”

Choi Sang-ho asked with utmost sincerity and heart as if lowering his head.

“There will be no forced or uncomfortable seating. I know very well that this is not the kind of person that will work. This is a sincerity carefully crafted by our group, so please accept it without hesitation.”

“But nothing is free in this world.”

“Considering Seo-Hoon Jeong’s current value as an actor and potential rising value, these conditions are absolutely not excessive. As the head of marketing, I risk my pride.”

I can feel Ha Tae-soo not being able to intervene and nervously breathing. In his eyes, the conditions were ridiculously good.

However, to Jeong Seo-hoon, the amount itself is not important at all.

Although the brand value that goes up through high performance fees is important.

After meticulously weighing the positive effects of this appearance contract on acting and the possibility of shackles, I finally moved my hand.

When he signed the signature line without hesitation, Choi Sang-ho’s face finally spread comfort. Ha Tae-soo could not hide his joy as if he had become the main character of the contract.

“My eyes are high.”

“Nothing. I know. Seeing that they don’t care about those outstanding actresses at all and don’t get distracted.”

“I don’t even look at the background.”

“That hurts. That’s the biggest weapon my nephew can use.”

Anyway, since I signed a modeling contract, I took a breather.

Choi Sang-ho shook hands with Jeong Seo-hoon and offered him a meal, but Jeong Seo-hoon refused, saying he had to return to the lab.

Choi Sang-ho secretly showed a satisfied smile at his enthusiasm for his work.

“You are breaking new records every day for the media. Is there any good news coming from the lab?”

“well. I’m seriously determined to do something by myself until I graduate.”

“Oh, just hearing that makes my heart flutter. I hope to hear good news from you.”

It’s a good encouragement, but I could tell that it was half of it as a pure favor without high expectations.

After returning to the van, Ha Tae-soo asked urgently.

“Hey, aren’t you really going to become the son-in-law of a conglomerate like this?”

“Come on. My eyes are high.”

“Because the chaebol’s granddaughter lacks something?”

“The only thing I’ve achieved with my own strength is being born as the daughter of a conglomerate family, so what’s the charm?”

“… … .”

“Rather, the friends around me are much better. Either the entertainment industry or graduate school. Anyway, they are things that I have worked hard on my own.”

“This seems to value effort, so it sounds like something good, but really… … .”

Ha Tae-soo secretly thought, ‘Isn’t that kind of you also greatly benefiting from your parents’ lack of all kinds of talents?’, but swallowed it quietly.

“The modeling contract itself was helpful to me, so I accepted it. Maybe later, I’ll have a coffee or two in moderation. There’s no guarantee that they will like me anyway.”

“As it turned out, what if it was non-rap? I begged my grandfather for wanting to marry you, and after looking into the background of the chairman of my grandfather, what if this was untouchable for a son-in-law?”

“If it’s non-rap, you’ll know better. I do what I want to do, and I don’t do what I don’t want to do.”

“… … Yes, Professor Lee Se-jong of the world also built up for a long time and gently seduced him to finally come to graduate school.”

“I didn’t choose you because of the professor. I went in because I needed it.”

The car started off smoothly.

Ha Tae-soo was excited about the gigantic performance fee contract, which he did not receive.

“But when you talked about the Nobel Prize earlier, I was honestly a bit surprised. No matter how much it is, I’m a managing director of a large company, so I wonder if I’m joking and going too hard.”

“Was it like a joke?”

“Wasn’t that a joke? You always take your jokes very seriously.”

“Hyung, every scientist has a few copies of their announcements in their hearts, knowing what to say when they receive the Nobel Prize.”

“Hey. Of course, one day I will win the Nobel Prize. I think you can do it well enough. Wouldn’t it take a few decades? I think sweeping Hollywood would be much faster than that… … .”

* * *

After reading the research proposal while raising his glasses, Professor Sejong Lee turned his attention to Seohoon Jeong.

“Wouldn’t this be a little too fanciful?”

“Isn’t it sometimes necessary to take a few reckless strides to find your way in the dark? I am young.”

“I care for you and trust you, but this is a bit… … .”

Lee Se-jong, who had been laughing, tightened his expression seriously and said.

“great. Let’s go through this one more time. Even if it doesn’t make it to the end, it will still be fun.”

I thought of the disciple’s morale, but I kept the words to myself.

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